INF Deployment Guideline - OKD O-Cloud

INF Deployment Guideline - OKD O-Cloud


1. Introduction

Detail the approach of steps for OKD O-Cloud deployment

1.1) Description

 OKD O-Cloud is deployed using an Ansible playbook and set of roles. See okd/README.md for more details.

1.2) System topology

Currently only a single-node, all-in-one topology is supported.

2. Minimum Requirements

Detail the hardware and software requirements necessary for the installation

  • Cores: 8

  • RAM: 16GB (24GB+ recommended)

  • Storage: 100GB

  • Operating System: Fedora CoreOS (installed by deployment automation) 

3. Installation

step-by-step instructions for deployment (see okd/README.md for detailed steps)

3.1) Install Ansible and python pre-requisites

Expected Result:

Environment is prepared for cluster deployment

3.2) Define O-Cloud inventory, for example: okd/inventory/hosts.yml and okd/inventory/host_vars/master-0/vars.yml

Expected Result:

 Ansible inventory is prepared for cluster deployment

3.3) Execute okd/playbooks/ocloud.yml playbook

Expected Result:

 OKD cluster is deployed

4. Post-Installation Verification

Outline how to verify that the installation was successful.

4.1) Run oc get nodes

Expected Result:

Node(s) are in Ready state

4.2) Run oc get clusteroperators

Expected Result:

 Cluster operators are all in Available state and none are in Progressing or Degraded state

4.3) Run oc get clusterversion

Expected Result:

Cluster version should be as defined in the ocloud_platform_okd_release Ansible variable, in Available state, and not in Progressing state

5. Troubleshooting

Provide common issues and their solutions.

Refer to "Troubleshooting installation issues" for information on diagnosing OKD deployment failures.

6. Additional Resources

List of additional documentation, links, or resources that may be helpful.


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