License Attribution Records

License Attribution Records

This wiki page tracks the use of non O-RAN SC charter open source licenses, such as BSD, MIT, etc.  


Because O-RAN open source project charters specify Apache 2 and O-RAN Software v1 licenses, all code developed by the open source community under the O-RAN SC and O-RAN SCP projects must be under one of these two licenses.  

However, there are cases where code originated from external sources, or automatically generated by code compilers/generators, need to be hosted under our repositories.  In these cases, we ask the developers to

  1. separate such injected code from O-RAN open source community developed code, in different subdirectories;
  2. maintain the original foreign license claims of the injected code as such licenses generally require so;
  3. based on Linux Foundation's legal advice, such uses must be documented and approved by the ToC.

This wiki page tracks such uses and their ToC approvals.

Please note that all foreign licenses appear here are considered open source friendly.  They are not consider "copy left", neither the inclusion/use of code under these foreign licenses would compromise the O-RAN SC and O-RAN SCP licenses for code developed here.  In other words, it is generally recognized as safe for including such foreign license code in our repositories.  For more information about these licenses and their applicabilities in open source please see https://opensource.org/licenses/alphabetical, where the owner of the web site, the Open Source Initiative, is the "community-recognized body for reviewing and approving licenses as Open Source Definition -conformant".

(Note:  FSFAP license is not currently listed on the OSI web site.  It is an all permissive license originated by the Free Software Foundation.  Linux Foundation advisory on FSFAP shows that it is safe to use for open source projects.)

Request to Approve

ProjectRepoLocationLicenseSource and useToC Approval

ToC Approved

ProjectRepoLocationLicenseSource and useToC Approval
INTit/testsimulators/e2sim/ASN1c/*Apache 2 and BSD-2 ClauseASN1 compiler generated codeToC meeting 2019-11-20, item 5.b.iv.5

Source: ASN1 generated code

Use: exchange of F1AP messages

ToC meeting 2019-11-20, item 5.b.iv.5
RICric-plt/e2RIC-E2-TERMINATION/asn1cFiles/*BSD-2-ClauseThis is the generic stub code that the ASN.1 compiler (asn1c)  output needs to work correctly. Used with E2 ASN.1. Compiler is used from https://github.com/nokia/asn1c which includes a few fixes on top of https://github.com/velichkov/asn1cToC meeting 2019-11-20, item 5.b.iv.5
RICric-plt/e2mgrE2Manager/asn1codec/e2ap_engine/*BSD-2-ClauseSee ric-plt/e2ToC meeting 2019-11-20, item 5.b.iv.5
RICric-plt/resource-status-managerRSM/asn1codec/e2ap_engine/*BSD-2-ClauseSee ric-plt/e2ToC meeting 2019-11-20, item 5.b.iv.5
RICric-plt/submgre2ap/headers/*, e2ap/lib/*BSD-2-ClauseSee ric-plt/e2ToC meeting 2019-11-20, item 5.b.iv.5
RICcom/log3rdparty/googlemock/*, 3rdparty/googletest/*BSD-3-ClauseUsed as test framework in this component from https://github.com/google/googletest (googlemock is a subpart in googletest)ToC meeting 2019-11-20, item 5.b.iv.5
RICric-plt/sdl3rdparty/googletest/*BSD-3-ClauseUsed as test framework in this component from https://github.com/google/googletest (googlemock is a subpart in googletest)ToC meeting 2019-11-20, item 5.b.iv.5

Used in compilation to abstract compilation environment.

Files in m4 directory have been downloaded from http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive and used as-is.

ToC meeting 2019-11-20, item 5.b.iv.5

Used in compilation to abstract compilation environment.

Files in m4 directory have been downloaded from http://www.gnu.org/software/autoconf-archive and used as-is.

ToC meeting 2019-11-20, item 5.b.iv.5
NONRTRICnonrtricdashboard/webapp-frontend/ng, dashboard/webapp-frontend/npmMITThe de-facto standard web applications framework code and package manager is used.ToC meeting 2019-11-20, item 5.b.iv.5
OAMportal/ric-dashboardwebapp-frontend/ng, webapp-frontend/npmMITThe de-facto standard web applications framework code and package manager is used. ToC meeting 2019-11-20, item 5.b.iv.5
SIMsim/o1-interfacentsimulator/yang/*.yangBSD-3-ClauseThese are the YANG files of the O1 interface which is exposed by the simulator.ToC meeting 2019-11-20, item 5.b.iv.5
RICAPPric-app/adminasn1c_defs/*BSD-2-ClauseASN.1 compiler generated codeToC meeting 2019-11-20, item 5.b.iv.5
RICAPPcom/gs-litesrc/lib/gscpaux/*MITflex/bison parser generator tool generated code.
ToC meeting 2019-11-20, item 5.b.iv.5
RICAPPcom/gs-listsrc/ftacmp/*, src/tools/xml.tab.*GPL2 w. Bison exceptionflex/bison parser generator tool generated code.ToC meeting 2019-11-20, item 5.b.iv.5
RICAPPric-app/kpimonasn1c_defs/*BSDASN.1 compiler generated codeToC meeting 2019-11-20, item 5.b.iv.5

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