Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Start the SNDC A1 controller with the following command, using the created docker-compose file.



compose up

Open this url URL below in a web browser to verify that the SDNC A1 Controller is up and running. It may take a few minutes until the endpoint is available.


curl localhost:9096/rappcatalogue

Expected output:

[ ]

Run the Helm Manager Docker Container (*)

Note: Access to kubernetes is required as stated the requirements on the top of this page.


$ ./ docker
Start test
Get apps - empty
curl -sw %{http_code} http://helmadmin:itisasecret@localhost:8112/helm/charts
 Curl OK
  Response: 200
  Body: {"charts":[]}
Add repo
curl -sw %{http_code} http://helmadmin:itisasecret@localhost:8112/helm/repo -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json -d @cm-repo.json
 Curl OK
  Response: 201
Onboard app
curl -sw %{http_code} http://helmadmin:itisasecret@localhost:8112/helm/onboard/chart -X POST -F chart=@simple-app-0.1.0.tgz -F values=@simple-app-values.yaml -F info=<simple-app.json
 Curl OK
  Response: 200
Get apps - simple-app
curl -sw %{http_code} http://helmadmin:itisasecret@localhost:8112/helm/charts
 Curl OK
  Response: 200
  Body: {"charts":[{"releaseName":"simpleapp","chartId":{"name":"simple-app","version":"0.1.0"},"namespace":"ckhm","repository":{"repoName":"cm","protocol":null,"address":null,"port":null,"userName":null,"password":null},"overrideParams":null}]}
Install app
curl -sw %{http_code} http://helmadmin:itisasecret@localhost:8112/helm/install -X POST -H Content-Type:application/json -d @simple-app-installation.json
 Curl OK
  Response: 201
Get apps - simple-app
curl -sw %{http_code} http://helmadmin:itisasecret@localhost:8112/helm/charts
 Curl OK
  Response: 200
  Body: {"charts":[{"releaseName":"simpleapp","chartId":{"name":"simple-app","version":"0.1.0"},"namespace":"ckhm","repository":{"repoName":"cm","protocol":null,"address":null,"port":null,"userName":null,"password":null},"overrideParams":null}]}
helm ls to list installed app - simpleapp chart should be visible
NAME        NAMESPACE   REVISION    UPDATED                                 STATUS      CHART               APP VERSION
simpleapp   ckhm        1           2022-06-27 21:18:27.407666475 +0000 UTC deployed    simple-app-0.1.0    1.16.0    
sleep 30 - give the app some time to start
List svc and  pod of the app
NAME                   TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
simpleapp-simple-app   ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP    30s
NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
simpleapp-simple-app-675f44fc99-qsxr6   1/1     Running   0          30s
Uninstall app simple-app
curl -sw %{http_code} http://helmadmin:itisasecret@localhost:8112/helm/uninstall/simple-app/0.1.0 -X DELETE
 Curl OK
  Response: 204
sleep 30 - give the app some time to remove
List svc and  pod of the app - should be gone or terminating
No resources found in ckhm namespace.
No resources found in ckhm namespace.
Get apps - simple-app
curl -sw %{http_code} http://helmadmin:itisasecret@localhost:8112/helm/charts
 Curl OK
  Response: 200
  Body: {"charts":[{"releaseName":"simpleapp","chartId":{"name":"simple-app","version":"0.1.0"},"namespace":"ckhm","repository":{"repoName":"cm","protocol":null,"address":null,"port":null,"userName":null,"password":null},"overrideParams":null}]}
Delete chart
curl -sw %{http_code} http://helmadmin:itisasecret@localhost:8112/helm/chart/simple-app/0.1.0 -X DELETE
 Curl OK
  Response: 204
Get apps - empty
curl -sw %{http_code} http://helmadmin:itisasecret@localhost:8112/helm/charts
 Curl OK
  Response: 200
  Body: {"charts":[]}
Test result  All tests ok
End of test

Run the DMaaP Adapter Service Docker Container (*)

The DMaaP Adapter Service needs two configurations files, one for the application specific parameters and one for the types the application supports.


Data posted on the kafka topic unauthenticated.dmaapadp_kafka.text will be delivered to the path as specified in the job2.json.

Run the DMaaP Mediator Producer Docker Container(*)

The DMaaP Mediator Producer needs one configuration file for the types the application supports.


Check that the component has started.

curl localhost:8090
Hello, World!

Note: an updated staged image is available at ""