2024-12-03 meeting agenda and minutes
2024-12-03 meeting agenda and minutes
- WindRiver: Jackie Huang, Jon Zhang
- Redhat: Chris Wheeler (Red Hat)
Meeting records:
Passcode: eTM%F95h
Status Update for K Release:
- K Release - Releases - Confluence (o-ran-sc.org)
- INF StarlingX:
Consider updating to StarlingX 10.0- StarlingX 10.0 is not officially released yet, so this will be moved to J-Release.
- Working on updating the ARM support to algin with StarlingX 9.0
Consider C-State feature for energy saving
- O2:
- Check the new API infra monitoring and performance.
Consider O2 DMS ETSI profile- API updates for July train
- OKD:
- Bare metal support
- O2 operator integration: will be demo in next meeting
- INF StarlingX:
- Demo for OKD bare metal support: delayed.
- Demo for O2 operator
- K Release - Releases - Confluence (o-ran-sc.org)
Action Items:
- WindRiver:
- Redhat: