The rApp Manager is a lifecycle management service for rApps. It gets the rApp as ASD formatted package and lifecycle manages it based on it instance configuration. It uses ONAP ACM for lifecycle management operations and it integrates with other components for managing the rApp.
ASD package contains the details required to create and integrate the required services/components. Each ASD package contains only one rApp and One rApp can have any number of rApp instances.
Source code repository :;a=summary
The rApp Manager integrated with the below components to support lifecycle managing the rApp.
Automation Composition Management (ACM) is a framework that supports Life Cycle Management of Automation Compositions. It supports deployment, monitoring, update and removal of Automation Compositions en-bloc, allowing users to manage their features, services, and capabilities as single logical units. More details about ACM can be found here.
ACM-R supports any number of participants and all the participants can be configured through the configuration in the rApp package.
List of participants used by rApp manager sample rApp.
- A1PMS Participant - It interacts with A1PMS of NONRTRIC. It is capable of lifecycle managing A1PMS service.
- Kserve Participant - It interacts with Kserve. It is capable of lifecycle managing Kserve inference service.
- Kubernetes Participant - It interacts with Helm/Kubernetes. It is capable of lifecycle managing Helm charts.
- DME Participant - It interacts with DME(ICS) of NONRTRIC. It is capable of lifecycle managing DME entities.
ACM composition and instance details can be provided as part of rApp package and the package structure can be found here.
The DME(Information Coordination Service (ICS)) is a generic service that maintains data subscriptions. Its main purpose is to decouple data consumers and data producers in a multi vendor environment. A data consumer does not need to know anything about the producers of the data. More details about DME can be found here.
It integrates with rApp manager to enable the rApp produce/consume specific type of data(Information Type in DME terms).
Information type, Data producer/consumer information can be provided as part of rApp package and the package structure can be found here.
The SME(CAPIF) stands for Common API framework and it was developed by 3GPP to enable a unified Northbound API framework across 3GPP network functions, and to ensure that there is a single and harmonized approach for API development. More details about DME can be found here.
It integrates with rApp manager to enable the rApp expose/access/discover endpoints.
Service exposure/access related configurations can be provided as part of rApp package and the package structure can be found here.
State Transitions
rApp States
The rApp lifecycle contains 4 states. The state and transitions are as follows,
COMMISSIONED rApp will be in this state right after creation and once the DEPRIMING is completed PRIMING This is a transition state. rApp will be in this state once the PRIMING requested for rApp PRIMED rApp will be in this state once the PRIMING is completed. In this state rApp instances can be created DEPRIMING This is a transition state. rApp will be in this state once the DEPRIMING requested for rApp
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rApp Instance States
The rApp Instance lifecycle contains 4 states. The state and transitions are as follows,
UNDEPLOYED rApp instance gets created in this state and once the rApp Instance undeploy is completed DEPLOYING This is the transition state. rApp instance will be in this state once DEPLOY is requested DEPLOYED rApp instance will be in this state once the rapp instance deployment is completed. UNDEPLOYING This is a transition state. rApp instance will be in this state once UNDEPLOY requested for rApp instance
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rApp flow
Create rAppAPI user creates rApp by sending rApp package rApp Manager validates the rApp rApp Manager stores the rApp in the file system if the rApp is valid API user provided with the status of rApp creation. API user request to Prime the rApp rApp Manager fetches the ACM composition from rApp package and creates the ACM composition in ACM-R rApp Manager gets the ACM composition creation status from ACM-R rApp Manager request ACM-R to prime the ACM composition rApp Manager gets the ACM composition priming status from ACM-R rApp Manager checks with DME for the unknown information type from rApp package rApp Manager get the information type availability from DME API user provided with the status of rApp priming
Delete rAppAPI user request to Deprime rApp rApp Manager request ACM-R to deprime the ACM composition rApp Manager get the status of ACM composition depriming. rApp Manager requests ACM-R to delete the ACM composition rApp Manager gets the status of ACM composition deletion API user provided with the deprime rApp status. API user request to delete the rApp rApp Manager validates that the rApp is in COMMISSIONED state and there is no rApp Instances are available. API User provided with delete rApp status
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rApp Instance flow
Create rApp InstanceAPI user request to create rApp Instance with the resource details from rApp package API user get the rApp instance creation response
Deploy rApp InstanceAPI user request to deploy rApp instance rApp Manager fetches the rApp package from file system and fetches the resources mentioned in the rApp instance. rApp Manager request ACM-R with the necessary details from rApp package to Instantiate ACM instance rApp Manager gets instantiate ACM instance response rApp Manager request ACM-R to deploy ACM instance ACM-R deploys the A1PMS instance if it is configured in the ACM instance ACM-R gets the A1PMS deployment status ACM-R deploys the Kserve instance if it is configured in the ACM instance ACM-R gets the Kserve deployment status ACM-R deploys the Kubernetes instance if it is configured in the ACM instance ACM-R gets the Kubernetes deployment status ACM-R deploys the DME instance if it is configured in the ACM instance ACM-R gets the DME deployment status rApp Manager gets ACM deployment status rApp Manager request SME to create the entities in rApp instance SME creates the entities provided by rApp Manager rApp manager get the response of SME entities creation API user provided with the status of rApp instance deployment. rApp Manager combines the status of ACM deployment and SME deployment to provide the rApp instance status.
Undeploy rApp InstanceAPI user request to undeploy rApp instance rApp Manager fetches the rApp and rApp instance details rApp Manager request ACM-R to undeploy the ACM instance ACM-R undeploy the A1PMS instance if it is already deployed ACM-R gets the A1PMS undeploy status ACM-R undeploy the Kserve instance if it is already deployed ACM-R gets the Kserve undeploy status ACM-R undeploy the Kubernetes instance if it is already deployed ACM-R gets the Kubernetes undeploy status ACM-R undeploy the DME instance if it is already deployed ACM-R gets the DME undeploy status rApp Manager get ACM undeploy status rApp Manager request ACM-R to delete the ACM instance rApp Manager get response of ACM instance deletion rApp Manager request SME to delete SME entities SME deletes the entities created as part of rApp rApp Manager get the response of SME entities deletion API user get the status of undeploy rApp instance
Delete rApp InstanceAPI user request rApp Manager to delete rApp Instance API user gets delete rApp instance response
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Sample rApp package structure
This is a prototype and subject to change
The sample rApp package structure shown below and the location of relevant files for each integration is provided.
ACM (Files/Acm)DME (Files/Dme)Consumer Information Types - Files/Dme/consumerinfotypes Producer information Types - Files/Dme/producerinfotypes Information Consumers - Files/Dme/infoconsumers Information Producers - Files/Dme/infoproducers
SME (Files/Sme)Providers Functions - Files/Sme/providers Service Api - Files/Sme/serviceapis Invokers - Files/Sme/invokers
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CSAR File Generation
CSAR file generator is available in the rAppmanager repository here.
rappmanager/csar-generator/resources folder contains the resources to build the rApp package.
The contents of the resources directory can be modified as required and the package can be generated as shown below,
For Linux,
For Windows,
This will generate a package named "rapp.csar". It can be renamed as required.
This generated package can be used with rApp Manager to create rApp.
Deployment Instructions