PM Streaming

PM Streaming


This page discusses the possibilities for PM streaming. In D-Release a use case and effort driven PM streaming of non-standardized VES message  was implemented.

Forward looking a (more) standardized way of PM streaming should be evaluated.

O-RAN OAM Interface Specification

The O-RAN Operation and Maintenance Interface Specification v10.00 from June 2023 refers  in chapter 6.3.2 Performance Data Streaming to the websocket protocol based on the requirements documented in 3GPP TS 28.550 v17.1.0 clause 5.2.3. With respect to the data model the specification references 3GPP TS 28.532  v17.3.0 clause 



  • file ready
  • filtered message based on the rApp Subscription 

Info: xml to s3 and kafka for control

  • Flow 
    • MNS (SMO) - does the subscription on the node
      • node starts streaming
      • messages to SMO as GPB
        • GPB termination
          •  <here the magic happens>
          • → send json to kafka

AI Martin Skorupski 

  • description and explain PM- job
  • show example of the GPB data format
  •  Protocol
    • HTTP2
    • websocket

Overview of "possibilities"

E2O1 file baseO1 streamingO2 DMSO2 IMSothers

(Stream Control Transmission Protocol)

FTP(es)websocket??gRPC gNMI


Modelling LanguageASN.1


(xsd: 3GPP TS 28.550 Annex C)



(xsd: 3GPP TS 28.550 Annex C)
requires manual translation from xsd to GBP

The measData.xsd should be converged with a xslt to a measData.proto3 file. 


Use Case Data Flow

The specific data flow is defined by 3GPP TS 28.550 clause and referenced by O-RAN.WG10.O1-Interface.0-R003-v10.00 6.3.2 Performance Data Streaming.

The following sequence diagram show the entire flow from pnfRegistration up the to PM Data Streaming. It shows that O-RAN Network Function must implement 3 protocols (HTTP1.1/TLS/json, NETCONF/TLS/json and WEBSOCKET/GBP).

PlantUML source

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