2020-04-06 Meeting notes - Joint OAM / NONRTRIC SCRUM meeting
2020-04-06 Meeting notes - Joint OAM / NONRTRIC SCRUM meeting
NOTE: During the "Daylight Savings Time" changeover periods (US vs Europe vs Asia) the time of the meetings may fluctuate. Please keep an eye on the calendar on the Meetings page
NOTE: No meeting next week 13 Apr - Public holiday in Germany, Ireland, and several other countries.
See also:
- John Keeney (Ericsson EST)
- Martin Skorupski
- Alex Stancu
- Former user (Deleted)
- Lasse Kaihlavirta
- Maxime Bonneau
- Patrik Buhr
- s.silvius
- Sonia Sangari
- Former user (Deleted)
- David Kinsey [AT&T]
- Lorraine A. Welch
- Qi Sun
- Some other people may have joined the call later ... please add yourself ...
- No meeting next week
- Martin Skorupski Continued brief discussion about confusion about calendars and reminders. Tickets opened with LF. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Martin Skorupski Former user (Deleted)
- Further discussion on ONAP(lite)/SMO for OSC in Bronze & Cherry SMO - Service Management and Orchestration (Martin Skorupski Lorraine A. Welch Lasse Kaihlavirta John Keeney (Ericsson EST)
- Early cut-down ONAP components - in coming version we may end up needing all of ONAP?? TBC
- Qi Sun asked about Optimisation function in OSC SMO and relationship to OOF
- OOF is one option for some optimization requirements, but also R-APPs using DCAE, PolicyFramework, or other SMO services. TBC in Cherry ++.
- Martin Skorupski mentioned discussion regarding a an OSM SMO - no indication of a commitment yet
- ONF Aether: Martin Skorupski showed slides about ONF Aether https://www.opennetworking.org/aether/ (Focus on slide 49 of https://www.opennetworking.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Aether-Webinar.pdf)
- Currently there is very little information to assess the approach, and it is unclear how/where interfaces terminate. (e.g. A1, O1, E2), and role of some functions.
- Will monitor and re-assess when more detail becomes available/clearer.
OAM: (2020-03-30 OAM Meeting notes)
- Martin Skorupski Introduced option of using OpenROADM model for software management in Cherry - similar to mplane/xran approach for precheck, install/update, activate, reset etc. More detail on 2020-04-06 OAM Meeting notes
- Plan to briefly discuss SIM project progress during this slot. If SIM needs more time later a separate meeting series can be used.
- E2 SIM has started to make more progress now, resources now available (Ron Shacham, AT&T). Updating to new spec.
- A1 SIM now moved over to SIM repo, and test/integration asks are now almost complete. Also updating to support A1 v1.1 and A1 v.(OSC nearRTRIC)
- John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Discussion of topics in NONRTRIC current new Sprint plan (Starts 6/Apr)
- Unfortunately John Keeney (Ericsson EST) messed up the sprint view in JIRA so just verbal summary. Please check back any time during the sprint once fixed.
- NON-RT-RIC Jira dashboard
- Lasse Kaihlavirta s.silvius Samsung:
- Thanks for update to RelA guide on Testing End to End call in release A & Release A - Build/Run.
- Release B pages (Release B) are ongoing - but subject to change during the development sprints.
- Please keep working together on plans for ONAP applications/integration to clarify objectives & scope of work in OSC and ONAP.
- John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Requests early involvement in ONAP to avoid further divergence similar to A1 2x adapter issues in ONAP and OSC.
- Lasse Kaihlavirta s.silvius Request for status on 1-click (Helm charts) for NONRTRIC functions
- John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Working on this, with some progress made in recent days. Update coming over next week(s).
- Required for INT requirement for 1 click deployment in integration & test environment, and for SMO deployment as mentioned above)
, multiple selections available,
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