We have yet to present it in a future meeting, where we need to present the way Nephio and OSC.
Futuristic Functions in SMO:
Currently we are dependent on the IMS data base for all the related info of the clusters.
This needs to be corrected and have the updates directly in the SMO Inventory (closer to IMS).
IMS should update this inventory on any change made to the underlying O-cloud.
Esp NFO currently fetches the DMS id from IMS data.
The current inventory simulator in the OAM component is more of a reference than a realistic inventory.
AAI was one of the candidates, but is found too heavy for the RAN based operations.
SO (as an E2E orchestration piece)
This is being discussed in the ORAN WG1 and would be integrating with both FOCOM and NFO.
SBI of SO would integrate with the current FOCOM and NFO.
Homing and placement decisions would be part of the SO and would drill down to the NFO for the actual work delegation.
J release:
Updates from Nephio, OAI integration work.