NOTE: During the "Daylight Savings Time" changeover periods (US vs Europe vs Asia) the time of the meetings may fluctuate. Please keep an eye on the calendar on the Meetings page

Please note that the weekly OAM/NONRTRIC scrum team meeting will continue on Monday’s at 13:00 UTC.

Daylight Savings time changes have now completed for a few months so times are

  • 6am PDT | 9am EDT | 13:00 UTC | 14:00 BST | 15:00 CEST | 16:00 EEST | 18:30 IST | 21:00 CST | 22:00 JST

See also:

2020-05-25 OAM Meeting notes




No meeting planned for next week - Public Holiday in Ireland & Germany. 

Any questions / comments over email please. 



  1. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Ongoing work: 
    1. HTTPs support & testing
    2. Fixing bugs identified in testing edge cases & scaling
    3. Need to update port numbers used by different functions - but postponing until maintenance release / cherry due to know-on effects 
    4. Stress testing continuing
    5. Integration tests with near-RT-RIC A1 mediator are now working fine.
    6. Still no update on Policy Type / Schema required for HealthCheck/TrafficSteering uscases. 
    7. Improving Documentation
    8. Need to do Bronze Branching ASAP!
    9. Release candidates hopefully in coming days
  2. Kuldeep Singh Negi Gautam Kumar HCL Deployment of Amber functionality successfull
    1. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Suggest update to Bronze 
    2. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Please update documentation etc / send comments feedback etc on deployment & use. THis information is Very helpful to the community (& thanks again to the Samsung team for their help on same previously) 
  3. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Alignment with ONAP Guilin (features under definition)
    1. Pawel Slowikowski Reiterated need for convergence in ONAP
    2. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Described current ambition to do more platform development to ONAP Guilan (include A1 Adapter & A1 Policy Management) - while maintaining OSC NONRTRIC for assembly/integration/testcases/usecases for NONRTRIC 
      1. Assuming can get alignment in ONAP - See ONAP ArchComm meeting Tuesday @14:00UTC
      2. Will try this approach in Guilin/Cheery timeframe 
      3. If sucessfull convergence OSC platform developments may be deprecated
    3. Kuldeep Singh Negi Any more info on A1 Policy Scopes - John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Owned by O-RAN Alliance WG2 - we will follow. Currently A1 Policies are treated as scope-independent unit so we don't care much about scope - but future releases will need to be scope aware etc as ONAP Topology/Inventory/CMDB capabilities improve. 
    4. Kuldeep Singh Negi How will Topology etc be treated? John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Will use ONAP functions - TBC - still a lot of work to do in ONAP. Until then R-APP will need to keep track. Currently unsatisfactory. 
    5. Kuldeep Singh Negi Persistent storage of Policies etc?  John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Current transient - will examine persistence options on next release(s) - e.g. ONAP Configuration Persistence Service (spelling etc?) / RuntimeDB / ONAP DB, etc TBC
    6. Kuldeep Singh Negi Any update on CDS? Previous Study was paused - will examine whether to continue study since CDS has moved on a little since then. 
    7. Kuldeep Singh Negi Which meetings to attend in ONAP? - All there are Far too many! See 

OAM: (2020-05-25 OAM Meeting notes)