Versions Compared


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  1. Usecase defined models to be incorporated and showcase the Capabilities once the sample data are available (Stretch)
      1. Topo info is loaded we can showcase of the CNF migration across the subclouds (also at the Geo-Distributed arena)
      2. sync DMS data between Tacker and datastore model (draft version) and show the effects of that on the CNFs - (long run goal)
  2. Secure communication between the modules - this is in general between the OSC components. (Stretch Goal across the ORAN-SC modules)
    1. Dmaap - Kafka messaging
    2. Strimzi based comm as an extension to the above one.
    3. this needs to be implemented across the OSC components (like pub-sub)
    4. SMO (O2) DB

J-Release updates;a=shortlog;h=refs%2Fheads%2Fj-release - Seshu

J release build jobs update - Toshi

release notes merge - Seshu

J Release#ServiceManagementandOrchestrationLayer(SMO) - Seshu

Update with the latest info -Toshi

NFO checkin

helm application re-alignment. (I41b1fb72) · Gerrit Code Review ( - resolved

Next step would be to have the code tested on the OAI lab - Vamshi & Shashi


SMO-TEIV: Add jenkins jobs (maven, docker, sonar) (Ib97f2120) · Gerrit Code Review ( - resolved

Minor issues with the code coverage that are being tracked with the LFN team - John

we would have detailed code walk through sessions further on this in future. - John and Aravind.

DMS Fault Mgmt ETSi Profile

Would use the sample app to be provided for the current release to test the Fault mgmt,

Sample app to be uploaded - Toshi

In the future we would be using the OAI DU for the E2E testing of this feature - Seshu.

Performance Mgmt on ETSi once the standards are ready and strategy for the K release and beyond. - Kuno san

Discuss with Tata (with Intus - Taiwan University) on the ETSi - OSM - on the SMO work. - David to provide the contact?

ONAP and OSM to see how to work together is to be analyzed.


  1. K-Release details

5th June

TE&IV and SMO discussion continuation
