2020-03-02 OAM Meeting notes

2020-03-02 OAM Meeting notes

See also

2020-03-02 Meeting notes - Joint OAM / NONRTRIC SCRUM meeting



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00:00AdminMartin SkorupskiSorry for the meeting confusions last week
00:05OAM-56result: all good - go-ahead

result: this EPIC will be used for RIC Dashboard enhancements in Bronze  

00:15OTFEliza Celenticurrent status report for OTF
00:20API freeze

At the end of the running sprint, there is the API freeze. 
Based on actual discussions with near-realtime-ric a common O-RAN-SC yang for all elements and functions are going to be created. Those are "abstract" and needs to be augmented for the  O-RAN function specific data models.
Those will be in gerrit soon - target before the TOC.

00;30NONRTRIC topicsJohn Keeney (Ericsson EST)Please see meeting minutes by John... 2020-03-02 Meeting notes - Joint OAM / NONRTRIC SCRUM meeting

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