RICAPP (F Release)
RICAPP (F Release)
These are the planned versions to be used for the F release.
End-of-release tasks
- Complete code upload/update
- Double-check from Code coverage reports that all blocker code smells have been addressed as per RC-5 in Release criteria checklist template
- If applicable, release binary artifact(s) such as docker container image(s), or libraries.
- Update references to artifacts in the above table. Also fill in the last column with reference to the gerrit review that can be used to regenerate the artifact.
- Update release notes: Make sure you have a release summary as per RC-1 in Release criteria checklist template: "every component must update their rst release notes (in the doc subfolder in the repo)". Based on this per-component description, the PTL will create a release summary.
- Release Notes must be published to https://docs.o-ran-sc.org/en/latest/
- Instructions for setting up documentation folder for repo: https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/wiki/display/DOC/Configure+Repo+for+Documentation
- After finishing all the above, branch "e-release" (all lower case).
- Repo owners (committers) can create branch.
- There are several ways to create branch. For example do this: Login to web UI https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/admin/repos > Find repo, click on repo name > "Branches" in left panel > "Create New"