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  • Deploy tacker on the top of the O-Cloud – 2023.
  • Get the new resource (sub-cloud / edge) details. - queries the info from the O2 IMS deployment Mgr. – 2023 - Shashi - Done
  • Gather all the DMS instances on the subclouds that are created from the IMS - Get query -2023 – Shashi - Done
  • FOCOM to the OCloud Deploy Mgr - Shahsi

FM data of APP and connectivity to Tacker notification? - Toshi san to update us by Monday 27th Nov 2023.

Integrate the APp data with the Callback function - Shashi

VNF DMS API of WG6 - Provided by Kuno San


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nameORAN Plugfest NA.pptm
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Nephio SIG-1 - WG2 integration with OSC:

Nephio Deck  (5,6)

SMO (FOCOM/NFO) functionality:

    1. Would the SMO be able to have the ability to define an O-Cloud and then support the registration of the O-Cloud via the IMS interface? 
    2. Would the SMO be able to deploy a packaged O-RAN using the K8s DMS profile? 
    3. If so then we can do the use cases (bolded) in slide 5, 6. The others would be incorporated once the SMO supports those features (e.g., inventory, O-Cloud retrieval)
  1. O-RAN NF
    1. Can we at least 1 O-RAN NF (say O-CU CP) and deploy that package via the SMO/NFO? (This would mean the package would have to be in the format the SMO could understand) 
    2. Can use O1 to change the configuration of an O-RAN NF (e.g., DU) – what, if anything, do we want to show regarding the O1 interface? Sagar said: DU we can configure via O1 and get the heartbeat. Can the SMO support this type of change?

Previous Agenda


  1. O-RAN SMO enhancements - Aarna Networks (Bhanu and Sandeep)
    View file
  2. Problem Statement: While trying to remove the device, the callhome device doesn’t get removed and the mount point that we’re trying to remove is not found.
    Impact: Customer will not be able to remove the call home device from SMO
    Workaround: None. In the worst case scenario, restarting of the call home device or disconnecting the netconf client will work which may not be a viable option for the customer
    RCA: Document Attached
    Community JIRA:
    Community Forum: Attached the image (in ONAP CCSDK)

  3. Continuation to the previous discussion on ONAP SO vs SMO
    1. Planning to have a discussion on the Nephio R2 F2F meeting - to talk on how these communities can collaborate in the long run
    2. Operator based, ASD, integration points across these communities and see how can we leverage the functionalities.
    3. Timo, Seshu and Byung to participate and present the ideas around the topic.
    4. ONAP E2E orch, Nephio domain and ORAN for the RAN specific workloads as a starting point.
    5. (Byung) Sana discussed on WG1 Nephio on how the NFVO and other components would interact.


Discuss on the ONAP Service orch pieces that could come handy to the SMO.

ASD, Inventory, IMS and DMS, E2E orch flow...


once a a sub cloud is created we need that details to be avaialble to the DMS.

ETSi - profile - Tacker

   The Tacker will be through helm deployment will be done on top of the OCloud,

   This Tacker will then help the SMO to deploy the workloads of ETSi specific.

   Tacker talks to the O-Cloud for the DMS operations - this uses the ETSi specifications and translates it internally uses the K8s APIs for the deployment.

K8s Profile - CNF orch piece of the ONAP SO

Inventory - persist the info of the clouds that are created in the Day 1.

This inventory should be the transition for all the sub-sequent operations in the SMO and further down to the other components of the ORAN(-SC).

Demo of using ONAP SO CNFM for LCM of ASD-based functions (NONRTRIC team in May 2023):

  • 2023-05-17  "LCM of ASD-based CNFs using ONAP CNFM function in Standalone mode" Aravindhan Ayyanathan 
  • At RSAC committee Meeting (17 May 2023)
  • Demonstrate ASD-based LCM for CNFs using a cut-down version of the CNFM function originally from the ONAP SO project. The function can be used in standalone mode without the need for the rest of SO, A&AI or SDC.
  • See Video (HD), Video (SD) and Slides for more information
  • Will add link to the ASD archives ...

Actions Items:

Stories under the Epic for the ETSi profile DMS to be created - Toshi.
