Versions Compared


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Table of contents:


GUI to manage the RIC signaling connection (SETUP, RESET) with the gNB, and eNB,
  1. RIC Dashboard
  2. A1 Mediator
  3. E2 Manager

GUI to trigger subscription on UE information
  1. RIC Dashboard
  2. A1 Mediator
  3. UE Manager

GUI to manage xApps lifecycle (Deploy, Undeploy)
  1. RIC Dashboard
  2. A1 Mediator
  3. xApp Manager

GUI to display and query for the signaling connection status and xApp status
  1. RIC Dashboard
  2. A1 Mediator
  3. E2 Manager
  4. xApp Manager

GUI to display, search and filter RIC metrics
  1. RIC Dashboard
  2. VES Agent

This includes displaying the latency for each control loop execution (min/max/avg)

[Stretch Goal] GUI to configure xApps

  1. RIC Dashboard
  2. A1 Mediator
  3. xApps


Current Architecture

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UI/UX Designs

These designs are reviewed in R0 sprints in the initial phases of seed code.

Documenting this just to track the evolution of the UI/UX screens and to show the thought process, so that we do not get into the cycle of redesigning and picking the old designs.

View file
nameRIC Dashboard Mockups_V1.pptx

Here is the first draft of ANR dashboard.

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Demos and screenshots

R1 - Pendulum demo with RIC Dashboard:

Widget Connector

RIC Dashboard functional screen shots latest version (R1 - Sprint4):

View file


View file

R2 - Sprint 3: 

Dynamic xApp configurations screens and design

View file
namexapp configuration.pptx

Repo details

The project code is available in the LF gerrit repository


  1. Language: Java Backend and Angular Frontend
  2. Build dependencies and versions: openjdk:8-jre-slim11
  3. How to build: Jenkins job defined in ci-management gerrit repo
  4. Run-time dependencies and versions: Helm chart defined in it/dep gerrit repo
  5. How to run: Helm chart defined in it/dep gerrit repo