O-RAN Central Unit (OCU) |
Primary Goals:
H release Feature Scope: H Release Feature Scope:
PTL: |
TODO-deployment instructions (and status) |
O-DU High |
Primary Goals: 1. Alignment to the ORAN WG8 AAD specification O -DU New Feature Development1. TODO Feature verification 1. TODO End to End Integration support 1.TODO H release Feature Scope: TODO-RAN.WG8.AAD-v07.00 2. New design with multi-scheduler algorithm support 3. Inter CU Handover 4. E2 interface enhancement 5. End-to-end integration |
H release Feature Scope:
PTL: Ankit Barve |
Status on TODO
H release highlights/accomplishments ( ):
H release source code, container images, and deployment instructions (and status) source code: https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/gitweb?p=o-du%2Fl2.git;a=shortlog;h=refs%2Fheads%2Fh-release |
O-DU Low |
Primary Goals: TODO |
H release Feature Scope: TODO |
PTL: Lvfarias (Deactivated) , Alternate: @Chenxi Yue |
H release highlights/accomplishments ( ): TODO H release source code, container images, and deployment instructions (and status) source code: https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/gitweb?p=o-du%2Fphy.git;a=summary |
AIML Framework (AIMLFW) |
Primary Goals:
G H Feature Scope / Achievements: (still discussing)
Sprint Demo |
PTL: hoejoo.lee |
H release highlights/accomplishments (<Date> ):
H release source code, container images and deployment instructions Gerrit / Code: aiml-fw/awmf/tm: Training Manager : Training job and model management aiml-fw/athp/tps/kubeflow-adapter: Adapter for Kubeflow aiml-fw/athp/sdk/model-storage: Sdk for accessing Model storage aiml-fw/athp/sdk/feature-store: Sdk for accessing Feature store aiml-fw/athp/data-extraction: Retrieving features for training from Data lake aiml-fw/aimlfw-dep: Deployment scripts aiml workflow portal/aiml-dashboard: GUI for AIML Workflow ric-app/qp-aimlfw: Sample ML Assist xApp for QoE prediction Container images are described here:
Installation Instructions:
Code coverage: https://sonarcloud.io/project/overview?id=o-ran-sc_aiml-fw-athp-tps-kubeflow-adapter https://sonarcloud.io/project/overview?id=o-ran-sc_aiml-fw-athp-sdk-feature-store https://sonarcloud.io/project/overview?id=o-ran-sc_aiml-fw-athp-sdk-model-storage https://sonarcloud.io/project/overview?id=o-ran-sc_aiml-fw-athp-data-extraction https://sonarcloud.io/project/overview?id=o-ran-sc_aiml-fw-awmf-tm |