Detail the approach of steps for <add here> OKD O-Cloud deployment
1.1) Description
OKD O-Cloud is deployed using an Ansible playbook and set of roles. See okd/README.md for more details.
1.2) System topology
Currently only a single-node, all-in-one topology is supported.
2. Minimum Requirements
Detail the hardware and software requirements necessary for the installation
Cores: 8
RAM: 16GB (24GB+ recommended)
Storage: 100GB
Operating System: Fedora CoreOS (installed by deployment automation)
3. Installation
step-by-step instructions for deployment (see okd/README.md for detailed steps)
3.1) Step 1Install Ansible and python pre-requisites
Expected Result:
Environment is prepared for cluster deployment
3.2) Step 2:Define O-Cloud inventory, for example: okd/inventory/hosts.yml and okd/inventory/host_vars/master-0/vars.yml
Expected Result:
Ansible inventory is prepared for cluster deployment
3.3) Step 3:Execute okd/playbooks/ocloud.yml playbook
Expected Result:
OKD cluster is deployed
4. Post-Installation Verification
Outline how to verify that the installation was successful.
4.1) Step 1:Run oc get nodes
Expected Result:
Node(s) are in Ready state
4.2) Step 2:
Expected Result:
Run oc get clusteroperators
Expected Result:
Cluster operators are all in Available state and none are in Progressing or Degraded state
4.3) Run oc get clusterversion
Expected Result:
Cluster version should be as defined in the ocloud_platform_okd_release
Ansible variable, in Available state, and not in Progressing state
5. Troubleshooting
Provide common issues and their solutions.
Issue 1: (Describe the issue.)
Solution: (Provide the solution.)
Refer to "Troubleshooting installation issues" for information on diagnosing OKD deployment failures.
6. Additional Resources
List of additional documentation, links, or resources that may be helpful.
Documentation: (Link to official documentation or user manuals.)Support: (Contact information for support or a link to a support forum.) OKD 4.14 Documentation
Support: Community communication channels are listed in the OKD GitHub project