- PM rApp in NONRTRIC ranpm
- Does it use the rApp catalog?
- John Keeney (Ericsson EST) - Not sure that rApp is a 'full' rApp. Suggest using some of the other sample rApps in https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/gitweb?p=nonrtric/plt/rappmanager.git;a=tree;f=sample-rapp-generator , the work we did with AIMLFW demos last year.
- Current rApp Catalog doesn't really do anything. Will probably deprecate it: https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/gitweb?p=nonrtric%2Fplt%2Frappcatalogue.git;a=summary
- Best to use rAppManager as rAppCatalog for onboarded rApps.
- No update
- Does it use the rApp catalog?
- Replacing DMaaP-MR with Strimzi Kafka bridge
- John Keeney (Ericsson EST) - We looked at it, but decided to use native kafka (strimzi) instead
- Martin Skorupski mentioned that http messaging is handy between locations - esp with the single-namespace restriction in strimzi.
- John Keeney (Ericsson EST) - I think native kafka is already implemented in VES collector - just configure the topic, then native kafka is used?
- No update
- John Keeney (Ericsson EST) - We looked at it, but decided to use native kafka (strimzi) instead
- OAM K8s solutions/deployment? Sridhar Rao, Alex Stancu Martin Skorupski & Alex Dehn discussing by email.
- No update
Other Questions / Comments / AOB:
- Karthick N Srinivasa Raghavan - Keysight - How to use O1-CM from an rApp?
- John Keeney (Ericsson EST) no concrete example yet. But SDNC NBI is registered as a discoverable service (in recent IT/DEP SMO deployment), so just discover & use as per any other service. The SDNC NBI/API will be based on the yang models used in SDNC. SME in J-Release is very old - suggest you should use K-Release. And rApp samples in K-Release would be much betterN.K. Shankaranarayanan Latest draft of Slides for O-RAN SMO using ONAP/OSC/ etc.
View file name ONAP-OSC-SMO-slide_Jan2025.pptx height 250 - Considering where/how/if to add nephio/OAI/openstack/starlingx etc. on these slides.
- Slide will never be complete. Intended as sample deployment & discussion slide.
Meeting ends 42 min