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from keycloak import KeycloakOpenID import requests import xmltodict from minio import Minio from minio.error import (ResponseError, BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou, BucketAlreadyExists) import uuid import io def get_token(): # Configure client keycloak_openid = KeycloakOpenID(server_url="http://keycloak:8080", client_id="minio-cli", realm_name="minio", client_secret_key="YVZGoUdprHmqexlX30stzGWwZtT2SNll") return keycloak_openid.token(grant_type='client_credentials') def get_credentials(): token = get_token() r = requests.post("http://minio:9000", data={ 'Action': "AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity", 'Version': "2011-06-15", 'WebIdentityToken': token['id_token'], 'DurationSeconds': token['expires_in'] }) tree = xmltodict.parse(r.content) return dict(tree['AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResponse']['AssumeRoleWithWebIdentityResult']['Credentials']) # Retrieve credenstials credenstials = get_credentials() # Initialize Minio client client = Minio( "minio:9000", access_key=credenstials['AccessKeyId'], secret_key=credenstials['SecretAccessKey'], session_token=credenstials['SessionToken'], secure=False, region=None, http_client=None, credentials=None ) # Create bucket if it doesn't already exist print("Create Bucket") print("-------------") bucket_name = "py-bucket" found = client.bucket_exists(bucket_name) if not found: client.make_bucket(bucket_name) print(f"Bucket '{bucket_name}' created") else: print(f"Bucket '{bucket_name}' already exists") buckets = client.list_buckets() # Retrieve list of buckets print("\nBucket List") print("-----------") for bucket in buckets: print(f"{bucket.name} created on {bucket.creation_date}") # Upload an object to a bucket data = "I want to stream some data to minio" object_bytes = data.encode('utf-8') object_stream = io.BytesIO(object_bytes) object_name = f"{uuid.uuid1()}.txt" print("\nUpload To Bucket") print("----------------") try: client.put_object(bucket_name, object_name, object_stream , len(object_bytes)) print(f"{object_name} uploaded to {bucket_name}") except Exception as ex: raise ex |
Sample output:
A similar program written in go is available here: Minio Go ClientThis program
Configure MinIO for Authentication using OpenID