To support multiple scheduler algorithms new framework has been introduced with open scheduler API function pointers, which could be initiated as per the chosen algorithm
Alignment to the ORAN WG8 AAD specification
Aligning to the latest WG8 AAD specification, also provide inputs to WG8 for further releases as there are many implementation challenges with the current specification.
Inter – CU Handover
Support for mobility between source and target DUs connected to separate CUs.
E2 interface enhancement
Feature study and task planning completed
Few Global APIs added
Further implementation to be continued in the next release
End-to-end integration
Successfully bring up Radisys containerized O-CU in NTUST lab.
Integration to be resumed on availability stopped due to the unavailability of TM500 in the NTUST labSuccessfully bring up Radisys containerized OCU in NTUST lab, to be resumed once the TM500 is available.
In TDD mode, an issue has been raised on O-DU-Low related to the PRACH index issue. O-DU-Low to deliver a patch to resume the testing.
H release source code, container images, and deployment instructions (and status)