Table of Contents |
2022 06 30
Meeting Recording:
Topic: Zoom3 O-RAN SC's Personal Meeting Room
Start Time: Jun 30, 2022 08:59 AM
Meeting Recording:
Topic: Zoom3 O-RAN SC's Personal Meeting Room
Start Time: Jun 30, 2022 08:59 AM
Meeting Recording:
Call for Scribe (minutes owner): Ganesh Shenbagaraman
Roll Call & Quorum Check
Company | Contact Name | Attendance | Alternate Contact | Attendance |
Jack Murray Co-Chair | x | David Kinsey | ||
Jinri Huang Co-Chair | x | James Li | ||
Jakub Nový | x | Ondřej Hudousek | ||
John-Paul Lane | x | John Keeney | ||
Masafumi Masuda | x | Anil Umesh | ||
Arunkumar Halebid | x | Thoralf Czichy | ||
William Diego | x | Vincent Danno | ||
Ganesh Shenbagaraman | x | Manasi Padhy (→Ankit) ??? | ||
Andrea Buldorini | x | |||
Wind River | Bin Yang | x | Jackie Huang | |
Viavi Solutions | Ultan Kelly | x | Kexuan Sun | |
Samsung | JinGuk Jeong | Avinash Bhat | x |
*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.
Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting (16 Jun 2022) approval: proposed by Ganesh Shenbagaraman and seconded by John Paul. The motion is approved
- Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting (23 Jun 2022) approval: proposed by Ganesh Shenbagaraman and seconded by John Paul. The motion is approved
- Scribe from next week will be JinGuk/Avinash (Samsung)
- Review of Today's Agenda.
- F release
- Presentation from Aarna Networks
Release Votes and Approval
- F release motion (except KPIMON-GO): James Li proposed motion and seconded by Jinri. The motion is approved
Copyright update
Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.
This is currently stalled and we are waiting on updates from O-RAN legal team. 2022-04-06, 2022-04-13, 2022-04-20 : no major progress/updates.
- 2022-05-12: summary of the open issues
- Response from O-RAN has not addressed it yet. It is clarified that O-RAN EC is in charge of it.
- Updating CLA for SCCL to align to the charter. This was approved by TOC but not updated to the OSC site – equivalent to the one already there in Specification Code Project. Refer to Stephan (with support from the community).
- Extend OSC SCCL. Open
- 2022-05-19: Jinri: O-RAN (Brian) is addressing previous request from TOC
- 2022-05-26: no news
- 2022-06-09: James Li: Request from SDFG co-chair to OSC PTLs to bring up any copyright requests to 3GPP/ETSI. Jack clarified on the past discussions pointing to the issue in referencing from code implementation to these source specification documents. This is still not a resolved issue. Jinri added comments to clarify that the SDFG request is more towards the list of historical requests to 3GPP. Jack and Jinri will check the past requests. PTLs are requested to forward any past request to Jinri. John Keeney pointed to challenges in determining when to make a copyright request. Jack said in view of all these challenges, the legal team is working on a broad approval for use in open source software.
- 2022-06-23: Jack: Copyright request is still ongoing, in next few months some progress is expected
- O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
F2F Meeting
- Jack: We need to be prepared for the June one. We have some items as part of the F Release and planning for the G Release.
- 2022-04-06: Jack and Jinri confirmed that it's still a virtual meeting. Action Point: Rittwik and RSAC to prepare for this meeting. 2022-04-20 : Open
- 2022-05-05: Jinri: no details on the agenda for the June vF2F are available yet.
- 2022-05-19: if people have topics to raise to the F2F, they are invited to share with Jinri and the group by email
- 2022-05-26; Jinri: dates are set to June 13th-17th. David: proposal to hold OSC session on Monday 13th , time slot#2. One hour should be sufficient for status and workplan presentation
- 2022-06-02: David: As first slot of O-RAN vf2f is on June 13, all PTLs to provide slides to David for F release update and G release plan
- 2022-06-09: David: Copied F release update from the F release status page update. But for G release tentative plan most of the projects do not have any update.
Luis will be updating F release status page
All PTLs to update tentative G release plan to be presented on 13th June in f2f meeting - 2022-06-16: Jack: Thanks David and other members part of f2f participation (13th June)
John Keeney: Raised a question about mechanism for getting feedback for f2f presentation
David: MVP and TIFG are two ways to get feedbacks but as TIFG is more focus on testing hence with MVP there is a better chance to get feedback.
Jack: Suggested to figure out ways to get feedback from real users of software - 2022-06-23: RSAC committee to track MVP items and have a tracker table
- O-RAN ALLIANCE industry summit will take place in June, with both live and virtual events.
- Plugfest
- Jinri: There are 2 plugfests this year. It will be great if we can have regular updates on the preparation work.
- Jack: 2022-03-30: I don't see Tracy today. We will talk about it next week.
- 2022-04-06: Action Point: Jinri to check details and come back with more information. O-RAN members should have received call for participation (with deadline and host information). 2022-04-20: Open
- 2022-05-19 Information about the Spring Plug Fest shared by Tracy
- O-RAN spending
- 2022-04-06
- O-RAN is collecting spending request. Jinri sent e-mail on this to TOC mailing list.
- David responded with potential need for simulation tool
- Jinri reminded participants of the meeting to check for any additional spending needs.
- 2022-04-20: David sent inquiry to Viavi regarding replacing on-loan "network appliance" solution with software. No response. We assume to continue with the "network appliance" model. Ultan requested some additional information from David (cc James+Jinri).
- 2022-05-05: David got info from Viavi. Benefits on the solution are still under evaluation.
- 2022-04-06
- Challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC)
- 2022-04-20 James and Jinri: are starting the work on identifying any challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC). Jinri might request help from PTLs (via reflector/mailing list).
- 2022-05-05 Jinri sent out a survey. PTLs are invited to contribute with identified issues.
- 2022-05-19 Jinri gives a summary of the survey. AP Jinri will start a review on TOC email reflector. Members are invited to review the list of issues and identify potential way forward before thediscussion at the meeting.
- 2022-05-26 Jinri: item still open for contibutions. On Licensing issues, it could be beneficial to list the individual licenses that need to be addressed by O-RAN. This would speed up O-RAN review
- 2022-06-02: John Keeney: Raised a question regarding status of the survey
Jinri: EC could not take it up due to other urgent business, but some people are in process of initial analysis.
- Old business and Status of Open Actions
- "F" Release:
- 2022-05-18: Timeplan review
- Release is planned by end of June. Large scale software changes should be completed by the end of this week, in order to have time to test and release
- Integration and testing page for F release in
- 2022-05-19: Jack: by end of june we will also have to prepare the usual Press Release. It is expected that PTLs would have to update their project content and status in the release table (within 1 week). This will be used as baseline for the press release
- 2022-05-26: at the next meeting we will go through the status of the individual projects so as to start the code scan in the following days
- 2022-06-02: Jack: Tracking F release status page update
Near-Real-time RIC: To be updated
Near-Real-time RAN Intelligent Controller Platform: To be updated
Non-Real time RIC: Updated
OAM: To be updated
OCU: To be updated
ODU-HIGH: To be updated
ODU-Low: To be updated
SIM: To be updated
INF: To be updated
INT: James and Sridhar: To continue exploring tools and solution for cross platform test framework for integration and testing
DOC: All project individually documents for each release but to have a consolidated documentation is an open topic
SMO: To be updated
All PTLs should update F release status in the release table to start code and license scan in following days - 2022-06-09: Sridhar: To coordinate software scan activity for all projects to have a report next week
Jack: Branching for F release on 20th June 2022 followed by package and documentation release on 30th June 2022 - 2022-06-16: Sridhar: Scanning is ongoing and report expected to be released next week
Jack: PTLs to quickly respond to any issues reported in scanning as it may delay “F” release plan - 2022-06-23: Sridhar: License scan completed for all except com projects (com/golog, com/log, com/pylog) and expected to complete this week. There is no issue to be reported
Mahesh: For SMO there are 4 repo two are ready for branch and remaining are being discussed with Sridhar regarding permission issue
Luis: L1 binary for F release is expected at the end of the week. To update F release page as well the for O-DU-LOW part by next week
Jack: Branching for all projects to be done by 30th June before TOC
Thoralf: Docker image links are to be placed in F Release Integration and Testing
Xiaohua: Jinri asked PTLs to share all F release highlight points for upcoming press release - 2022-06-30: Sridhar: License scanning is completed and approved with LF
Branching status for all projects:
Near-Real-time RIC: KPI MON-GO not branched. Jack: to be pushed in maintenance F release
Near-Real-time RAN Intelligent Controller Platform: Done
Non-Real time RIC: Done
OAM: Done
ODU-Low: Done
SIM: Done
INF: Done
SMO: Done
Mahesh: Document page not getting updated for the SMO project
James: To check for this issue
Jinri: Reminder to all PTLs to share F release highlights for press release
- 2022-05-18: Timeplan review
- OSC Lab
- 2022-05-26: Jack: : Lab issues for O-DU low integration should be solved. Also access to the lab is now available for interested members involved in integration and testing activity
- 2022-06-02: PTP clock sync issue update
Ankit: Checked scripts for synchronization of the clock but ptp sync still failing to get in sync with grandmaster and internal clock only used by ODU.
David: We have checked Hardware and configuration. Server 190 is being connected to the home gateway and configured as expected. Clock sync between grandmaster and fronthaul gateway has been verified. Issue needs to be debugged further - 2022-06-09: Luis: to discuss with Rich and to have a remote debug session for clock sync issue.
- 2022-06-016: Issue still remains, Jack to have a check what next step could be to resolve this issue
- 5G Super Blueprint status - to be considered for G release.
- "F" Release:
- Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
- Release Manager
Sridhar Rao /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling - Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
- OTF Workshop scheduled for RSAC call on May-4 (8AM EDT) did not take place due to technical difficulties. It will be rescheduled.
- 2022-04-06: James talked about David Kinsey's mail on possible delay in OTF adoption. O-cloud usage should help with the current OTF-related issues. Details see David's e-mail.
- 2022-04-06: Rittwik reported issues with PTP standup not yet done. They are also trying to "templatize" the Viavi deploment to make it easier to deploy.
- 2022-04-13: Jack brought up: if Infrastructure (Jackie Huang ) area :Interest in the community to consider integration of any new upstream projects etc. and open to evaluate such opportunities. ; This would help this community for Ex. SMO : how to manage infra easily - kind of questions;.
- 2022-04-20: Environment not yet ready (OTF team and infrastructure team working on this)
- 2022-05-12: workshop likely to be on Wednesday May 18th. James Liwill check and confirm
- 2022-05-19: James: OTF workshop did not take place. Code base was out of date and need update
- 2022-06-16:David: AI ML repo integration discussed in the RSAC and recommendation is to go ahead with AI ML as an independent project
Jack: Assessment of capabilities, target plan to be discussed for AI ML project
Avinash: A detailed plan to be presented
- "G" Release
- Jack: How do we track our support of MVP?
- David Kinsey: Rittwik and I do coordinate, but do not measure. We will work to see how we measure.
- 2022-04-06: Jack called for first input. RSAC planning committee will again coordinate.
- 2022-05-12: Rittwik: for “G” release with do not expect to implement many MVP use cases. Which ones still TBD. Jack: priority should be given to those exploiting and validating OSC software capability
- 2022-05-26: James Li : in preparation for release G software, PTLs should plan providing information about the characteristics of the code that could help planning integration and testing activity beforehand
- 2022-06-02 Action point : Jack to update G release timeline calendar for review and voting
Jack: G release planning status
David: We are running behind for G release planning, it could not be done in the last RSAC due to limited participants - 2022-06-09: Jack: Raised a question regarding O-DU-LOW new functionality under G release?
Luis: Incremental improvements and optimization expected in G release but as of now no new feature expected on ORAN Fronthaul interface
Jack: All PTLs to update and provide tentative G release plan to Jinri for the presentation on 13th June in f2f meeting - 2022-06-16: Jack: G release page to be linked in Release section and subsequent sections to be added
David: To schedule each project planning (in RSAC) in first three weeks of G release
Jack: Activity to plan in G release: Deployment of all modules with health check
Rittwik: Raised a query to have a specific use case for Taiwan lab
Jack: Both labs repeating same use case independently helps in removing local dependency and better documentation for end user to use and replicate the system
- OTF Workshop scheduled for RSAC call on May-4 (8AM EDT) did not take place due to technical difficulties. It will be rescheduled.
- Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
- James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
- Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
- Demo on SMO VES collector setup provided by Mahesh Jethanandani . Recording available here
John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)
Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)
Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC)
(TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU)
Former user (Deleted) O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)
Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW)
Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)
Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)
Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)
Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)
- (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
- Release Manager
- Collaboration with OAI
- 2022-05-05: James and Jinri got in touch with OAI about contributions in the area of O-CU development. First contributions in the context of F release are under evaluation. Jack reminded that licensing approach of OAI need to be verified before source-code adoption is agreed. Binary/test fixture solution are possible as an alternative
- 2022-05-12: Meeting with OAI is planned later this week. One agenda item will be clarifying options to use OAI code in OSC projects
- 2022-05-19: call rescheduled to tomorrow (May 20th). Christian (Orange) is in OAI board and will take the action to handle the bilateral communication
- 2022-05-26: discussed with OAI last week. Licensing will be addressed by OAI and reported next time
New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
- Planning for Next Meeting
- Aarna networks presentation planned for next week
Any Other Business (AOB)
Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
2022 06 23
Meeting Recording:
Call for Scribe (minutes owner): Ganesh Shenbagaraman
Roll Call & Quorum Check
Company | Contact Name | Attendance | Alternate Contact | Attendance |
Jack Murray Co-Chair | x | David Kinsey | ||
Jinri Huang Co-Chair | James Li | |||
Jakub Nový | x | Ondřej Hudousek | ||
John-Paul Lane | x | John Keeney | ||
Masafumi Masuda | x | Anil Umesh | ||
Arunkumar Halebid | x | Thoralf Czichy | x | |
William Diego | x | Vincent Danno | ||
Ganesh Shenbagaraman | x | Manasi Padhy (→Ankit) ??? | ||
Andrea Buldorini | x | |||
Wind River | Bin Yang | Jackie Huang | x | |
Viavi Solutions | Ultan Kelly | x | Kexuan Sun | |
Samsung | JinGuk Jeong | x | Avinash Bhat |
*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.
Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting (16 Jun 2022) approval: To be approved in next meeting as recording was not available.
- Review of Today's Agenda.
- Today`s focus will be on preparing for F release, license scan, branching and documentation
- Sridhar/Matt: Gerrit and Jenkins Update Time slot booking announcement and request for any conflict?
No issue raised in the TOC call
Release Votes and Approval
- F Release
Approval of new Near-RT RIC and xApp repo requests : ric-plt/xapp-frame-rust ric-app/hw-rust (link=
Thoralf Czichy proposed motion to create new repos and seconded by Xiaoha/Jinri . The motion has been approved
Copyright update
Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.
This is currently stalled and we are waiting on updates from O-RAN legal team. 2022-04-06, 2022-04-13, 2022-04-20 : no major progress/updates.
- 2022-05-12: summary of the open issues
- Response from O-RAN has not addressed it yet. It is clarified that O-RAN EC is in charge of it.
- Updating CLA for SCCL to align to the charter. This was approved by TOC but not updated to the OSC site – equivalent to the one already there in Specification Code Project. Refer to Stephan (with support from the community).
- Extend OSC SCCL. Open
- 2022-05-19: Jinri: O-RAN (Brian) is addressing previous request from TOC
- 2022-05-26: no news
- 2022-06-09: James Li: Request from SDFG co-chair to OSC PTLs to bring up any copyright requests to 3GPP/ETSI. Jack clarified on the past discussions pointing to the issue in referencing from code implementation to these source specification documents. This is still not a resolved issue. Jinri added comments to clarify that the SDFG request is more towards the list of historical requests to 3GPP. Jack and Jinri will check the past requests. PTLs are requested to forward any past request to Jinri. John Keeney pointed to challenges in determining when to make a copyright request. Jack said in view of all these challenges, the legal team is working on a broad approval for use in open source software.
- 2022-06-23: Jack: Copyright request is still ongoing, in next few months some progress is expected
- O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
F2F Meeting
- Jack: We need to be prepared for the June one. We have some items as part of the F Release and planning for the G Release.
- 2022-04-06: Jack and Jinri confirmed that it's still a virtual meeting. Action Point: Rittwik and RSAC to prepare for this meeting. 2022-04-20 : Open
- 2022-05-05: Jinri: no details on the agenda for the June vF2F are available yet.
- 2022-05-19: if people have topics to raise to the F2F, they are invited to share with Jinri and the group by email
- 2022-05-26; Jinri: dates are set to June 13th-17th. David: proposal to hold OSC session on Monday 13th , time slot#2. One hour should be sufficient for status and workplan presentation
- 2022-06-02: David: As first slot of O-RAN vf2f is on June 13, all PTLs to provide slides to David for F release update and G release plan
- 2022-06-09: David: Copied F release update from the F release status page update. But for G release tentative plan most of the projects do not have any update.
Luis will be updating F release status page
All PTLs to update tentative G release plan to be presented on 13th June in f2f meeting - 2022-06-16: Jack: Thanks David and other members part of f2f participation (13th June)
John Keeney: Raised a question about mechanism for getting feedback for f2f presentation
David: MVP and TIFG are two ways to get feedbacks but as TIFG is more focus on testing hence with MVP there is a better chance to get feedback.
Jack: Suggested to figure out ways to get feedback from real users of software - 2022-06-23: RSAC committee to track MVP items and have a tracker table
- O-RAN ALLIANCE industry summit will take place in June, with both live and virtual events.
- Plugfest
- Jinri: There are 2 plugfests this year. It will be great if we can have regular updates on the preparation work.
- Jack: 2022-03-30: I don't see Tracy today. We will talk about it next week.
- 2022-04-06: Action Point: Jinri to check details and come back with more information. O-RAN members should have received call for participation (with deadline and host information). 2022-04-20: Open
- 2022-05-19 Information about the Spring Plug Fest shared by Tracy
- O-RAN spending
- 2022-04-06
- O-RAN is collecting spending request. Jinri sent e-mail on this to TOC mailing list.
- David responded with potential need for simulation tool
- Jinri reminded participants of the meeting to check for any additional spending needs.
- 2022-04-20: David sent inquiry to Viavi regarding replacing on-loan "network appliance" solution with software. No response. We assume to continue with the "network appliance" model. Ultan requested some additional information from David (cc James+Jinri).
- 2022-05-05: David got info from Viavi. Benefits on the solution are still under evaluation.
- 2022-04-06
- Challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC)
- 2022-04-20 James and Jinri: are starting the work on identifying any challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC). Jinri might request help from PTLs (via reflector/mailing list).
- 2022-05-05 Jinri sent out a survey. PTLs are invited to contribute with identified issues.
- 2022-05-19 Jinri gives a summary of the survey. AP Jinri will start a review on TOC email reflector. Members are invited to review the list of issues and identify potential way forward before thediscussion at the meeting.
- 2022-05-26 Jinri: item still open for contibutions. On Licensing issues, it could be beneficial to list the individual licenses that need to be addressed by O-RAN. This would speed up O-RAN review
- 2022-06-02: John Keeney: Raised a question regarding status of the survey
Jinri: EC could not take it up due to other urgent business, but some people are in process of initial analysis.
- Old business and Status of Open Actions
- "F" Release:
- 2022-05-18: Timeplan review
- Release is planned by end of June. Large scale software changes should be completed by the end of this week, in order to have time to test and release
- Integration and testing page for F release in
- 2022-05-19: Jack: by end of june we will also have to prepare the usual Press Release. It is expected that PTLs would have to update their project content and status in the release table (within 1 week). This will be used as baseline for the press release
- 2022-05-26: at the next meeting we will go through the status of the individual projects so as to start the code scan in the following days
- 2022-06-02: Jack: Tracking F release status page update
Near-Real-time RIC: To be updated
Near-Real-time RAN Intelligent Controller Platform: To be updated
Non-Real time RIC: Updated
OAM: To be updated
OCU: To be updated
ODU-HIGH: To be updated
ODU-Low: To be updated
SIM: To be updated
INF: To be updated
INT: James and Sridhar: To continue exploring tools and solution for cross platform test framework for integration and testing
DOC: All project individually documents for each release but to have a consolidated documentation is an open topic
SMO: To be updated
All PTLs should update F release status in the release table to start code and license scan in following days - 2022-06-09: Sridhar: To coordinate software scan activity for all projects to have a report next week
Jack: Branching for F release on 20th June 2022 followed by package and documentation release on 30th June 2022 - 2022-06-16: Sridhar: Scanning is ongoing and report expected to be released next week
Jack: PTLs to quickly respond to any issues reported in scanning as it may delay “F” release plan - 2022-06-23: Sridhar: License scan completed for all except com projects (com/golog, com/log, com/pylog) and expected to complete this week. There is no issue to be reported
Mahesh: For SMO there are 4 repo two are ready for branch and remaining are being discussed with Sridhar regarding permission issue
Luis: L1 binary for F release is expected at the end of the week. To update F release page as well the for O-DU-LOW part by next week
Jack: Branching for all projects to be done by 30th June before TOC
Thoralf: Docker image links are to be placed in F Release Integration and Testing
Xiaohua: Jinri asked PTLs to share all F release highlight points for upcoming press release
- 2022-05-18: Timeplan review
- OSC Lab
- 2022-05-26: Jack: : Lab issues for O-DU low integration should be solved. Also access to the lab is now available for interested members involved in integration and testing activity
- 2022-06-02: PTP clock sync issue update
Ankit: Checked scripts for synchronization of the clock but ptp sync still failing to get in sync with grandmaster and internal clock only used by ODU.
David: We have checked Hardware and configuration. Server 190 is being connected to the home gateway and configured as expected. Clock sync between grandmaster and fronthaul gateway has been verified. Issue needs to be debugged further - 2022-06-09: Luis: to discuss with Rich and to have a remote debug session for clock sync issue.
- 2022-06-16: Issue still remains, Jack to have a check what next step could be to resolve this issue
- 5G Super Blueprint status - to be considered for G release.
- "F" Release:
- Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
- Release Manager
Sridhar Rao /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling - Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
- OTF Workshop scheduled for RSAC call on May-4 (8AM EDT) did not take place due to technical difficulties. It will be rescheduled.
- 2022-04-06: James talked about David Kinsey's mail on possible delay in OTF adoption. O-cloud usage should help with the current OTF-related issues. Details see David's e-mail.
- 2022-04-06: Rittwik reported issues with PTP standup not yet done. They are also trying to "templatize" the Viavi deploment to make it easier to deploy.
- 2022-04-13: Jack brought up: if Infrastructure (Jackie Huang ) area :Interest in the community to consider integration of any new upstream projects etc. and open to evaluate such opportunities. ; This would help this community for Ex. SMO : how to manage infra easily - kind of questions;.
- 2022-04-20: Environment not yet ready (OTF team and infrastructure team working on this)
- 2022-05-12: workshop likely to be on Wednesday May 18th. James Liwill check and confirm
- 2022-05-19: James: OTF workshop did not take place. Code base was out of date and need update
- 2022-06-16:David: AI ML repo integration discussed in the RSAC and recommendation is to go ahead with AI ML as an independent project
Jack: Assessment of capabilities, target plan to be discussed for AI ML project
Avinash: A detailed plan to be presented
- "G" Release
- Jack: How do we track our support of MVP?
- David Kinsey: Rittwik and I do coordinate, but do not measure. We will work to see how we measure.
- 2022-04-06: Jack called for first input. RSAC planning committee will again coordinate.
- 2022-05-12: Rittwik: for “G” release with do not expect to implement many MVP use cases. Which ones still TBD. Jack: priority should be given to those exploiting and validating OSC software capability
- 2022-05-26: James Li : in preparation for release G software, PTLs should plan providing information about the characteristics of the code that could help planning integration and testing activity beforehand
- 2022-06-02 Action point : Jack to update G release timeline calendar for review and voting
Jack: G release planning status
David: We are running behind for G release planning, it could not be done in the last RSAC due to limited participants - 2022-06-09: Jack: Raised a question regarding O-DU-LOW new functionality under G release?
Luis: Incremental improvements and optimization expected in G release but as of now no new feature expected on ORAN Fronthaul interface
Jack: All PTLs to update and provide tentative G release plan to Jinri for the presentation on 13th June in f2f meeting - 2022-06-16: Jack: G release page to be linked in Release section and subsequent sections to be added
David: To schedule each project planning (in RSAC) in first three weeks of G release
Jack: Activity to plan in G release: Deployment of all modules with health check
Rittwik: Raised a query to have a specific use case for Taiwan lab
Jack: Both labs repeating same use case independently helps in removing local dependency and better documentation for end user to use and replicate the system
- OTF Workshop scheduled for RSAC call on May-4 (8AM EDT) did not take place due to technical difficulties. It will be rescheduled.
- Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
- James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
- Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
- Demo on SMO VES collector setup provided by Mahesh Jethanandani . Recording available here
John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)
Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)
Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC)
(TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU)
Former user (Deleted) O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)
Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW)
Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)
Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)
Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)
Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)
- (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
- Release Manager
- Collaboration with OAI
- 2022-05-05: James and Jinri got in touch with OAI about contributions in the area of O-CU development. First contributions in the context of F release are under evaluation. Jack reminded that licensing approach of OAI need to be verified before source-code adoption is agreed. Binary/test fixture solution are possible as an alternative
- 2022-05-12: Meeting with OAI is planned later this week. One agenda item will be clarifying options to use OAI code in OSC projects
- 2022-05-19: call rescheduled to tomorrow (May 20th). Christian (Orange) is in OAI board and will take the action to handle the bilateral communication
- 2022-05-26: discussed with OAI last week. Licensing will be addressed by OAI and reported next time
New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
- Planning for Next Meeting
- Aarna networks presentation planned for next week
Any Other Business (AOB)
- Keysight (John Faulkner, Paolo Marini) give a presentation on Keysight test systems capability. Material will be distributed over the TOC reflector.
- Ganesh Shenbagaraman (Radisys ) to nominate new PTL name for the O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH) project
- David: How to plan integration of new AI ML project with other projects such as OAM, SMO & non-RTRIC. To create a subproject or a separate repo as new project?
Avinash: Propose to have a discussion on different options to integrate in upcoming RSAC or TOC meeting.
All relevant project PTLs need to discuss and finalize integration approach (upcoming RSAC meeting could be used for this discussion) - Jinri: Concern from MVP-C co-chair Suzy about lack of representation from OSC in MVP package progress with Rittwik not playing that role anymore. Rittwik and Jack clarified that this can be tracked within O-RAN and SMO PTL. This discussion will be continued.
- Discussion on 16-Jun-22: Brandon Wick (Aarna networks) talked about Aarna's contribution to SMO project in OSC and brought up the topic of press release from O-RAN OSC. Jack explained the process followed for PR after each release.
- Jack: All active ORAN sites to be updated, and unused sites (oran github) to be archived if required
Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
Call for Scribe (minutes owner): Ganesh Shenbagaraman
Roll Call & Quorum Check
Company | Contact Name | Attendance | Alternate Contact | Attendance |
Jack Murray Co-Chair | x | David Kinsey | ||
Jinri Huang Co-Chair | James Li | x | ||
Jakub Nový | x | Ondřej Hudousek | ||
John-Paul Lane | x | John Keeney | ||
Masafumi Masuda | Anil Umesh | |||
Arunkumar Halebid | x | Thoralf Czichy | ||
William Diego | Vincent Danno | |||
Ganesh Shenbagaraman | x | Manasi Padhy (→Ankit) ??? | ||
Andrea Buldorini | x | |||
Wind River | Bin Yang | x | Jackie Huang | |
Viavi Solutions | Ultan Kelly | Kexuan Sun | ||
Samsung | JinGuk Jeong | Avinash Bhat | x |
*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.
Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting (02 Jun 2022) approval: proposed by Ganesh Shenbagaraman and seconded by John Paul. The motion is approved.
- Minutes of TOC meeting (09 Jun 2022) approval: proposed by Ganesh Shenbagaraman and seconded by John Paul. The motion is approved.
- Review of Today's Agenda.
- Today`s focus will be on preparing for F release, license scan, branching and documentation
Release Votes and Approval
Copyright update
Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.
This is currently stalled and we are waiting on updates from O-RAN legal team. 2022-04-06, 2022-04-13, 2022-04-20 : no major progress/updates.
- 2022-05-12: summary of the open issues
- Response from O-RAN has not addressed it yet. It is clarified that O-RAN EC is in charge of it.
- Updating CLA for SCCL to align to the charter. This was approved by TOC but not updated to the OSC site – equivalent to the one already there in Specification Code Project. Refer to Stephan (with support from the community).
- Extend OSC SCCL. Open
- 2022-05-19: Jinri: O-RAN (Brian) is addressing previous request from TOC
- 2022-05-26: no news
- 2022-06-09: James Li: Request from SDFG co-chair to OSC PTLs to bring up any copyright requests to 3GPP/ETSI. Jack clarified on the past discussions pointing to the issue in referencing from code implementation to these source specification documents. This is still not a resolved issue. Jinri added comments to clarify that the SDFG request is more towards the list of historical requests to 3GPP. Jack and Jinri will check the past requests. PTLs are requested to forward any past request to Jinri. John Keeney pointed to challenges in determining when to make a copyright request. Jack said in view of all these challenges, the legal team is working on a broad approval for use in open source software.
- O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
F2F Meeting
- Jack: We need to be prepared for the June one. We have some items as part of the F Release and planning for the G Release.
- 2022-04-06: Jack and Jinri confirmed that it's still a virtual meeting. Action Point: Rittwik and RSAC to prepare for this meeting. 2022-04-20 : Open
- 2022-05-05: Jinri: no details on the agenda for the June vF2F are available yet.
- 2022-05-19: if people have topics to raise to the F2F, they are invited to share with Jinri and the group by email
- 2022-05-26; Jinri: dates are set to June 13th-17th. David: proposal to hold OSC session on Monday 13th , time slot#2. One hour should be sufficient for status and workplan presentation
- 2022-06-02: David: As first slot of O-RAN vf2f is on June 13, all PTLs to provide slides to David for F release update and G release plan
- 2022-06-09: David: Copied F release update from the F release status page update. But for G release tentative plan most of the projects do not have any update.
Luis will be updating F release status page
All PTLs to update tentative G release plan to be presented on 13th June in f2f meeting - 2022-06-16: Jack: Thanks David and other members part of f2f participation (13th June)
John Keeney: Raised a question about mechanism for getting feedback for f2f presentation
David: MVP and TIFG are two ways to get feedbacks but as TIFG is more focus on testing hence with MVP there is a better chance to get feedback.
Jack: Suggested to figure out ways to get feedback from real users of software
- O-RAN ALLIANCE industry summit will take place in June, with both live and virtual events.
- Plugfest
- Jinri: There are 2 plugfests this year. It will be great if we can have regular updates on the preparation work.
- Jack: 2022-03-30: I don't see Tracy today. We will talk about it next week.
- 2022-04-06: Action Point: Jinri to check details and come back with more information. O-RAN members should have received call for participation (with deadline and host information). 2022-04-20: Open
- 2022-05-19 Information about the Spring Plug Fest shared by Tracy
- O-RAN spending
- 2022-04-06
- O-RAN is collecting spending request. Jinri sent e-mail on this to TOC mailing list.
- David responded with potential need for simulation tool
- Jinri reminded participants of the meeting to check for any additional spending needs.
- 2022-04-20: David sent inquiry to Viavi regarding replacing on-loan "network appliance" solution with software. No response. We assume to continue with the "network appliance" model. Ultan requested some additional information from David (cc James+Jinri).
- 2022-05-05: David got info from Viavi. Benefits on the solution are still under evaluation.
- 2022-04-06
- Challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC)
- 2022-04-20 James and Jinri: are starting the work on identifying any challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC). Jinri might request help from PTLs (via reflector/mailing list).
- 2022-05-05 Jinri sent out a survey. PTLs are invited to contribute with identified issues.
- 2022-05-19 Jinri gives a summary of the survey. AP Jinri will start a review on TOC email reflector. Members are invited to review the list of issues and identify potential way forward before thediscussion at the meeting.
- 2022-05-26 Jinri: item still open for contibutions. On Licensing issues, it could be beneficial to list the individual licenses that need to be addressed by O-RAN. This would speed up O-RAN review
- 2022-06-02: John Keeney: Raised a question regarding status of the survey
Jinri: EC could not take it up due to other urgent business, but some people are in process of initial analysis.
- Old business and Status of Open Actions
- "F" Release:
- 2022-05-18: Timeplan review
- Release is planned by end of June. Large scale software changes should be completed by the end of this week, in order to have time to test and release
- Integration and testing page for F release in
- 2022-05-19: Jack: by end of june we will also have to prepare the usual Press Release. It is expected that PTLs would have to update their project content and status in the release table (within 1 week). This will be used as baseline for the press release
- 2022-05-26: at the next meeting we will go through the status of the individual projects so as to start the code scan in the following days
- 2022-06-02: Jack: Tracking F release status page update
Near-Real-time RIC: To be updated
Near-Real-time RAN Intelligent Controller Platform: To be updated
Non-Real time RIC: Updated
OAM: To be updated
OCU: To be updated
ODU-HIGH: To be updated
ODU-Low: To be updated
SIM: To be updated
INF: To be updated
INT: James and Sridhar: To continue exploring tools and solution for cross platform test framework for integration and testing
DOC: All project individually documents for each release but to have a consolidated documentation is an open topic
SMO: To be updated
All PTLs should update F release status in the release table to start code and license scan in following days - 2022-06-09: Sridhar: To coordinate software scan activity for all projects to have a report next week
Jack: Branching for F release on 20th June 2022 followed by package and documentation release on 30th June 2022 - 2022-06-16: Sridhar: Scanning is ongoing and report expected to be released next week
Jack: PTLs to quickly respond to any issues reported in scanning as it may delay “F” release plan
- 2022-05-18: Timeplan review
- OSC Lab
- 2022-05-26: Jack: : Lab issues for O-DU low integration should be solved. Also access to the lab is now available for interested members involved in integration and testing activity
- 2022-06-02: PTP clock sync issue update
Ankit: Checked scripts for synchronization of the clock but ptp sync still failing to get in sync with grandmaster and internal clock only used by ODU.
David: We have checked Hardware and configuration. Server 190 is being connected to the home gateway and configured as expected. Clock sync between grandmaster and fronthaul gateway has been verified. Issue needs to be debugged further - 2022-06-09: Luis: to discuss with Rich and to have a remote debug session for clock sync issue.
- 2022-06-016: Issue still remains, Jack to have a check what next step could be to resolve this issue
- 5G Super Blueprint status - to be considered for G release.
- "F" Release:
- Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
- Release Manager
Sridhar Rao /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling - Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
- OTF Workshop scheduled for RSAC call on May-4 (8AM EDT) did not take place due to technical difficulties. It will be rescheduled.
- 2022-04-06: James talked about David Kinsey's mail on possible delay in OTF adoption. O-cloud usage should help with the current OTF-related issues. Details see David's e-mail.
- 2022-04-06: Rittwik reported issues with PTP standup not yet done. They are also trying to "templatize" the Viavi deploment to make it easier to deploy.
- 2022-04-13: Jack brought up: if Infrastructure (Jackie Huang ) area :Interest in the community to consider integration of any new upstream projects etc. and open to evaluate such opportunities. ; This would help this community for Ex. SMO : how to manage infra easily - kind of questions;.
- 2022-04-20: Environment not yet ready (OTF team and infrastructure team working on this)
- 2022-05-12: workshop likely to be on Wednesday May 18th. James Liwill check and confirm
- 2022-05-19: James: OTF workshop did not take place. Code base was out of date and need update
- 2022-06-16:David: AI ML repo integration discussed in the RSAC and recommendation is to go ahead with AI ML as an independent project
Jack: Assessment of capabilities, target plan to be discussed for AI ML project
Avinash: A detailed plan to be presented
- "G" Release
- Jack: How do we track our support of MVP?
- David Kinsey: Rittwik and I do coordinate, but do not measure. We will work to see how we measure.
- 2022-04-06: Jack called for first input. RSAC planning committee will again coordinate.
- 2022-05-12: Rittwik: for “G” release with do not expect to implement many MVP use cases. Which ones still TBD. Jack: priority should be given to those exploiting and validating OSC software capability
- 2022-05-26: James Li : in preparation for release G software, PTLs should plan providing information about the characteristics of the code that could help planning integration and testing activity beforehand
- 2022-06-02 Action point : Jack to update G release timeline calendar for review and voting
Jack: G release planning status
David: We are running behind for G release planning, it could not be done in the last RSAC due to limited participants - 2022-06-09: Jack: Raised a question regarding O-DU-LOW new functionality under G release?
Luis: Incremental improvements and optimization expected in G release but as of now no new feature expected on ORAN Fronthaul interface
Jack: All PTLs to update and provide tentative G release plan to Jinri for the presentation on 13th June in f2f meeting - 2022-06-16: Jack: G release page to be linked in Release section and subsequent sections to be added
David: To schedule each project planning (in RSAC) in first three weeks of G release
Jack: Activity to plan in G release: Deployment of all modules with health check
Rittwik: Raised a querry to have a specific use case for Taiwan lab
JacK: Both labs repeating same use case independently helps in removing local dependency and better documentation for end user to use and replicate the system
- OTF Workshop scheduled for RSAC call on May-4 (8AM EDT) did not take place due to technical difficulties. It will be rescheduled.
- Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
- James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
- Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
- Demo on SMO VES collector setup provided by Mahesh Jethanandani . Recording available here
John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)
Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)
Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC)
(TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU)
Former user (Deleted) O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)
Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW)
Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)
Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)
Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)
Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)
- (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
- Release Manager
- Collaboration with OAI
- 2022-05-05: James and Jinri got in touch with OAI about contributions in the area of O-CU development. First contributions in the context of F release are under evaluation. Jack reminded that licensing approach of OAI need to be verified before source-code adoption is agreed. Binary/test fixture solution are possible as an alternative
- 2022-05-12: Meeting with OAI is planned later this week. One agenda item will be clarifying options to use OAI code in OSC projects
- 2022-05-19: call rescheduled to tomorrow (May 20th). Christian (Orange) is in OAI board and will take the action to handle the bilateral communication
- 2022-05-26: discussed with OAI last week. Licensing will be addressed by OAI and reported next time
New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
- Planning for Next Meeting
Any Other Business (AOB)
- Keysight (John Faulkner, Paolo Marini) give a presentation on Keysight test systems capability. Material will be distributed over the TOC reflector.
- Ganesh Shenbagaraman (Radisys ) to nominate new PTL name for the O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH) project
- David: How to plan integration of new AI ML project with other projects such as OAM, SMO & non-RTRIC. To create a subproject or a separate repo as new project?
Avinash: Propose to have a discussion on different options to integrate in upcoming RSAC or TOC meeting.
All relevant project PTLs need to discuss and finalize integration approach (upcoming RSAC meeting could be used for this discussion) - Jinri: Concern from MVP-C co-chair Suzy about lack of representation from OSC in MVP package progress with Rittwik not playing that role anymore. Rittwik and Jack clarified that this can be tracked within O-RAN and SMO PTL. This discussion will be continued.
- Discussion on 16-Jun-22: Brandon Wick (Aarna networks) talked about Aarna's contribution to SMO project in OSC and brought up the topic of press release from O-RAN OSC. Jack explained the process followed for PR after each release.
- Jack: All active ORAN sites to be updated, and unused sites (oran github) to be archived if required
Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
Call for Scribe (minutes owner): Ganesh Shenbagaraman
Roll Call & Quorum Check
Company | Contact Name | Attendance | Alternate Contact | Attendance |
Jack Murray Co-Chair | x | David Kinsey | ||
Jinri Huang Co-Chair | x | James Li | ||
Jakub Nový | x | Ondřej Hudousek | ||
John-Paul Lane | x | John Keeney | ||
Masafumi Masuda | Anil Umesh | |||
Arunkumar Halebid | Thoralf Czichy | |||
William Diego | x | Vincent Danno | ||
Ganesh Shenbagaraman | x | Manasi Padhy (→Ankit) ??? | ||
Andrea Buldorini | x | |||
Wind River | Bin Yang | x | Jackie Huang | |
Viavi Solutions | Ultan Kelly | x | Kexuan Sun | |
Samsung | JinGuk Jeong | x | Avinash Bhat |
*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.
Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting approval: Minutes for TOC meeting approval: To be approved in next meeting as recording could not be accessed.
- Review of Today's Agenda
- Today`s focus will be on preparing for F release, license scan, branching and documentation
- James Li: Aarna Network expressed interest to present details of their open-source SMO to ORAN community
Jack: Session (20-25 mins slot) to be scheduled tentatively on 30th June post F release.
James: To inform Aarna networks about the meeting
Release Votes and Approval
Copyright update
Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.
This is currently stalled and we are waiting on updates from O-RAN legal team. 2022-04-06, 2022-04-13, 2022-04-20 : no major progress/updates.
- 2022-05-12: summary of the open issues
- Response from O-RAN has not addressed it yet. It is clarified that O-RAN EC is in charge of it.
- Updating CLA for SCCL to align to the charter. This was approved by TOC but not updated to the OSC site – equivalent to the one already there in Specification Code Project. Refer to Stephan (with support from the community).
- Extend OSC SCCL. Open
- 2022-05-19: Jinri: O-RAN (Brian) is addressing previous request from TOC
- 2022-05-26: no news
- 2022-06-09: James Li: Request from SDFG co-chair to OSC PTLs to bring up any copyright requests to 3GPP/ETSI. Jack clarified on the past discussions pointing to the issue in referencing from code implementation to these source specification documents. This is still not a resolved issue. Jinri added comments to clarify that te SDFG request is more towards the list of historical requests to 3GPP. Jack and Jinri will check the past requests. PTLs are requested to forward any past request to Jinri. JOhn Keeney pointed to challenges in determining when to make a copyright request. Jack said in view of all these challenges, the legal team is working on a broad approval for use in open source software.
- O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
F2F Meeting
- Jack: We need to be prepared for the June one. We have some items as part of the F Release and planning for the G Release.
- 2022-04-06: Jack and Jinri confirmed that it's still a virtual meeting. Action Point: Rittwik and RSAC to prepare for this meeting. 2022-04-20 : Open
- 2022-05-05: Jinri: no details on the agenda for the June vF2F are available yet.
- 2022-05-19: if people have topics to raise to the F2F, they are invited to share with Jinri and the group by email
- 2022-05-26; Jinri: dates are set to June 13th-17th. David: proposal to hold OSC session on Monday 13th , time slot#2. One hour should be sufficient for status and workplan presentation
- 2022-06-02: David: As first slot of O-RAN vf2f is on June 13, all PTLs to provide slides to David for F release update and G release plan
- 2022-06-09: David: Copied F release update from the F release status page update. But for G release tentative plan most of the projects do not have any update.
Luis will be updating F release status page
All PTLs to update tentative G release plan to be presented on 13th June in f2f meeting
- O-RAN ALLIANCE industry summit will take place in June, with both live and virtual events.
- Plugfest
- Jinri: There are 2 plugfests this year. It will be great if we can have regular updates on the preparation work.
- Jack: 2022-03-30: I don't see Tracy today. We will talk about it next week.
- 2022-04-06: Action Point: Jinri to check details and come back with more information. O-RAN members should have received call for participation (with deadline and host information). 2022-04-20: Open
- 2022-05-19 Information about the Spring Plug Fest shared by Tracy
- O-RAN spending
- 2022-04-06
- O-RAN is collecting spending request. Jinri sent e-mail on this to TOC mailing list.
- David responded with potential need for simulation tool
- Jinri reminded participants of the meeting to check for any additional spending needs.
- 2022-04-20: David sent inquiry to Viavi regarding replacing on-loan "network appliance" solution with software. No response. We assume to continue with the "network appliance" model. Ultan requested some additional information from David (cc James+Jinri).
- 2022-05-05: David got info from Viavi. Benefits on the solution are still under evaluation.
- 2022-04-06
- Challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC)
- 2022-04-20 James and Jinri: are starting the work on identifying any challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC). Jinri might request help from PTLs (via reflector/mailing list).
- 2022-05-05 Jinri sent out a survey. PTLs are invited to contribute with identified issues.
- 2022-05-19 Jinri gives a summary of the survey. AP Jinri will start a review on TOC email reflector. Members are invited to review the list of issues and identify potential way forward before thediscussion at the meeting.
- 2022-05-26 Jinri: item still open for contibutions. On Licensing issues, it could be beneficial to list the individual licenses that need to be addressed by O-RAN. This would speed up O-RAN review
- 2022-06-02: John Keeney: Raised a question regarding status of the survey
Jinri: EC could not take it up due to other urgent business, but some people are in process of initial analysis.
- Old business and Status of Open Actions
- "F" Release:
- 2022-05-18: Timeplan review
- Release is planned by end of June. Large scale software changes should be completed by the end of this week, in order to have time to test and release
- Integration and testing page for F release in
- 2022-05-19: Jack: by end of june we will also have to prepare the usual Press Release. It is expected that PTLs would have to update their project content and status in the release table (within 1 week). This will be used as baseline for the press release
- 2022-05-26: at the next meeting we will go through the status of the individual projects so as to start the code scan in the following days
- 2022-06-02: Jack: Tracking F release status page update
Near-Real-time RIC: To be updated
Near-Real-time RAN Intelligent Controller Platform: To be updated
Non-Real time RIC: Updated
OAM: To be updated
OCU: To be updated
ODU-HIGH: To be updated
ODU-Low: To be updated
SIM: To be updated
INF: To be updated
INT: James and Sridhar: To continue exploring tools and solution for cross platform test framework for integration and testing
DOC: All project individually documents for each release but to have a consolidated documentation is an open topic
SMO: To be updated
All PTLs should update F release status in the release table to start code and license scan in following days - 2022-06-09: Sridhar: To coordinate software scan activity for all projects to have a report next week
Jack: Branching for F release on 20th June 2022 followed by package and documentation release on 30th June 2022
- 2022-05-18: Timeplan review
- OSC Lab
- 2022-05-26: Jack: : Lab issues for O-DU low integration should be solved. Also access to the lab is now available for interested members involved in integration and testing activity
- 2022-06-02: PTP clock sync issue update
Ankit: Checked scripts for synchronization of the clock but ptp sync still failing to get in sync with grandmaster and internal clock only used by ODU.
David: We have checked Hardware and configuration. Server 190 is being connected to the home gateway and configured as expected. Clock sync between grandmaster and fronthaul gateway has been verified. Issue needs to be debugged further - 2022-06-09: Luis: to discuss with Rich and to have a remote debug session for clock sync issue.
- 5G Super Blueprint status - to be considered for G release.
- "F" Release:
- Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
- Release Manager
Sridhar Rao /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling - Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
- OTF Workshop scheduled for RSAC call on May-4 (8AM EDT) did not take place due to technical difficulties. It will be rescheduled.
- 2022-04-06: James talked about David Kinsey's mail on possible delay in OTF adoption. O-cloud usage should help with the current OTF-related issues. Details see David's e-mail.
- 2022-04-06: Rittwik reported issues with PTP standup not yet done. They are also trying to "templatize" the Viavi deploment to make it easier to deploy.
- 2022-04-13: Jack brought up: if Infrastructure (Jackie Huang ) area :Interest in the community to consider integration of any new upstream projects etc. and open to evaluate such opportunities. ; This would help this community for Ex. SMO : how to manage infra easily - kind of questions;.
- 2022-04-20: Environment not yet ready (OTF team and infrastructure team working on this)
- 2022-05-12: workshop likely to be on Wednesday May 18th. James Liwill check and confirm
- 2022-05-19: James: OTF workshop did not take place. Code base was out of date and need update
- "G" Release
- Jack: How do we track our support of MVP?
- David Kinsey: Rittwik and I do coordinate, but do not measure. We will work to see how we measure.
- 2022-04-06: Jack called for first input. RSAC planning committee will again coordinate.
- 2022-05-12: Rittwik: for “G” release with do not expect to implement many MVP use cases. Which ones still TBD. Jack: priority should be given to those exploiting and validating OSC software capability
- 2022-05-26: James Li : in preparation for release G software, PTLs should plan providing information about the characteristics of the code that could help planning integration and testing activity beforehand
- 2022-06-02 Action point : Jack to update G release timeline calendar for review and voting
Jack: G release planning status
David: We are running behind for G release planning, it could not be done in the last RSAC due to limited participants - 2022-06-09: Jack: Raised a question regarding O-DU-LOW new functionality under G release?
Luis: Incremental improvements and optimization expected in G release but as of now no new feature expected on ORAN Fronthaul interface
Jack: All PTLs to update and provide tentative G release plan to Jinri for the presentation on 13th June in f2f meeting
- OTF Workshop scheduled for RSAC call on May-4 (8AM EDT) did not take place due to technical difficulties. It will be rescheduled.
- Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
- James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
- Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
- Demo on SMO VES collector setup provided by Mahesh Jethanandani . Recording available here
John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)
Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)
Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC)
(TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU)
Former user (Deleted) O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)
Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW)
Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)
Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)
Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)
Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)
- (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
- Release Manager
- Collaboration with OAI
- 2022-05-05: James and Jinri got in touch with OAI about contributions in the area of O-CU development. First contributions in the context of F release are under evaluation. Jack reminded that licensing approach of OAI need to be verified before source-code adoption is agreed. Binary/test fixture solution are possible as an alternative
- 2022-05-12: Meeting with OAI is planned later this week. One agenda item will be clarifying options to use OAI code in OSC projects
- 2022-05-19: call rescheduled to tomorrow (May 20th). Christian (Orange) is in OAI board and will take the action to handle the bilateral communication
- 2022-05-26: discussed with OAI last week. Licensing will be addressed by OAI and reported next time
New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
- Planning for Next Meeting
Any Other Business (AOB)
- Keysight (John Faulkner, Paolo Marini) give a presentation on Keysight test systems capability. Material will be distributed over the TOC reflector.
- Ganesh Shenbagaraman (Radisys ) to nominate new PTL name for the O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH) project
- David: How to plan integration of new AI ML project with other projects such as OAM, SMO & non-RTRIC. To create a subproject or a separate repo as new project?
Avinash: Propose to have a discussion on different options to integrate in upcoming RSAC or TOC meeting.
All relevant project PTLs need to discuss and finalize integration approach (upcoming RSAC meeting could be used for this discussion) - Jinri: Concern from MVP-C co-chair Suzy about lack of representation from OSC in MVP package progress with Rittwik not playing that role anymore. Rittwik and Jack clarified that this can be tracked within O-RAN and SMO PTL. This discussion will be continued.
Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
Call for Scribe (minutes owner): Ganesh Shenbagaraman
Roll Call & Quorum Check
Company | Contact Name | Attendance | Alternate Contact | Attendance |
Jack Murray Co-Chair | x | David Kinsey | ||
Jinri Huang Co-Chair | x | James Li | ||
Jakub Nový | x | Ondřej Hudousek | ||
John-Paul Lane | x | John Keeney | ||
Masafumi Masuda | x | Anil Umesh | ||
Arunkumar Halebid | x | Thoralf Czichy | ||
William Diego | Vincent Danno | |||
Ganesh Shenbagaraman | x | Manasi Padhy (→Ankit) ??? | ||
Andrea Buldorini | ||||
Wind River | Bin Yang | x | Jackie Huang | |
Viavi Solutions | Ultan Kelly | x | Kexuan Sun | |
Samsung | JinGuk Jeong | Avinash Bhat | x |
*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.
Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting approval: proposed by Ganesh Shenbagaraman and seconded by Jinri Huang. The motion is approved.
- Review of Today's Agenda
- Ultan Kelly: Prof Ray from Taiwan lab wants to arrange a visit to the OSC lab to recreate setup at Taiwan lab.
Jack: Further discussion to be done offline and Jack will be contact point for the visit and logistic
Ultan Kelly to provide contact details to Prof Ray - Today’s focus will be on review of release planning
- Ultan Kelly: Prof Ray from Taiwan lab wants to arrange a visit to the OSC lab to recreate setup at Taiwan lab.
Release Votes and Approval
Copyright update
Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.
This is currently stalled and we are waiting on updates from O-RAN legal team. 2022-04-06, 2022-04-13, 2022-04-20 : no major progress/updates.
- 2022-05-12: summary of the open issues
- Response from O-RAN has not addressed it yet. It is clarified that O-RAN EC is in charge of it.
- Updating CLA for SCCL to align to the charter. This was approved by TOC but not updated to the OSC site – equivalent to the one already there in Specification Code Project. Refer to Stephan (with support from the community).
- Extend OSC SCCL. Open
- 2022-05-19: Jinri: O-RAN (Brian) is addressing previous request from TOC
- 2022-05-26: no news
- O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
F2F Meeting
- Jack: We need to be prepared for the June one. We have some items as part of the F Release and planning for the G Release.
- 2022-04-06: Jack and Jinri confirmed that it's still a virtual meeting. Action Point: Rittwik and RSAC to prepare for this meeting. 2022-04-20 : Open
- 2022-05-05: Jinri: no details on the agenda for the June vF2F are available yet.
- 2022-05-19: if people have topics to raise to the F2F, they are invited to share with Jinri and the group by email
- 2022-05-26; Jinri: dates are set to June 13th-17th. David: proposal to hold OSC session on Monday 13th , time slot#2. One hour should be sufficient for status and workplan presentation
- 2022-06-02: David: As first slot of O-RAN vf2f is on June 13, all PTLs to provide slides to David for F release update and G release plan
- O-RAN ALLIANCE industry summit will take place in June, with both live and virtual events.
- Plugfest
- Jinri: There are 2 plugfests this year. It will be great if we can have regular updates on the preparation work.
- Jack: 2022-03-30: I don't see Tracy today. We will talk about it next week.
- 2022-04-06: Action Point: Jinri to check details and come back with more information. O-RAN members should have received call for participation (with deadline and host information). 2022-04-20: Open
- 2022-05-19 Information about the Spring Plug Fest shared by Tracy
- O-RAN spending
- 2022-04-06
- O-RAN is collecting spending request. Jinri sent e-mail on this to TOC mailing list.
- David responded with potential need for simulation tool
- Jinri reminded participants of the meeting to check for any additional spending needs.
- 2022-04-20: David sent inquiry to Viavi regarding replacing on-loan "network appliance" solution with software. No response. We assume to continue with the "network appliance" model. Ultan requested some additional information from David (cc James+Jinri).
- 2022-05-05: David got info from Viavi. Benefits on the solution are still under evaluation.
- 2022-04-06
- Challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC)
- 2022-04-20 James and Jinri: are starting the work on identifying any challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC). Jinri might request help from PTLs (via reflector/mailing list).
- 2022-05-05 Jinri sent out a survey. PTLs are invited to contribute with identified issues.
- 2022-05-19 Jinri gives a summary of the survey. AP Jinri will start a review on TOC email reflector. Members are invited to review the list of issues and identify potential way forward before thediscussion at the meeting.
- 2022-05-26 Jinri: item still open for contibutions. On Licensing issues, it could be beneficial to list the individual licenses that need to be addressed by O-RAN. This would speed up O-RAN review
- 2022-06-02: John Keeney: Raised a question regarding status of the survey
Jinri: EC could not take it up due to other urgent business, but some people are in process of initial analysis.
- Old business and Status of Open Actions
- "F" Release:
- 2022-05-18: Timeplan review
- Release is planned by end of June. Large scale software changes should be completed by the end of this week, in order to have time to test and release
- Integration and testing page for F release in
- 2022-05-19: Jack: by end of june we will also have to prepare the usual Press Release. It is expected that PTLs would have to update their project content and status in the release table (within 1 week). This will be used as baseline for the press release
- 2022-05-26: at the next meeting we will go through the status of the individual projects so as to start the code scan in the following days
- 2022-06-02: Jack: Tracking F release status page update
Near-Real-time RIC: To be updated
Near-Real-time RAN Intelligent Controller Platform: To be updated
Non-Real time RIC: Updated
OAM: To be updated
OCU: To be updated
ODU-HIGH: To be updated
ODU-Low: To be updated
SIM: To be updated
INF: To be updated
INT: James and Sridhar: To continue exploring tools and solution for cross platform test framework for integration and testing
DOC: All project individually documents for each release but to have a consolidated documentation is an open topic
SMO: To be updated
All PTLs should update F release status in the release table to start code and license scan in following days
- 2022-05-18: Timeplan review
- OSC Lab
- 2022-05-26: Jack: : Lab issues for O-DU low integration should be solved. Also access to the lab is now available for interested members involved in integration and testing activity
- 2022-06-02: PTP clock sync issue update
Ankit: Checked scripts for synchronization of the clock but ptp sync still failing to get in sync with grandmaster and internal clock only used by ODU.
David: We have checked Hardware and configuration. Server 190 is being connected to the home gateway and configured as expected. Clock sync between grandmaster and fronthaul gateway has been verified. Issue needs to be debugged further
- 5G Super Blueprint status - to be considered for G release.
- "F" Release:
- Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
- Release Manager
Sridhar Rao /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling - Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
- OTF Workshop scheduled for RSAC call on May-4 (8AM EDT) did not take place due to technical difficulties. It will be rescheduled.
- 2022-04-06: James talked about David Kinsey's mail on possible delay in OTF adoption. O-cloud usage should help with the current OTF-related issues. Details see David's e-mail.
- 2022-04-06: Rittwik reported issues with PTP standup not yet done. They are also trying to "templatize" the Viavi deploment to make it easier to deploy.
- 2022-04-13: Jack brought up: if Infrastructure (Jackie Huang ) area :Interest in the community to consider integration of any new upstream projects etc. and open to evaluate such opportunities. ; This would help this community for Ex. SMO : how to manage infra easily - kind of questions;.
- 2022-04-20: Environment not yet ready (OTF team and infrastructure team working on this)
- 2022-05-12: workshop likely to be on Wednesday May 18th. James Liwill check and confirm
- 2022-05-19: James: OTF workshop did not take place. Code base was out of date and need update
- "G" Release
- Jack: How do we track our support of MVP?
- David Kinsey: Rittwik and I do coordinate, but do not measure. We will work to see how we measure.
- 2022-04-06: Jack called for first input. RSAC planning committee will again coordinate.
- 2022-05-12: Rittwik: for “G” release with do not expect to implement many MVP use cases. Which ones still TBD. Jack: priority should be given to those exploiting and validating OSC software capability
- 2022-05-26: James Li : in preparation for release G software, PTLs should plan providing information about the characteristics of the code that could help planning integration and testing activity beforehand
- 2022-06-02 Action point : Jack to update G release timeline calendar for review and voting
Jack: G release planning status
David: We are running behind for G release planning, it could not be done in the last RSAC due to limited participants
- OTF Workshop scheduled for RSAC call on May-4 (8AM EDT) did not take place due to technical difficulties. It will be rescheduled.
- Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
- James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
- Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
- Demo on SMO VES collector setup provided by Mahesh Jethanandani . Recording available here
John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)
Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)
Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC)
(TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU)
Former user (Deleted) O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)
Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW)
Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)
Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)
Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)
Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)
- (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
- Release Manager
- Collaboration with OAI
- 2022-05-05: James and Jinri got in touch with OAI about contributions in the area of O-CU development. First contributions in the context of F release are under evaluation. Jack reminded that licensing approach of OAI need to be verified before source-code adoption is agreed. Binary/test fixture solution are possible as an alternative
- 2022-05-12: Meeting with OAI is planned later this week. One agenda item will be clarifying options to use OAI code in OSC projects
- 2022-05-19: call rescheduled to tomorrow (May 20th). Christian (Orange) is in OAI board and will take the action to handle the bilateral communication
- 2022-05-26: discussed with OAI last week. Licensing will be addressed by OAI and reported next time
New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
- Planning for Next Meeting
Any Other Business (AOB)
- Keysight (John Faulkner, Paolo Marini) give a presentation on Keysight test systems capability. Material will be distributed over the TOC reflector.
- Ganesh Shenbagaraman (Radisys ) to nominate new PTL name for the O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH) project
Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
Call for Scribe (minutes owner): Andrea Buldorini (TIM)
Roll Call & Quorum Check
Company | Contact Name | Attendance | Alternate Contact | Attendance |
Jack Murray Co-Chair | x | David Kinsey | ||
Jinri Huang Co-Chair | x | James Li | ||
Jakub Nový | x | Ondřej Hudousek | ||
John-Paul Lane | x | John Keeney | ||
Masafumi Masuda | x | Anil Umesh | ||
Arunkumar Halebid | on holiday | Thoralf Czichy | 26.05 = public holiday | |
William Diego | Vincent Danno | |||
Ganesh Shenbagaraman | x | Manasi Padhy (→Ankit) ??? | ||
Andrea Buldorini | x | |||
Wind River | Bin Yang | x | Jackie Huang | |
Viavi Solutions | Ultan Kelly | Kexuan Sun | x | |
Samsung | JinGuk Jeong | x | Avinash Bhat |
*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.
Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting approval: proposed by Andrea and seconded by Jinri. The motion is approved.
Scribe from next week will be Ganesh/Ankit (Radisys)
- Review of Today's Agenda
Release Votes and Approval
Copyright update
Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.
This is currently stalled and we are waiting on updates from O-RAN legal team. 2022-04-06, 2022-04-13, 2022-04-20 : no major progress/updates.
- 2022-05-12: summary of the open issues
- Response from O-RAN has not addressed it yet. It is clarified that O-RAN EC is in charge of it.
- Updating CLA for SCCL to align to the charter. This was approved by TOC but not updated to the OSC site – equivalent to the one already there in Specification Code Project. Refer to Stephan (with support from the community).
- Extend OSC SCCL. Open
- 2022-05-19: Jinri: O-RAN (Brian) is addressing previous request from TOC
- 2022-05-26: no news
- O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
F2F Meeting
- Jack: We need to be prepared for the June one. We have some items as part of the F Release and planning for the G Release.
- 2022-04-06: Jack and Jinri confirmed that it's still a virtual meeting. Action Point: Rittwik and RSAC to prepare for this meeting. 2022-04-20 : Open
- 2022-05-05: Jinri: no details on the agenda for the June vF2F are available yet.
- 2022-05-19: if people have topics to raise to the F2F, they are invited to share with Jinri and the group by email
- 2022-05-26; Jinri: dates are set to June 13th-17th. David: proposal to hold OSC session on Monday 13th , time slot#2. One hour should be sufficient for status and workplan presentation
- O-RAN ALLIANCE industry summit will take place in June, with both live and virtual events.
- Plugfest
- Jinri: There are 2 plugfests this year. It will be great if we can have regular updates on the preparation work.
- Jack: 2022-03-30: I don't see Tracy today. We will talk about it next week.
- 2022-04-06: Action Point: Jinri to check details and come back with more information. O-RAN members should have received call for participation (with deadline and host information). 2022-04-20: Open
- 2022-05-19 Information about the Spring Plug Fest shared by Tracy
- O-RAN spending
- 2022-04-06
- O-RAN is collecting spending request. Jinri sent e-mail on this to TOC mailing list.
- David responded with potential need for simulation tool
- Jinri reminded participants of the meeting to check for any additional spending needs.
- 2022-04-20: David sent inquiry to Viavi regarding replacing on-loan "network appliance" solution with software. No response. We assume to continue with the "network appliance" model. Ultan requested some additional information from David (cc James+Jinri).
- 2022-05-05: David got info from Viavi. Benefits on the solution are still under evaluation.
- 2022-04-06
- Challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC)
- 2022-04-20 James and Jinri: are starting the work on identifying any challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC). Jinri might request help from PTLs (via reflector/mailing list).
- 2022-05-05 Jinri sent out a survey. PTLs are invited to contribute with identified issues.
- 2022-05-19 Jinri gives a summary of the survey. AP Jinri will start a review on TOC email reflector. Members are invited to review the list of issues and identify potential way forward before thediscussion at the meeting.
- 2022-05-26 Jinri: item still open for contibutions. On Licensing issues, it could be beneficial to list the individual licenses that need to be addressed by O-RAN. This would speed up O-RAN review
- Old business and Status of Open Actions
- "F" Release:
- 2022-05-18: Timeplan review
- Release is planned by end of June. Large scale software changes should be completed by the end of this week, in order to have time to test and release
- Integration and testing page for F release in
- 2022-05-19: Jack: by end of june we will also have to prepare the usual Press Release. It is expected that PTLs would have to update their project content and status in the release table (within 1 week). This will be used as baseline for the press release
- 2022-05-26: at the next meeting we will go through the status of the individual projects so as to start the code scan in the following days
- 2022-05-18: Timeplan review
- OSC Lab
- 2022-05-26: Jack: : Lab issues for O-DU low integration should be solved. Also access to the lab is now available for interested members involved in integration and testing activity
- 5G Super Blueprint status - to be considered for G release.
- "F" Release:
- Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
- Release Manager
Sridhar Rao /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling - Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
- OTF Workshop scheduled for RSAC call on May-4 (8AM EDT) did not take place due to technical difficulties. It will be rescheduled.
- 2022-04-06: James talked about David Kinsey's mail on possible delay in OTF adoption. O-cloud usage should help with the current OTF-related issues. Details see David's e-mail.
- 2022-04-06: Rittwik reported issues with PTP standup not yet done. They are also trying to "templatize" the Viavi deploment to make it easier to deploy.
- 2022-04-13: Jack brought up: if Infrastructure (Jackie Huang ) area :Interest in the community to consider integration of any new upstream projects etc. and open to evaluate such opportunities. ; This would help this community for Ex. SMO : how to manage infra easily - kind of questions;.
- 2022-04-20: Environment not yet ready (OTF team and infrastructure team working on this)
- 2022-05-12: workshop likely to be on Wednesday May 18th. James Liwill check and confirm
- 2022-05-19: James: OTF workshop did not take place. Code base was out of date and need update
- "G" Release
- Jack: How do we track our support of MVP?
- David Kinsey: Rittwik and I do coordinate, but do not measure. We will work to see how we measure.
- 2022-04-06: Jack called for first input. RSAC planning committee will again coordinate.
- 2022-05-12: Rittwik: for “G” release with do not expect to implement many MVP use cases. Which ones still TBD. Jack: priority should be given to those exploiting and validating OSC software capability
- 2022-05-26: James Li : in preparation for release G software, PTLs should plan providing information about the characteristics of the code that could help planning integration and testing activity beforehand
- OTF Workshop scheduled for RSAC call on May-4 (8AM EDT) did not take place due to technical difficulties. It will be rescheduled.
- Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
- James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
- Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
- Demo on SMO VES collector setup provided by Mahesh Jethanandani . Recording available here
John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)
Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)
Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC)
(TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU)
Former user (Deleted) O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)
Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW)
Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)
Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)
Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)
Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)
- (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
- Release Manager
- Collaboration with OAI
- 2022-05-05: James and Jinri got in touch with OAI about contributions in the area of O-CU development. First contributions in the context of F release are under evaluation. Jack reminded that licensing approach of OAI need to be verified before source-code adoption is agreed. Binary/test fixture solution are possible as an alternative
- 2022-05-12: Meeting with OAI is planned later this week. One agenda item will be clarifying options to use OAI code in OSC projects
- 2022-05-19: call rescheduled to tomorrow (May 20th). Christian (Orange) is in OAI board and will take the action to handle the bilateral communication
- 2022-05-26: discussed with OAI last week. Licensing will be addressed by OAI and reported next time
New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
- Planning for Next Meeting
Any Other Business (AOB)
- Keysight (John Faulkner, Paolo Marini) give a presentation on Keysight test systems capability. Material will be distributed over the TOC reflector.
Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
Call for Scribe (minutes owner): Andrea Buldorini (TIM)
Roll Call & Quorum Check
Company | Contact Name | Attendance | Alternate Contact | Attendance |
Jack Murray Co-Chair | x | David Kinsey | ||
Jinri Huang Co-Chair | x | James Li | ||
Jakub Nový (starting 2022-04-20) | x | Ondřej Hudousek | ||
John-Paul Lane | John Keeney | x | ||
Masafumi Masuda | x | Anil Umesh | ||
Arunkumar Halebid | Thoralf Czichy | x | ||
William Diego | Vincent Danno | |||
Ganesh Shenbagaraman | Manasi Padhy (→Ankit) ??? | x | ||
Andrea Buldorini | x | |||
Wind River | Bin Yang | x | Jackie Huang | |
Viavi Solutions | Ultan Kelly | x | Kexuan Sun | |
Samsung | JinGuk Jeong | x | Avinash Bhat |
*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.
Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting approval: proposed by Andrea and seconded by Jinri. The motion is approved.
- Review of Today's Agenda
Release Votes and Approval
Copyright update
Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.
This is currently stalled and we are waiting on updates from O-RAN legal team. 2022-04-06, 2022-04-13, 2022-04-20 : no major progress/updates.
- 2022-05-12: summary of the open issues
- Response from O-RAN has not addressed it yet. It is clarified that O-RAN EC is in charge of it.
- Updating CLA for SCCL to align to the charter. This was approved by TOC but not updated to the OSC site – equivalent to the one already there in Specification Code Project. Refer to Stephan (with support from the community).
- Extend OSC SCCL. Open
- 2022-05-19: Jinri: O-RAN (Brian) is addressing previous request from TOC
- O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
F2F Meeting
- Jack: We need to be prepared for the June one. We have some items as part of the F Release and planning for the G Release.
- 2022-04-06: Jack and Jinri confirmed that it's still a virtual meeting. Action Point: Rittwik and RSAC to prepare for this meeting. 2022-04-20 : Open
- 2022-05-05: Jinri: no details on the agenda for the June vF2F are available yet.
- 2022-05-19: if people have topics to raise to the F2F, they are invited to share with Jinri and the group by email
- O-RAN ALLIANCE industry summit will take place in June, with both live and virtual events.
- Plugfest
- Jinri: There are 2 plugfests this year. It will be great if we can have regular updates on the preparation work.
- Jack: 2022-03-30: I don't see Tracy today. We will talk about it next week.
- 2022-04-06: Action Point: Jinri to check details and come back with more information. O-RAN members should have received call for participation (with deadline and host information). 2022-04-20: Open
- 2022-05-19 Information about the Spring Plug Fest shared by Tracy
- O-RAN spending
- 2022-04-06
- O-RAN is collecting spending request. Jinri sent e-mail on this to TOC mailing list.
- David responded with potential need for simulation tool
- Jinri reminded participants of the meeting to check for any additional spending needs.
- 2022-04-20: David sent inquiry to Viavi regarding replacing on-loan "network appliance" solution with software. No response. We assume to continue with the "network appliance" model. Ultan requested some additional information from David (cc James+Jinri).
- 2022-05-05: David got info from Viavi. Benefits on the solution are still under evaluation.
- 2022-04-06
- Challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC)
- 2022-04-20 James and Jinri: are starting the work on identifying any challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC). Jinri might request help from PTLs (via reflector/mailing list).
- 2022-05-05 Jinri sent out a survey. PTLs are invited to contribute with identified issues.
- 2022-05-19 Jinri gives a summary of the survey. AP Jinri will start a review on TOC email reflector. Members are invited to review the list of issues and identify potential way forward before thediscussion at the meeting.
- Old business and Status of Open Actions
- "F" Release:
- 2022-05-18: Timeplan review
- Release is planned by end of June. Large scale software changes should be completed by the end of this week, in order to have time to test and release
- Integration and testing page for F release in
- 2022-05-19: Jack: by end of june we will also have to prepare the usual Press Release. It is expected that PTLs would have to update their project content and status in the release table (within 1 week). This will be used as baseline for the press release
- 2022-05-18: Timeplan review
- 5G Super Blueprint status - tabled for D and E, will be re-evaluated for F release.
- Tag this activity for G release.
- 2022-04-06: no news
- 2022-05-12: no news
- "F" Release:
- Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
- Release Manager
Sridhar Rao /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling - Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
- OTF Workshop scheduled for RSAC call on May-4 (8AM EDT) did not take place due to technical difficulties. It will be rescheduled.
- 2022-04-06: James talked about David Kinsey's mail on possible delay in OTF adoption. O-cloud usage should help with the current OTF-related issues. Details see David's e-mail.
- 2022-04-06: Rittwik reported issues with PTP standup not yet done. They are also trying to "templatize" the Viavi deploment to make it easier to deploy.
- 2022-04-13: Jack brought up: if Infrastructure (Jackie Huang ) area :Interest in the community to consider integration of any new upstream projects etc. and open to evaluate such opportunities. ; This would help this community for Ex. SMO : how to manage infra easily - kind of questions;.
- 2022-04-20: Environment not yet ready (OTF team and infrastructure team working on this)
- 2022-05-12: workshop likely to be on Wednesday May 18th. James Liwill check and confirm
- 2022-05-19: James: OTF workshop did not take place. Code base was out of date and need update
- "G" Release
- Jack: How do we track our support of MVP?
- David Kinsey: Rittwik and I do coordinate, but do not measure. We will work to see how we measure.
- 2022-04-06: Jack called for first input. RSAC planning committee will again coordinate.
- 2022-05-12: Rittwik: for “G” release with do not expect to implement many MVP use cases. Which ones still TBD. Jack: priority should be given to those exploiting and validating OSC software capability
- OTF Workshop scheduled for RSAC call on May-4 (8AM EDT) did not take place due to technical difficulties. It will be rescheduled.
- Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
- James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
- 2022-05-19: Test automation status (see summary)
James Li Team is lowering resources. One option is to support with funded resources. Ideally each project should have at least one test exploiting test automation process.
- Jack: this would probably be fully addressed in G release; Integration and Testing project will be crucial in Rel-G to demonstrate that OSC software platform is solid and enabling future development of more sophisticated use cases.
- 2022-05-19: Test automation status (see summary)
- Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO) :: 2022-04-13: copyright blockers issue.
John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)
Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)
Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC)
(TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU)
Former user (Deleted) O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)
Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW)
Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)
Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)
Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)
Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)
- (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
- James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
- Release Manager
- Collaboration with OAI
- 2022-05-05: James and Jinri got in touch with OAI about contributions in the area of O-CU development. First contributions in the context of F release are under evaluation. Jack reminded that licensing approach of OAI need to be verified before source-code adoption is agreed. Binary/test fixture solution are possible as an alternative
- 2022-05-12: Meeting with OAI is planned later this week. One agenda item will be clarifying options to use OAI code in OSC projects
- 2022-05-19: call rescheduled to tomorrow (May 20th). Christian (Orange) is in OAI board and will take the action to handle the bilateral communication
New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
- Planning for Next Meeting
Any Other Business (AOB)
- Zoom login issue (Thoralf).
- Had to cancel RIC/RIC xApp project meeting due to problems with access to the verification code (extra verification step). We (as also other subprojects use ).
- Verification code is sometimes requested. A distribution list was created and used as zoom account. If anybody else needs to use the bridge, ask Sridhar Raoto be added
- Repos Committers rights (see minutes of 2022-05-05). Mahesh had completed the process to be authorized as committer. If other PTLs would like to become committers, it is necessary to update the INFO file accordingly
- Zoom login issue (Thoralf).
Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
Call for Scribe (minutes owner): Andrea Buldorini (TIM)
Roll Call & Quorum Check
Company | Contact Name | Attendance | Alternate Contact | Attendance |
Jack Murray Co-Chair | X | David Kinsey | ||
Jinri Huang Co-Chair | X | James Li | ||
Jakub Nový (starting 2022-04-20) | X | Ondřej Hudousek | ||
John-Paul Lane | X | John Keeney | ||
Masafumi Masuda | X | Anil Umesh | ||
Arunkumar Halebid | Thoralf Czichy | X | ||
William Diego | Vincent Danno | |||
Ganesh Shenbagaraman | Manasi Padhy (→Ankit) ??? | |||
Andrea Buldorini | X | Scarpina Salvatore | ||
Wind River | Bin Yang | X | Jackie Huang | |
Viavi Solutions | Ultan Kelly | X | Kexuan Sun | |
Samsung | JinGuk Jeong | Avinash Bhat | X |
*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.
Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting approval: proposed by Andrea and seconded by Thoralf. The motion is approved.
- Review of Today's Agenda
- Thoralf would like the Zoom login issue to be addressed.
- Had to cancel yesterday's RIC/RIC xApp project meeting due to problems with access to the verification code (extra verification step). We (as also other subprojects use ). Postponed to the next call
- Today focus will be on "F" Release status
- Thoralf would like the Zoom login issue to be addressed.
Release Votes and Approval
Copyright update
Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.
This is currently stalled and we are waiting on updates from O-RAN legal team. 2022-04-06, 2022-04-13, 2022-04-20 : no major progress/updates.
- 2022-05-12: summary of the open issues
- Response from O-RAN has not addressed it yet. It is clarified that O-RAN EC is in charge of it.
- Updating CLA for SCCL to align to the charter. This was approved by TOC but not updated to the OSC site – equivalent to the one already there in Specification Code Project. Refer to Stephan (with support from the community).
- Extend OSC SCCL. Open
- O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
F2F Meeting
- Jack: We need to be prepared for the June one. We have some items as part of the F Release and planning for the G Release.
- 2022-04-06: Jack and Jinri confirmed that it's still a virtual meeting. Action Point: Rittwik and RSAC to prepare for this meeting. 2022-04-20 : Open
- 2022-05-05: Jinri: no details on the agenda for the June vF2F are available yet.
- O-RAN ALLIANCE industry summit will take place in June, with both live and virtual events.
- Plugfest
- Jinri: There are 2 plugfests this year. It will be great if we can have regular updates on the preparation work.
- Jack: 2022-03-30: I don't see Tracy today. We will talk about it next week.
- 2022-04-06: Action Point: Jinri to check details and come back with more information. O-RAN members should have received call for participation (with deadline and host information). 2022-04-20: Open
- O-RAN spending
- 2022-04-06
- O-RAN is collecting spending request. Jinri sent e-mail on this to TOC mailing list.
- David responded with potential need for simulation tool
- Jinri reminded participants of the meeting to check for any additional spending needs.
- 2022-04-20: David sent inquiry to Viavi regarding replacing on-loan "network appliance" solution with software. No response. We assume to continue with the "network appliance" model. Ultan requested some additional information from David (cc James+Jinri).
- 2022-05-05: David got info from Viavi. Benefits on the solution are still under evaluation.
- 2022-04-06
- Challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC)
- 2022-04-20 James and Jinri: are starting the work on identifying any challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC). Jinri might request help from PTLs (via reflector/mailing list).
- 2022-05-05 Jinri sent out a survey. PTLs are invited to contribute with identified issues.
- Old business and Status of Open Actions
- "F" Release:
- 2022-05-18: Timeplan review
- Release is planned by end of June. Large scale software changes should be completed by the end of this week, in order to have time to test and release
- Integration and testing page for F release in https://wiki.lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/IAT/F+Release+Integration+and+Testing
- 2022-05-18: Timeplan review
- 5G Super Blueprint status - tabled for D and E, will be re-evaluated for F release.
- Tag this activity for G release.
- 2022-04-06: no news
- 2022-05-12: no news
- "F" Release:
- Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
- Release Manager
Sridhar Rao /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling - Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
- OTF Workshop scheduled for RSAC call on May-4 (8AM EDT) did not take place due to technical difficulties. It will be rescheduled.
- 2022-04-06: James talked about David Kinsey's mail on possible delay in OTF adoption. O-cloud usage should help with the current OTF-related issues. Details see David's e-mail.
- 2022-04-06: Rittwik reported issues with PTP standup not yet done. They are also trying to "templatize" the Viavi deploment to make it easier to deploy.
- 2022-04-13: Jack brought up: if Infrastructure (Jackie Huang ) area :Interest in the community to consider integration of any new upstream projects etc. and open to evaluate such opportunities. ; This would help this community for Ex. SMO : how to manage infra easily - kind of questions;.
- 2022-04-20: Environment not yet ready (OTF team and infrastructure team working on this)
- 2022-05-18: workshop likely to be on Wednesday May 18th. James Liwill check and confirm
- "G" Release
- Jack: How do we track our support of MVP?
- David Kinsey: Rittwik and I do coordinate, but do not measure. We will work to see how we measure.
- 2022-04-06: Jack called for first input. RSAC planning committee will again coordinate.
- 2022-05-12: Rittwik: for “G” release with do not expect to implement many MVP use cases. Which ones still TBD. Jack: priority should be given to those exploiting and validating OSC software capability
- OTF Workshop scheduled for RSAC call on May-4 (8AM EDT) did not take place due to technical difficulties. It will be rescheduled.
- Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
- 2022-04-06: no news
- James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
- Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO) :: 2022-04-13: copyright blockers issue.
John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)
Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)
Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC)
(TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU)
Former user (Deleted) O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)
Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW)
Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)
Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)
Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)
Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)
- (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
- Release Manager
- Collaboration with OAI
- 2022-05-05: James and Jinri got in touch with OAI about contributions in the area of O-CU development. First contributions in the context of F release are under evaluation. Jack reminded that licensing approach of OAI need to be verified before source-code adoption is agreed. Binary/test fixture solution are possible as an alternative
- 2022-05-12: Meeting with OAI is planned later this week. One agenda item will be clarifying options to use OAI code in OSC projects
New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
- Planning for Next Meeting
Any Other Business (AOB)
Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
Call for Scribe (minutes owner): Andrea Buldorini (TIM)
Roll Call & Quorum Check
Company | Contact Name | Attendance | Alternate Contact | Attendance |
Jack Murray Co-Chair | X | David Kinsey | ||
Jinri Huang Co-Chair | X | James Li | ||
Jakub Nový (starting 2022-04-20) | X | Ondřej Hudousek | ||
John-Paul Lane | X | John Keeney | ||
Masafumi Masuda | Anil Umesh | |||
Arunkumar Halebid | X | Thoralf Czichy | ||
William Diego | X | Vincent Danno | ||
Ganesh Shenbagaraman | X | Manasi Padhy (→Ankit) ??? | ||
Andrea Buldorini | X | Scarpina Salvatore | ||
Wind River | Bin Yang | Jackie Huang | ||
Viavi Solutions | Ultan Kelly | Kexuan Sun | X | |
Samsung | JinGuk Jeong | X | Avinash Bhat |
*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.
Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting approval: proposed by Arun and seconded by Andrea. The motion is approved.
- Review of Today's Agenda
Release Votes and Approval
- Request by Mahesh to get committer’s rights as PTL to speed up procedures (on behalf of LF IT staff). (see It is proposed to request access rights for other OSC PTLs. Jack propose to coordinate among PTLs to adopt a common approach across all the projects if possible. Shridar Rao will also verify with LF IT group what would be the best approach. Mahesh and Shridar will get info from PTLs to make one request to LF.
- Motion to enable PTLs as committers by Mahesh; Jinri seconds. The motion is approved.
- Request by CommScope to reactivate the archived OAM/TR069-Adapter repo; LFN requires approval by TOC
- Motion to reactivate TR069 by Martin; Jinri second; The motion is approved
- Request by Mahesh to get committer’s rights as PTL to speed up procedures (on behalf of LF IT staff). (see It is proposed to request access rights for other OSC PTLs. Jack propose to coordinate among PTLs to adopt a common approach across all the projects if possible. Shridar Rao will also verify with LF IT group what would be the best approach. Mahesh and Shridar will get info from PTLs to make one request to LF.
Copyright update
Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.
This is currently stalled and we are waiting on updates from O-RAN legal team. 2022-04-06, 2022-04-13, 2022-04-20 : no major progress/updates.
- O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
F2F Meeting
- Jack: We need to be prepared for the June one. We have some items as part of the F Release and planning for the G Release.
- 2022-04-06: Jack and Jinri confirmed that it's still a virtual meeting. Action Point: Rittwik and RSAC to prepare for this meeting. 2022-04-20 : Open
- 2022-05-05: Jinri: no details on the agenda for the June vF2F are available yet.
- O-RAN ALLIANCE industry summit will take place in June, with both live and virtual events.
- Plugfest
- Jinri: There are 2 plugfests this year. It will be great if we can have regular updates on the preparation work.
- Jack: 2022-03-30: I don't see Tracy today. We will talk about it next week.
- 2022-04-06: Action Point: Jinri to check details and come back with more information. O-RAN members should have received call for participation (with deadline and host information). 2022-04-20: Open
- O-RAN spending
- 2022-04-06
- O-RAN is collecting spending request. Jinri sent e-mail on this to TOC mailing list.
- David responded with potential need for simulation tool
- Jinri reminded participants of the meeting to check for any additional spending needs.
- 2022-04-20: David sent inquiry to Viavi regarding replacing on-loan "network appliance" solution with software. No response. We assume to continue with the "network appliance" model. Ultan requested some additional information from David (cc James+Jinri).
- 2022-05-05: David got info from Viavi. Benefits on the solution are still under evaluation.
- 2022-04-06
- Challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC)
- 2022-04-20 James and Jinri: are starting the work on identifying any challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC). Jinri might request help from PTLs (via reflector/mailing list).
- 2022-05-05 Jinri sent out a survey. PTLs are invited to contribute with identified issues.
- Old business and Status of Open Actions
- "F" Release:
- Action Point: PTLs to add a line showing code coverage stats for F release.
- 2022-04-06: we checked the page F Release - not all subprojects have a heading or reference to this.
- 2022-04-13: page F Release still does not reflect the progress and required stats.
- Action Point : PTLs from non-RT RIC (ok), O-DU (not ok), Simulators (ok), Infrastructure (ok), SMO (not ok): to check and update the stats on the F Release respective pages
- 2022-04-20: Jackie (Windriver) asked how to create "F" release in JIRA for his project. Answer: Try this link and if it does not work, contact Sridhar Rao (
- 5G Super Blueprint status - tabled for D and E, will be re-evaluated for F release.
- Tag this activity for G release.
- 2022-04-06: no news
- "F" Release:
- Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
- Release Manager
Sridhar Rao /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling - Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
- OTF Workshop scheduled for RSAC call on May-4 (8AM EDT) did not take place due to technical difficulties. It will be rescheduled.
- 2022-04-06: James talked about David Kinsey's mail on possible delay in OTF adoption. O-cloud usage should help with the current OTF-related issues. Details see David's e-mail.
- 2022-04-06: Rittwik reported issues with PTP standup not yet done. They are also trying to "templatize" the Viavi deploment to make it easier to deploy.
- 2022-04-13: Jack brought up: if Infrastructure (Jackie Huang ) area :Interest in the community to consider integration of any new upstream projects etc. and open to evaluate such opportunities. ; This would help this community for Ex. SMO : how to manage infra easily - kind of questions;.
- 2022-04-20: Environment not yet ready (OTF team and infrastructure team working on this)
- "G" Release
- Jack: How do we track our support of MVP?
- David Kinsey: Rittwik and I do coordinate, but do not measure. We will work to see how we measure.
- 2022-04-06: Jack called for first input. RSAC planning committee will again coordinate.
- OTF Workshop scheduled for RSAC call on May-4 (8AM EDT) did not take place due to technical difficulties. It will be rescheduled.
- Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
- 2022-04-06: no news
- James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
- Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO) :: 2022-04-13: copyright blockers issue.
John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)
Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)
Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC)
(TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU)
Former user (Deleted) O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)
Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW) :2022-04-13: planning to make a F Release contribution (from FlexRan. Currently some integration blocker at the NJ plugfest. Jack, suggested to work with Ankit (Radisys), watch F Release page updates reg this.
Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)
Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)
Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)
Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)
- (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
- Release Manager
- Collaboration with OAI
- 2022-05-05: James and Jinri got in touch with OAI about contributions in the area of O-CU development. First contributions in the context of F release are under evaluation. Jack reminded that licensing approach of OAI need to be verified before source-code adoption is agreed. Binary/test fixture solution are possible as an alternative
New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
- Presentation by Ultan (Viavi) and Avinash Bath (Samsung) on their view and interest in OSC.
- 2022-04-27 : Kexuan Sun (Viavi) presented the RIC Test solution.
- 2022-05-05: Avinash Bath (Samsung) presented “OSC contribution goals”
- Jack: suggest to coordinate with other project on the data movement strategy, also taking into account existing LF initiatives on data management and AI
- Presentation by Ultan (Viavi) and Avinash Bath (Samsung) on their view and interest in OSC.
- Planning for Next Meeting
Any Other Business (AOB)
Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
Call for Scribe (minutes owner): Arun Kumar
Roll Call & Quorum Check
Company | Contact Name | Attendance | Alternate Contact | Attendance |
Jack Murray Co-Chair | x | David Kinsey | ||
Jinri Huang Co-Chair | James Li | x | ||
Jakub Nový (starting 2022-04-20) | x | Ondřej Hudousek | ||
John-Paul Lane | John Keeney | x | ||
Masafumi Masuda | x | Anil Umesh | ||
Arunkumar Halebid | x | Thoralf Czichy | ||
William Diego | Vincent Danno | |||
Ganesh Shenbagaraman | Manasi Padhy (Ankit) | x | ||
Andrea Buldorini | x | Scarpina Salvatore | ||
Wind River | Bin Yang | x | Jackie Huang | |
Viavi Solutions | Ultan Kelly | Kexuan Sun | x | |
Samsung | JinGuk Jeong | x | Avinash Bhat |
*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.
Copyright update
Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.
This is currently stalled and we are waiting on updates from O-RAN legal team. 2022-04-06, 2022-04-13, 2022-04-20 : no major progress/updates.
- O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
F2F Meeting
- Jack: We need to be prepared for the June one. We have some items as part of the F Release and planning for the G Release.
- 2022-04-06: Jack and Jinri confirmed that it's still a virtual meeting. Action Point: Rittwik and RSAC to prepare for this meeting. 2022-04-20 : Open
- Plugfest
- Jinri: There are 2 plugfests this year. It will be great if we can have regular updates on the preparation work.
- Jack: 2022-03-30: I don't see Tracy today. We will talk about it next week.
- 2022-04-06: Action Point: Jinri to check details and come back with more information. O-RAN members should have received call for participation (with deadline and host information). 2022-04-20: Open
- O-RAN spending
- 2022-04-06
- O-RAN is collecting spending request. Jinri sent e-mail on this to TOC mailing list.
- David responded with potential need for simulation tool
- Jinri reminded participants of the meeting to check for any additional spending needs.
- 2022-04-20: David sent inquiry to Viavi regarding replacing on-loan "network appliance" solution with software. No response. We assume to continue with the "network appliance" model. Ultan requested some additional information from David (cc James+Jinri).
- 2022-04-06
- 2022-04-20 James and Jinri: are starting the work on identifying any challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC). Jinri might request help from PTLs (via reflector/mailing list).
- Old business and Status of Open Actions
- "F" Release:
- Action Point: PTLs to add a line showing code coverage stats for F release.
- 2022-04-06: we checked the page F Release - not all subprojects have a heading or reference to this.
- 2022-04-13: page F Release still does not reflect the progress and required stats.
- Action Point : PTLs from non-RT RIC (ok), O-DU (not ok), Simulators (ok), Infrastructure (ok), SMO (not ok): to check and update the stats on the F Release respective pages
- 2022-04-20: Jackie (Windriver) asked how to create "F" release in JIRA for his project. Answer: Try this link and if it does not work, contact Sridhar Rao (
- 5G Super Blueprint status - tabled for D and E, will be re-evaluated for F release.
- Tag this activity for G release.
- 2022-04-06: no news
- "F" Release:
- Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
- Release Manager
Sridhar Rao /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling - Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
- OTF Workshop will be held on the
April 7in RSAC call. 2022-04-13: now planned forApr-21 9am EDT. 2022-04-20: likely new date: May-4 8am EDT- 2022-04-06: James talked about David Kinsey's mail on possible delay in OTF adoption. O-cloud usage should help with the current OTF-related issues. Details see David's e-mail.
- 2022-04-06: Rittwik reported issues with PTP standup not yet done. They are also trying to "templatize" the Viavi deploment to make it easier to deploy.
- 2022-04-13: Jack brought up: if Infrastructure (Jackie Huang ) area :Interest in the community to consider integration of any new upstream projects etc. and open to evaluate such opportunities. ; This would help this community for Ex. SMO : how to manage infra easily - kind of questions;.
- 2022-04-20: Environment not yet ready (OTF team and infrastructure team working on this)
- "G" Release
- Jack: How do we track our support of MVP?
- David Kinsey: Rittwik and I do coordinate, but do not measure. We will work to see how we measure.
- 2022-04-06: Jack called for first input. RSAC planning committee will again coordinate.
- OTF Workshop will be held on the
- Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
- 2022-04-06: no news
- James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
- Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO) :: 2022-04-13: copyright blockers issue.
John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)
Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)
Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC)
(TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU)
Former user (Deleted) O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)
Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW) :2022-04-13: planning to make a F Release contribution (from FlexRan. Currently some integration blocker at the NJ plugfest. Jack, suggested to work with Ankit (Radisys), watch F Release page updates reg this.
Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)
Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)
Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)
Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)
- (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
- Release Manager
New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
- Presentation by Ultan (Viavi) and JinGuk (Samsung) on their view and interest in OSC.
- 2022-04-27 : Kexuan Sun (Viavi) presented the RIC Test solution.
- Presentation by Ultan (Viavi) and JinGuk (Samsung) on their view and interest in OSC.
- Planning for Next Meeting
Any Other Business (AOB)
- reminder: Starting next week (=May-5) we meet on Thursdays, May-5, at 9am EST. 2022-04-27: Andrea Buldorini will be the scribe for May.
- reminder: Starting next week (=May-5) we meet on Thursdays, May-5, at 9am EST. 2022-04-27: Andrea Buldorini will be the scribe for May.
Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
Call for Scribe (minutes owner): Thoralf Czichy
Roll Call & Quorum Check
Contact Name
Alternate Contact
Jack Murray Co-Chair
x David Kinsey
Jinri Huang Co-Chair
x James Li
Jakub Nový (starting 2022-04-20)
x Ondřej Hudousek
John-Paul Lane
John Keeney x Masafumi Masuda
x Anil Umesh
Arunkumar Halebid
Thoralf Czichy x William Diego
Vincent Danno
Ganesh Shenbagaraman
Manasi Padhy Andrea Buldorini
x Scarpina Salvatore Wind River Bin Yang x Jackie Huang Viavi Solutions Ultan Kelly x Kexuan Sun Samsung JinGuk Jeong
x Avinash Bhat *Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.
Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting approval: proposed by Thoralf and seconded by Bin Yang. The motion is approved.
- Review of Today's Agenda
- we go through the items below.
Release Votes and Approval
- -
Copyright update
Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.
This is currently stalled and we are waiting on updates from O-RAN legal team. 2022-04-06, 2022-04-13, 2022-04-20 : no major progress/updates.
- O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
F2F Meeting
- Jack: We need to be prepared for the June one. We have some items as part of the F Release and planning for the G Release.
- 2022-04-06: Jack and Jinri confirmed that it's still a virtual meeting. Action Point: Rittwik and RSAC to prepare for this meeting. 2022-04-20 : Open
- Plugfest
- Jinri: There are 2 plugfests this year. It will be great if we can have regular updates on the preparation work.
- Jack: 2022-03-30: I don't see Tracy today. We will talk about it next week.
- 2022-04-06: Action Point: Jinri to check details and come back with more information. O-RAN members should have received call for participation (with deadline and host information). 2022-04-20: Open
- O-RAN spending
- 2022-04-06
- O-RAN is collecting spending request. Jinri sent e-mail on this to TOC mailing list.
- David responded with potential need for simulation tool
- Jinri reminded participants of the meeting to check for any additional spending needs.
- 2022-04-20: David sent inquiry to Viavi regarding replacing on-loan "network appliance" solution with software. No response. We assume to continue with the "network appliance" model. Ultan requested some additional information from David (cc James+Jinri).
- 2022-04-06
- 2022-04-20 James and Jinri: are starting the work on identifying any challenges for the OSC community (as report to EC). Jinri might request help from PTLs (via reflector/mailing list).
- Old business and Status of Open Actions
- "F" Release:
- Action Point: PTLs to add a line showing code coverage stats for F release.
- 2022-04-06: we checked the page F Release - not all subprojects have a heading or reference to this.
- 2022-04-13: page F Release still does not reflect the progress and required stats.
- Action Point : PTLs from non-RT RIC (ok), O-DU (not ok), Simulators (ok), Infrastructure (ok), SMO (not ok): to check and update the stats on the F Release respective pages
- 2022-04-20: Jackie (Windriver) asked how to create "F" release in JIRA for his project. Answer: Try this link and if it does not work, contact Sridhar Rao (
- 5G Super Blueprint status - tabled for D and E, will be re-evaluated for F release.
- Tag this activity for G release.
- 2022-04-06: no news
- "F" Release:
- Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
- Release Manager
Sridhar Rao /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling - Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
- OTF Workshop will be held on the
April 7in RSAC call. 2022-04-13: now planned forApr-21 9am EDT. 2022-04-20: likely new date: May-4 8am EDT- 2022-04-06: James talked about David Kinsey's mail on possible delay in OTF adoption. O-cloud usage should help with the current OTF-related issues. Details see David's e-mail.
- 2022-04-06: Rittwik reported issues with PTP standup not yet done. They are also trying to "templatize" the Viavi deploment to make it easier to deploy.
- 2022-04-13: Jack brought up: if Infrastructure (Jackie Huang ) area :Interest in the community to consider integration of any new upstream projects etc. and open to evaluate such opportunities. ; This would help this community for Ex. SMO : how to manage infra easily - kind of questions;.
- 2022-04-20: Environment not yet ready (OTF team and infrastructure team working on this)
- "G" Release
- Jack: How do we track our support of MVP?
- David Kinsey: Rittwik and I do coordinate, but do not measure. We will work to see how we measure.
- 2022-04-06: Jack called for first input. RSAC planning committee will again coordinate.
- OTF Workshop will be held on the
- Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
- 2022-04-06: no news
- James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
- Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO) :: 2022-04-13: copyright blockers issue.
John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)
Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)
Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC)
(TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU)
Former user (Deleted) O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)
Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW) :2022-04-13: planning to make a F Release contribution (from FlexRan. Currently some integration blocker at the NJ plugfest. Jack, suggested to work with Ankit (Radisys), watch F Release page updates reg this.
Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)
Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)
Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)
Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)
- (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
- Release Manager
New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
- Planning for Next Meeting
- Presentation by Ultan (Viavi) and JinGuk (Samsung) on their view and interest in OSC.
- Presentation by Northeastern University on a ns-3 based simulator → to discuss under item 5
Any Other Business (AOB)
- 2022-04-20: new meeting time proposal by Jinri: Jinri has made a motion starting May-5 to use Thursdays, 9am EST. Apr-27 still the Wednesday timeslot. Ganesh seconded. The motion was approved.
- 2022-04-20: new meeting time proposal by Jinri: Jinri has made a motion starting May-5 to use Thursdays, 9am EST. Apr-27 still the Wednesday timeslot. Ganesh seconded. The motion was approved.
Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
Call for Scribe (minutes owner): Arunkumar Halebid
Roll Call & Quorum Check
Contact Name
Alternate Contact
Jack Murray Co-Chair
x David Kinsey
Jinri Huang Co-Chair
x James Li
David Streibl→ Jakub Nový (starting 2022-04-20)
x Ondřej Hudousek
John-Paul Lane
John Keeney Masafumi Masuda
Anil Umesh
Arunkumar Halebid
Thoralf Czichy William Diego
Vincent Danno
Ganesh Shenbagaraman
Manasi Padhy Andrea Buldorini
x Scarpina Salvatore Wind River Bin Yang x Jackie Huang Viavi Solutions Ultan Kelly x Kexuan Sun Samsung Jeong JinGuk
Avinash Bhat x *Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.
Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting approval: proposed by Arun and seconded by David The motion is approved.
- Review of Today's Agenda
- we go through the items below.
Release Votes and Approval
- Thoralf (near-RT RIC) proposed a new repo ric-plt/stslgo . Details: Seconded by Jinri. The motion is approved.
Copyright update
Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.
This is currently stalled and we are waiting on updates from O-RAN legal team. 2022-04-06: no news; 2022-04-13 : no major progress/updates.
- O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
F2F Meeting
- Jack: We need to be prepared for the June one. We have some items as part of the F Release and planning for the G Release.
- 2022-04-06: Jack and Jinri confirmed that it's still a virtual meeting. Action Point: Rittwik and RSAC to prepare for this meeting. 2022-04-13 : Open;
- Plugfest
- Jinri: There are 2 plugfests this year. It will be great if we can have regular updates on the preparation work.
- Jack: 2022-03-30: I don't see Tracy today. We will talk about it next week.
- 2022-04-06: Action Point: Jinri to check details and come back with more information. O-RAN members should have received call for participation (with deadline and host information).
- O-RAN spending
- 2022-04-06
- O-RAN is collecting spending request. Jinri sent e-mail on this to TOC mailing list.
- David responded with potential need for simulation tool
- Jinri reminded participants of the meeting to check for any additional spending needs.
- 2022-04-06
- Old business and Status of Open Actions
- "F" Release:
- Action Point: PTLs to add a line showing code coverage stats for F release.
- 2022-04-06: we checked the page F Release - not all subprojects have a heading or reference to this.
- 2022-04-13: page F Release still does not reflect the progress and required stats.
- Action Point : PTLs from non-RT RIC, O-DU, Simulators, Infrastructure, SMO : to check and update the stats on the F Release respective pages
- 5G Super Blueprint status - tabled for D and E, will be re-evaluated for F release.
- Tag this activity for G release.
- 2022-04-06: no news
- "F" Release:
- Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
- Release Manager
Sridhar Rao /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling- Trishan has moved on. Need to work with LF to secure a replacement.
- Action Point: Jack to send another message to Arpit requesting when replacement for Trishan is available.>DONE(2022-04-13). Sridhar Rao ( will replace Trishan
- Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
- OTF Workshop
- OTF Workshop will be held on the
April 7in RSAC call. 2022-04-13: now planned forApr-21 9am EDT. 2022-04-20: likely new date: May-4 8am EDT - 2022-04-06: James talked about David Kinsey's mail on possible delay in OTF adoption. O-cloud usage should help with the current OTF-related issues. Details see David's e-mail.
- 2022-04-06: Rittwik reported issues with PTP standup not yet done. They are also trying to "templatize" the Viavi deploment to make it easier to deploy.
- 2022-04-13: Jack brought up: if Infrastructure (Jackie Huang ) area :Interest in the community to consider integration of any new upstream projects etc. and open to evaluate such opportunities. ; This would help this community for Ex. SMO : how to manage infra easily - kind of questions;.
- 2022-04-20: Environment not yet ready (OTF team and infrastructure team working on this)
- OTF Workshop will be held on the
- "G" Release
- Jack: How do we track our support of MVP?
- David Kinsey: Rittwik and I do coordinate, but do not measure. We will work to see how we measure.
- 2022-04-06: Jack called for first input. RSAC planning committee will again coordinate.
- OTF Workshop
- Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
- 2022-04-06: no news
- James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
- Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO) :: 2022-04-13: copyright blockers issue.
John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)
Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)
Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC)
(TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU)
Former user (Deleted) O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)
Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW) :2022-04-13: planning to make a F Release contribution (from FlexRan. Currently some integration blocker at the NJ plugfest. Jack, suggested to work with Ankit (Radisys), watch F Release page updates reg this.
Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)
Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)
Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)
Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)
- (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
- Release Manager
New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
- Planning for Next Meeting
Any Other Business (AOB)
Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
Call for Scribe (minutes owner): Thoralf Czichy (standing in for Arunkumar Halebid)
Roll Call & Quorum Check
Contact Name
Alternate Contact
Jack Murray Co-Chair
x David Kinsey
Jinri Huang Co-Chair
x James Li
David Streibl
x Ondřej Hudousek
John-Paul Lane
John Keeney Masafumi Masuda
x Anil Umesh
Arunkumar Halebid
Thoralf Czichy William Diego
x (12 min late)
Vincent Danno
Ganesh Shenbagaraman
Manasi Padhy Ankit Barve participated (Jack asked for e-mail) Andrea Buldorini
x Scarpina Salvatore Wind River Bin Yang x Jackie Huang Viavi Solutions Ultan Kelly x Kexuan Sun Samsung Jeong JinGuk Avinash Bhat x (Jack asked for e-mail with official alternate name) *Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.
Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Decision: Minutes for TOC meeting approval: proposed by Masafumi and seconded by Jinri. The motion is approved.
- Review of Today's Agenda
- Potential new spending (Jinri) - covered by O-RAN related business in item 7.
Release Votes and Approval
Copyright update
Is SCCL discussion progressing in O-RAN Alliance? Does the Alliance have plans to publish code-like specifications under SCCL anytime soon? Need to follow up with O-RAN legal team and O-RAN EC to determine current status of SCCL.
This is currently stalled and we are waiting on updates from O-RAN legal team. 2022-04-06: no news
- O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.)
F2F Meeting
- Jack: We need to be prepared for the June one. We have some items as part of the F Release and planning for the G Release.
- 2022-04-06: Jack and Jinri confirmed that it's still a virtual meeting. Action Point: Rittwik and RSAC to prepare for this meeting
TOC Nomination
Action Point: Jinri to get reaffirmation from TSC for the 6 seats including Samsung as of April 6. → DONE
- 2022-04-06: Jinri confirmed that this (6 seats incl. new seat for Samsung) was approved. Next vote would be in March 2023. Seats are by company. If person leaves, company provides subtitute. In technical teams nomination is linked to persons.
- Plugfest
- Jinri: There are 2 plugfests this year. It will be great if we can have regular updates on the preparation work.
- Jack: 2022-03-30: I don't see Tracy today. We will talk about it next week.
- 2022-04-06: New Action Point: Jinri to check details and come back with more information. O-RAN members should have received call for participation (with deadline and host information).
- O-RAN spending
- 2022-04-06
- O-RAN is collecting spending request. Jinri sent e-mail on this to TOC mailing list.
- David responded with potential need for simulation tool
- Jinri reminded participants of the meeting to check for any additional spending needs.
- 2022-04-06
- Old business and Status of Open Actions
- "F" Release:
- Action Point: PTLs to add a line showing code coverage stats for F release.
- 2022-04-06: we checked the page F Release - not all subprojects have a heading or reference to this.
- 5G Super Blueprint status - tabled for D and E, will be re-evaluated for F release.
- Tag this activity for G release.
- 2022-04-06: no news
- "F" Release:
- Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
- Release Manager Trishan de Lanerolle /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
- Trishan has moved on. Need to work with LF to secure a replacement.
- New Action Point: Jack to send another message to Arpit requesting when replacement for Trishan is available.
- Requirements Software Architecture Committee (RSAC, link incl. meeting details)
- OTF Workshop
- OTF Workshop will be held on the April 7 in RSAC call.
- 2022-04-06: James talked about David Kinsey's mail on possible delay in OTF adoption. O-cloud usage should help with the current OTF-related issues. Details see David's e-mail.
- 2022-04-06: Rittwik reported issues with PTP standup not yet done. They are also trying to "templatize" the Viavi deploment to make it easier to deploy.
- "G" Release
- Jack: How do we track our support of MVP?
- David Kinsey: Rittwik and I do coordinate, but do not measure. We will work to see how we measure.
- 2022-04-06: Jack called for first input. RSAC planning committee will again coordinate.
- OTF Workshop
- Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
- 2022-04-06: no news
- James Li Integration and Testing (INT)
- Mahesh Jethanandani Service Management and Orchestration (SMO)
John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-Real Time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)
Sunil Singh RIC Applications (RICAPP)
Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC)
(TBD) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU)
Former user (Deleted) O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)
Lvfarias (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW)
Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)
Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)
Jackie Huang Infrastructure (INF)
Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)
- (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
- Release Manager Trishan de Lanerolle /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items
- Planning for Next Meeting
Any Other Business (AOB)
Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)