Release J: Simple Guide: rApps: ICS-Producer and ICS-Consumer as rApps

Release J: Simple Guide: rApps: ICS-Producer and ICS-Consumer as rApps

Sample ICS/DME rApps: onboard and deploy with NONRTRIC RAppManager


This documentation outlines the steps for testing the installation of the rAppManager on a remote Kubernetes deployment. The setup is conducted on an OpenStack Kubernetes v1.24 cluster on AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service).


  • Access to a Kubernetes cluster (OpenStack Kubernetes v1.24 on AKS).

  • Git installed on your local machine.

  • Postman installed on your local machine.

Installation Steps

Step 1: Clone the Repository on your k8s cluster

Clone the RappManager repository using the following command:

git clone "https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/nonrtric/plt/rappmanager"

Step 2: Run Installation Scripts

Navigate to the rappmanager/scripts directory and run the installation script (the parameter dev will install the latest snapshot images):

cd ~/rappmanager/scripts sudo ./install-all.sh dev

Step 3: Generate Sample Rapp Files

Navigate to the sample-rapp-generator directory and run the generation scripts:

cd ~/rappmanager/sample-rapp-generator bash generate.sh rapp-sample-ics-producer/ bash generate.sh rapp-sample-ics-consumer/

Step 4: Retrieve Generated Files

After running the generation scripts, retrieve the following generated files, and download them onto your machine:

  • rapp-sample-ics-producer.csar

  • rapp-sample-ics-consumer.csar

Step 5: Onboard and Deploy Rapps using Postman

Use the provided Postman collection to manage the RappManager. The following actions can be performed:

  1. Onboard the Rapp

  2. Prime the Rapp

  3. Create an Instance

  4. Deploy the App Instance

Ensure you follow the sequence of actions as specified in the Postman collection to complete the deployment process successfully.

Make sure to change the IP and to point at the correct rapp csar package.

Step 6: Start Producer and Consumer

You can use this endpoint to start the app to produce/consume


Following the above steps will allow you to install and test the rAppManager on a Kubernetes cluster. Ensure you have all necessary permissions and prerequisites before beginning the installation process.