2019-09-09 Meeting notes - Joint OAM / NONRTRIC SCRUM meeting
2019-09-09 Meeting notes - Joint OAM / NONRTRIC SCRUM meeting
- Martin Skorupski
- Yongchao WU
- Björn Magnusson
- Former user (Deleted)
- Dongho Kim
- Lathishbabu Ganesan
- Muhammad Rehan Raza
- Sonia Sangari
- Dongho Kim
- Tracy Van Brakle
- Some other people joined the call later ... please add yourself ...
See also:
Discussion of RIC Dashboard with Former user (Deleted)
- Mock version is easy enough to get running, but very difficult to get entire stack running - use the HELM version
- Current A1 part only for Admission control XAPP - hardcoded front end
- Moving toward metadata-/schema-driven UI generation
- Could we look at defining a simple 'policy-type query' -like interface to leverage newer parts of A1 and get up to speed ... NONRTRIC people could help with this?
- Currently the dashboard EPICs reside under OAM project scope - is this correct?
- O1/FCAPS parts are closely related to OAM project
- A1/Policy parts are closely related to NONRTRIC project
- XAPP/Near-RealTime RIC parts are closely aligned with ric-plt/ric-app projects
- Dashboard may expand in scope to monitor E2 related aspect?
- Dashboard may align towards ONAP-portal interface later.
- Some discussion about future scope of how/if XAPPs might be indirectly updated while still keeping A1 interface (and O1 interface?) XAPP agnostic
Tracy/John: Discussion about scoping and naming ...
- Confusion about the defined functional scopes of NONRTRIC controller part, NONRTRIC as a SMO application coordination function, OAM & FCAPS controller, ONAP as one embodiment of a non-RealTime-RIC, requirements and positioning for release A (Dec2019) vs later releases, etc
- We will discuss this throughout the week ahead to clear up confusion.
Meeting cut short by bridge loss (09:55 EST)
, multiple selections available,