This page describes how to demonstrate the entire flow for Non-Realtime RIC using Release E.
Overview of the End to End call
Details of the architecture can be found from the following link: Release E
It is recommended to use it/dep repo as it has ready to use helm charts and test data to create and populate data into nonrtric k8s deployment.
Instruction can be found in Deploy NONRTRIC in Kubernetes.
End to end call from Policy Management
End to End call from Policy Control GUI to A1 (previously called Near-RT RIC A1 Interface) simulator
Perform Policy Operations via Control Panel
Open Control Panel in browser. To check which port your control panel is running, the following command can be used:
kubectl get svc -n nonrtric controlpanel NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE controlpanel NodePort <none> 8080:30091/TCP,8081:30092/TCP 168m
In this case port for HTTP connection would be 30091 and for HTTPS 30092.
- Click on Policy Control and the screen below with policy types should open
- For each policy type there is a '+' icon to create a new policy of that specific type. Click on '+' icon to create new policy
- Choose your ric from drop-down menu and provide any arbitrary values for QoS-ID, UE-ID and Priority
- Submit the policy
- An entry to the chosen Near-RT RIC simulator console/log should appear (see, for example, kubectl logs -n nonrtric a1-sim-osc-0 in case ric1 policy was created): - - [08/Jun/2021 11:35:20] "PUT /a1-p/policytypes/1/policies/fd5f8848-575a-4d1c-887e-b16ad24b22b1 HTTP/1.0" 202 -
- Click the pen icon to modify any policy
- Modifications are submitted in the same way as in creation, and the resulting simulator log should also be same as the one we saw in creation - - [08/Jun/2021 11:39:38] "PUT /a1-p/policytypes/1/policies/aa8feaa88d944d919ef0e83f2172a5000 HTTP/1.0" 202 -
- Delete any policy by clicking the red trashcan icon
- Confirm deletion and verify the log on simulator side: - - [08/Jun/2021 11:43:42] "DELETE /a1-p/policytypes/1/policies/aa8feaa88d944d919ef0e83f2172a5000 HTTP/1.0" 202 -
End to end call from Information Coordinator Service
From the Control Panel, Producer and Jobs can only be listed.
In Kubernetes cluster setup, The Information Coordination Service (ICS) is not exposed outside, hence the commands for populating Information Jobs/Consumers/Producers need to be run from within the cluster.
In local Kubernetes setup (Docker Desktop, Minikube, etc..), actions such as create, modify and delete, curl can be use to interact with ICS API using NodePort from control panel.
In this example, test data is been used, so there is no real producer connected.
Create Type
curl -X 'PUT' \ 'http://localhost:30091/data-producer/v1/info-types/type2' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "info_job_data_schema": { "$schema":"", "title":"STD_Type1_1.0.0", "description":"EI-Type 1", "type":"object" } }'
Response could be both 200 and 201 depending if the command was used to create a new type or to modify an existing one.
- 200 Type updated
- 201 Type created
Delete Type
curl -X 'DELETE' \ 'http://localhost:30091/data-producer/v1/info-types/type2' \ -H 'accept: application/json'
- 204 Type deleted
- 404 Type not found
Create Producer
curl -X 'PUT' \ 'http://localhost:30091/data-producer/v1/info-producers/2' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "info_producer_supervision_callback_url": "https://producer-stub:8093/callbacks/supervision/prod-a", "supported_info_types": [ "type2" ], "info_job_callback_url": "https://producer-stub:8093/callbacks/job/prod-a" }'
Response could be both 200 and 201 depending if the command was used to create a new producer or to modify an existing one.
- 200 Producer updated
- 201 Producer created
Delete Producer
curl -X 'DELETE' \ 'http://localhost:30091/data-producer/v1/info-producers/2' \ -H 'accept: application/json'
- 204 Producer deleted
- 404 Producer not found
Create Job
curl -X 'PUT' \ 'http://localhost:30091/data-consumer/v1/info-jobs/2?typeCheck=false' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{ "info_type_id": "type2", "job_result_uri": "https://ricsim_g3_1:8185/datadelivery", "job_owner": "ricsim_g3_1", "job_definition": {}, "status_notification_uri": "http://producer:80/" }'
Response could be both 200 and 201 depending if the command was used to create a new job or to modify an existing one.
- 200 Job updated
- 201 Job created
Delete Job
curl -X 'DELETE' \ 'http://localhost:30091/data-consumer/v1/info-jobs/1' \ -H 'accept: application/json'
- 204 Job deleted
- 404 Job not found