- Usecase defined models to be incorporated and showcase the Capabilities once the sample data are available (Stretch)
- Topo info is loaded we can showcase of the CNF migration across the subclouds (also at the Geo-Distributed arena)
- sync DMS data between Tacker and datastore model (draft version) and show the effects of that on the CNFs - (long run goal)
- Secure communication between the modules - this is in general between the OSC components. (Stretch Goal across the ORAN-SC modules)
- Dmaap - Kafka messaging
- Strimzi based comm as an extension to the above one.
- this needs to be implemented across the OSC components (like pub-sub)
- SMO (O2) DB
J-Release updates
https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/gitweb?p=smo%2Fo2.git;a=shortlog;h=refs%2Fheads%2Fj-release - Seshu
J release build jobs update - Toshi
release notes merge - Seshu
J Release#ServiceManagementandOrchestrationLayer(SMO) - Seshu
Update with the latest info -Toshi
NFO checkin
helm application re-alignment. (I41b1fb72) · Gerrit Code Review (o-ran-sc.org) - resolved
Next step would be to have the code tested on the OAI lab - Vamshi & Shashi
SMO-TEIV: Add jenkins jobs (maven, docker, sonar) (Ib97f2120) · Gerrit Code Review (o-ran-sc.org) - resolved
Minor issues with the code coverage that are being tracked with the LFN team - John
we would have detailed code walk through sessions further on this in future. - John and Aravind.
DMS Fault Mgmt ETSi Profile
Would use the sample app to be provided for the current release to test the Fault mgmt,
Sample app to be uploaded - Toshi
In the future we would be using the OAI DU for the E2E testing of this feature - Seshu.
Performance Mgmt on ETSi once the standards are ready and strategy for the K release and beyond. - Kuno san
Discuss with Tata (with Intus - Taiwan University) on the ETSi - OSM - on the SMO work. - David to provide the contact?
ONAP and OSM to see how to work together is to be analyzed.
- K-Release details
5th June
TE&IV and SMO discussion continuation