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Comment: Fixed typos, updated info

Note: Linux Foundatio is implementing The Linux Foundation has implemented a new streamlined method for managing committers.  What's described below is the traditional method, which is the current practice of the O-RAN open source project.  

Table of Contents

Further simplified process for committer changes in a repository of an O-RAN-SC subproject (starting 2021-June)

  1. Modify the INFO.yaml file (add. Add/remove the committer entries and add information at the end about removal and promotion of committers (acting as additional log).
  2. Start a review and have the majority of existing committers give a +1. Once that's done merge the review. This will kick of off the process on LinuxFoundation the Linux Foundation side to update the correct committer information in their system (they also check that the majority has vote +1).
  3. once Once all udates updates are done, there's an automatic post-fact e-mail generated to the TOC mailing list.
  4. To verify that the committer rights are set correctly, the committer needs to access the Gerrit site at and login.  After login to the Gerrit site, clicking on the committer name at the top right corner, select Settings then Groups, and check the list of group names.  This lists shows the repositories that the committer has been granted committer rights for, each in the format of saml/<repo-name>.

Simplified process for committer changes in a repository of an O-RAN-SC subproject (starting 2020-Mar-11)

  1. Contact the PTL (project technical lead) of the project to which the gerrit repository belongs to. For example, the repository belongs to the near-RT RIC subproject. For example, the near-RT RIC maintains this list here. In the e-mail to the PTL include the list of new and/or to be removed committers.
  2. In order to facilitate an "e-mail vote" the PTL assures that the existing committers are subscribed to the mailing list (you cannot reply to it unless subscribed).
  3. The PTL will write an e-mail to the mailing list with the suggested change. Example: link
  4. At least 50% of the repository voter pool must approve the change. The voter pool consists of existing committers of the repository plus the PTL of the project the repository belongs to.
  5. If not approved, the PTL sends reminders or facilitates further discussion.
  6. If approved, the PTL will update the INFO.yaml file of the repository and send the change for review. A non-PTL committer will publish the change. Example: link
  7. Once the INFO.yaml file was merged into the main branch, LF (LinuxFoundation) tools will pick up the change and update the relevant LF tools. This is visible in the gerrit review as a LF jenkins CI job that runs after the change was submitted.  There is no need for an extra ticket towards LF developer support.

This simplified approach was discussed in the O-RAN-SC TOC call on Mar-11. Check the recording from minute 3:30 to minute 8:00


  1. All committer changes require ToC approval.  This can be obtained either by requesting a ToC meeting agenda item to bring a motion to ToC approval, or by emailing the request to the list for a ToC member email vote. 
    1. For any approved project, committer change request is to be made the PTL of the project.  For repositories intended for seed code contribution that are not covered by any approved project, the request is to be made by the PTL of the Integration and Testing project.
    2. The request to ToC should include the following information:
      1. A list of committers impacted by the change, each with the committer's name, the committer's Linux Foundation registered email, the list of repositories affected and for each repository the action (add/remove), and a brief description of the reason.
  2. The next step is to work with Linux Foundation to make the committer change into the Gerrit system.   Because the LF is transitioning from a ticket driven process to a self-service process, we will need to do both for now.  

  3. Ticket-driven process


    (as opposed to self-service process that is done by the PTL directly modifying the INFO.yaml file

    1. After the ToC approval is received, it is time to open a service ticket on Linux Foundation’s web based ticketing portal: ( ).  The access to the ticketing system requires Linux Foundation ID login. 
    2. For adding committer right to repositories, one request is needed per committer, filed at Linux Foundation Helpdesk under the following link:  At the ticket page, fill with the following:
      1. Under Project, select “ORAN”;
      2. Under “Repository”, enter the list of repository names.  
      3. Under “Approval links”, enter a link to the ToC approval obtained from step 1.  ToC vote conducted during ToC meeting can be referenced using a link to the meeting minute; email vote can be presented using a link to the email thread on the mailing list site. 
      4. Clicking on "Create" button to create the ticket.
    3. For removing committer right from repositories, since there is no specific form, we can use this generic "change to existing service" form at:
    4. Once the ticket is created, the requester will receive status updates from Linux Foundation ticketing system as the ticket is being processed.  Requests for customer input are also notified via emails.
    5. After the ticket is completed, the committer will receive activation an email from Linux Foundation, notifying that the committer has been granted committer right.  Such emails may have the following subject line: “LF Release Engineering Automation has sent you a Linux Foundation ID invite”.   It is important for the committer to follow the link embedded in the email to complete the activation.  Since each of such activation email is specifically for one repository, it is important to activate the committer right for all of such emails, if multiple repositories (tickets) are requested at the same time

    a.  PTL to edit the committer section of the INFO.yaml file at the repo root and merge the change.

    To verify that the committer right is set correctly, the committer needs to access the Gerrit site at and login.  After login to the Gerrit site, clicking on the committer name at the top right corner, select Settings then Groups, and check the list of group names.  This lists shows the repositories that the said committer has been granted committer rights for, each in the format of ldap/<repo-name>
    1. .