- Moving to next ODL version Sodium → module testing ongoing
- OAM project uses and contributes directly to
- ONAP CCSDK, SDNC project based on OpenDaylight project, based on Apache Karaf
- O1 NetConf termination of the SMO according to O-RAN-OAM Architecture and OAM interface specification and according to O-RAN FrontHaul m-Plane (WG4)
- ONAP DCAE VES colletctor
- O1 VES termination of the SMO according to O-RAN-OAM Architecture and OAM interface specification
- ONAP DCAE File Collector
- O1 FTPeS termination of the SMO according to O-RAN-OAM Architecture and OAM interface specification
- ONAP DMaaP as communication channel between the different O1 termination functions based on Apache Kafka
- Centralized logging service based on ElasticStack (ElasticSearch, Logstash und Kibana)
- Certification for TLS
- Deployment of the solution based on Docker, Kubernetes and Helm
- ElesticSearch ElasticSearch as local Cache/database.
- Alpine Linux as operating system
- JAVA, Node, TypeScript, Python, OpenStack, Eclipse, vsCode. Papyrus, MaterialUI and many, many more for Development
- ONAP CCSDK, SDNC project based on OpenDaylight project, based on Apache Karaf