Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
titleClone repo
git clone ""

To download all the submodules add '--recursive':

Code Block
titleClone repo
#Submodule 'ranpm' ( registered for path 'ranpm'
#Submodule 'ric-dep' ( registered for path 'ric-dep'
#Submodule 'smo-install/multicloud-k8s' ( registered for path 'smo-install/multicloud-k8s'
#Submodule 'smo-install/onap_oom' ( registered for path 'smo-install/onap_oom'
git clone --recursive ""

Configuration of components to install


Code Block
titleEdit the override file
# Here you can enable inclusion or exclusion of each component. A not enabled component will not be installed.
  installPms: true
  installA1controller: true
  installA1simulator: true
  installControlpanel: true
  installPmsinstallInformationservice: true
  installA1controllerinstallRappcatalogueservice: true
  installA1simulatorinstallRappcatalogueenhancedservice: true
  installControlpanelinstallNonrtricgateway: true
  installInformationserviceinstallKong: true
  installRappcatalogueserviceinstallDmaapadapterservice: true
  installRappcatalogueEnhancedserviceinstallDmaapmediatorservice: true
  installNonrtricgateway installHelmmanager: true
  installKonginstallOrufhrecovery: falsetrue
  installDmaapadapterserviceinstallRansliceassurance: true
  installDmaapmediatorserviceinstallCapifcore: true
  installHelmmanagerinstallServicemanager: true
  # When  installOruclosedlooprecovery: true
  installOdusliceassurance: true
  installCapifcore: true
  installRanpm: true
  installrappmanager: true
  installdmeparticipant: true
  enabling Ranpm switch to false installControlpanel, installInformationservice, installNonrtricgateway
  installRanpm: false
  # rApp Manager functionality relies on ACM for its operation
  installrAppmanager: true
  # DME Participant should only be activated when ACM installation is available for this participant to utilize
  installDmeParticipant: false

    # Set the size to 0 if you do not need the volume (if you are using Dynamic Volume Provisioning)
    size: 2Gi
    storageClassName: pms-storage
    hostPath: /var/nonrtric/pms-storage
     # Set the size to 0 if you do not need the volume (if you are using Dynamic Volume Provisioning)
    size: 2Gi
    storageClassName: ics-storage
    hostPath: /var/nonrtric/ics-storage
    size: 1Gi
    storageClassName: helmmanager-storage



When enabling Ranpm switch to false installControlpanel, installInformationservice, installNonrtricgateway. Because these services are getting installed by RANPM helm charts as well with a different Release Name.


There is a script that packs and installs the components by using the helm command.  The installation uses a values override file like the one shown above. This example can be run like this:

Code Block
titleDeploy NonrtricTEIV
sudo dep./bin/deploy-nonrtric -f dep/nonrtric/RECIPE_EXAMPLE/

RANPM ONLY Installation



It is recommended to run the ranpm on a kubernetes cluster instead of local docker-desktop etc as the setup requires a fair amount of computer resoucesresources.

Requirement on



The demo set can be run on local or remote kubernetes. Kubectl must be configured to point to the applicable kubernetes instance. Nodeports exposed by the kubernetes instance must be accessible by the local machine - basically the kubernetes control plane IP needs to be accessible from the local machine. (The installation scripts take care of getting a token form Istio, using dep/ranpm/install/scripts/ as the baseurl. If you are getting a timeout you can start debugging )

  • Latest version of istio installed
