This page describes how to run various NONRTRIC functions in Docker.
- Create an
file with the configuration below. This will configure the A1 Policy Management Service to use the simulators for the A1 interface - Note: Any defined
names must match the given docker container names in near-RT RIC simulator startup, see Run A1 Simulator Docker Containers
The A1 Policy Management Service can be configured to support A1 connection via an SDNC A1-Controller for some or all rics/simulators. It is optional to access the near-RT-RIC through an SDNC A1-Controller.
This is enabled in the configuration file using the optional "controller
" parameter for each ric
entry. If all configured ric
s bypass the A1-Controller (do not have "controller
" values) then the "controller
" object at the top of the configuration can be omitted. If all configured ric
s bypass the SDNC A1-Controller there is no need to start an SDNC A1-Controller.
Start the container with the following command. Replace "<absolute-path-to-file>" with the the path to the created configuration file in the command. The configuration file is mounted to the container. There will be WARN messages appearing in the log until the simulators are started.
Code Block | ||
| ||
docker run --rm \ -v <absolute-path-to- |
file>/application_configuration.json:/opt/app/policy-agent/data/application_configuration.json \ -p 8081:8081 \ -p 8433:8433 \ --network=nonrtric-docker-net \ --name=policy-agent-container \ nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10002/o-ran-sc/nonrtric-plt-a1policymanagementservice:2. |
9. |
0 |
Wait 1 minute to allow the container to start and to read the configuration. Then run the command below another terminal. The output should match the configuration in the file - all three rics (ric1, ric2 and ric3) should be included in the output. Note that each ric has the state "UNAVAILABLE" until the simulators are started.
Note: If the policy management service is started with config for the SDNC A1 Controller (the second config option), do the steps described in section Run the SDNC A1 Controller Docker Container below before proceeding.
Expected output (not that all simulators - ric1,ric2 and ric3 will indicate "state":"UNAVAILABLE" until the simulators has been started in Run A1 Simulator Docker Containers):
Expected output (not that all simulators - ric1,ric2 and ric3 will indicate "state":"UNAVAILABLE" until the simulators has been started in Run A1 Simulator Docker Containers):
This step is only applicable if the configuration for the Policy Management Service include the SDNC A1 Controller (second config option), see Run the A1 Policy Management Service Docker Container.
Create the docker compose file - be sure to update image for the a1controller to the one listed for SDNC A1 Controller in the table on the top of this page.
Start the SNDC A1 controller with the following command, using the created docker-compose file.
Open this url URL below in a web browser to verify that the SDNC A1 Controller is up and running. It may take a few minutes until the endpoint is available.
Start a simulator for each ric
defined in in the application_configuration.json
created above in section Run the A1 Policy Management Service Docker Container. Each simulator will use one of the currently available A1 interface versions. Each simulator uses different local ports.
Wait at least one minute to let the policy management service synchronise the ric
s. Then run the command below another terminal. The output should match the configuration in the file. Note that each ric
now has the state "AVAILABLE
Verify that the Information Coordinator Service is started and responding (response is an empty array).
Check that the component has started.
Note: an updated staged image is available at "nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10004/o-ran-sc/nonrtric-plt-capifcore:1.4.0"