The DMaaP Mediator Producer provides Information Coordinator jobs that pushes messages from DMaaP Message Router to data consumers.
DMaaP Message Router (MR) forces the user to poll a specific topic. Examples of topics are faults and metrics. So the decision has been made for a mediator job to provide messages for a specific topic. The first job to be provided will push messages from the fault topic.
A discussion was held around wether a job should provide the possibility to filter the messages pushedor not. Though it would be a nice feature, it was decided that this should not be provided in the inital version. Later a number of different filtering solutions, more or less generic, can be considered and introduced if wanted.
The first job will have the following schema:
"$schema": "",
"title": "STD_Fault_Messages",
"description": "Schema for Job delivering fault messages from DMaaP Message Router",
"type": "object",
It was also decided that the implementation shall be done using the Go language and code should reside int the "nonrtric" repo.