This page contains information about the default certs in Policy Agent and SDNC-A1 controller, as well as how to configure them using docker.update/replace them using docker.
SDNC-A1 Controller
The SDNC-A1 controller uses the default keystore and truststore that are built into the container.
The paths and passwords for these stores are located in a properties file:
The default truststore includes the a1simulator cert as a trusted cert which is located here:;a=tree;f=near-rt-ric-simulator/certificate;h=172c1e5aacd52d760e4416288dc5648a5817ce65;hb=HEAD
The default keystore, truststore, and files can be overridden by mounting new files using the "volumes" field of docker-compose. Uncommment the following lines in docker-compose to do this, and provide paths to the new files:
# - <path_to_keystore>:/etc/ssl/certs/java/keystore.jks:ro
# - <path_to_truststore>:/etc/ssl/certs/java/truststore.jks:ro
# - <path_to_https-props>:/opt/onap/sdnc/data/properties/
The target paths in the container should not be modified.
For example, assuming that the keystore, truststore, and files are located in the same directory as docker-compose:
- ./new_keystore.jks:/etc/ssl/certs/java/keystore.jks:ro
- ./new_truststore.jks:/etc/ssl/certs/java/truststore.jks:ro
- ./
Policy Agent
The Policy Agent uses the default keystore and truststore that are built into the container. The paths and passwords for these stores are located in a yaml file:
The default truststore includes a1simulator cert as a trusted cert which is located here:;a=tree;f=near-rt-ric-simulator/certificate;h=172c1e5aacd52d760e4416288dc5648a5817ce65;hb=HEAD
The default truststore also includes a1controller cert as a trusted cert which is located here (keystore.jks file):;a=tree;f=sdnc-a1-controller/oam/installation/sdnc-a1/src/main/resources;h=17fdf6cecc7a866c5ce10a35672b742a9f0c4acf;hb=HEAD
There is also Policy Agent's own cert in the default truststore for mocking purposes and unit-testing (
The default keystore, truststore, and application.yaml files can be overridden by mounting new files using the "volumes" field of docker-compose or docker run command.
Assuming that the keystore, truststore, and application.yaml files are located in the same directory as docker-compose, the volumes field should have these entries:
- ./new_keystore.jks:/opt/app/policy-agent/etc/cert/keystore.jks:ro
- ./new_truststore.jks:/opt/app/policy-agent/etc/cert/truststore.jks:ro
- ./new_application.yaml:/opt/app/policy-agent/config/application.yaml:ro
The target paths in the container should not be modified.
Example docker run command for mounting new files (assuming they are located in the current directory):
docker run -p 8081:8081 -p 8433:8433 --name=policy-agent-container --network=nonrtric-docker-net --volume "$PWD/new_keystore.jks:/opt/app/policy-agent/etc/cert/keystore.jks" --volume "$PWD/new_truststore.jks:/opt/app/policy-agent/etc/cert/truststore.jks" --volume "$PWD/new_application.yaml:/opt/app/policy-agent/config/application.yaml" o-ran-sc/nonrtric-policy-agent:2.0.0-SNAPSHOT