2020-09-07 Meeting notes - Joint OAM / NONRTRIC SCRUM meeting
2020-09-07 Meeting notes - Joint OAM / NONRTRIC SCRUM meeting
NOTE: During the "Daylight Savings Time" changeover periods (US vs Europe vs Asia) the time of the meetings may fluctuate. See the Calendar: (https://lists.o-ran-sc.org/g/main/calendar)
The Calendar/Meeting Series will be moved to OSC groups.io calendar (https://lists.o-ran-sc.org/g/main/calendar) in coming weeks.
Please update your calendar subscriptions.
See also:
- 2020-09-07 OAM Meeting notes
- 2020-09-01 SIM Meeting notes
- John Keeney (Ericsson EST)
- Martin Skorupski
- Alex Stancu
- Konrad Bańka
- Lathishbabu Ganesan
- Sonia Sangari
- Pawel Slowikowski
- subhash
- Lasse Kaihlavirta
- Patrik Buhr
- Joachim Blixt (Deactivated)
- Some people may have joined later ... please add yourself ...
- Public holiday in US - some several people could not attend.
- OSC Plans/Started for Cherry: (As per last week!)
- May be able to re-add initial Enrichment Information coordination if WG2 makes progress in short-term
- RSAC: Cherry rqmnt for an Initial rApp catalogue/registry
- Overlaps with ongoing work in ONAP - may be able to reuse
- Clamp/Control-Loop & DCAE-Mod
- Overlaps with ongoing work in ONAP - may be able to reuse
- Downstreaming A1 Policy controller functions from ONAP
- Documentation changes due to updates above
- Need significant help here please
- Need significant help here please
- A1 v2.0 update needed in all components
- A1 Policy notification support
- Changes to deployment options e.g. OOM - depends on SMO project
ONAP upstreaming A1 Controler & A1 Policy Management Service (CCSDK)
M4 in now-ish - still trying to get through OOM and Cert management procedures
- Pawel Slowikowski Lasse Kaihlavirta How will A1 functions be deployed?
- John Keeney (Ericsson EST) A1 Policy controller is now SDNC - so merged A1 adapter will be deployed as part of SDNC (Since the A1 adapter is mostly implemented as a Karaf feature a non-SDNC controller persona can still be used)
The A1 Policy Management Service is a separate service so requires its own Helm Chart - review still underway.
- John Keeney (Ericsson EST) A1 Policy controller is now SDNC - so merged A1 adapter will be deployed as part of SDNC (Since the A1 adapter is mostly implemented as a Karaf feature a non-SDNC controller persona can still be used)
- Pawel Slowikowski Lasse Kaihlavirta CSIT tests: are existing OSC test implemented using Robot framework. That would make things alot easier.
- John Keeney (Ericsson EST) No, they are implemented as scripts. can be see in /tests in nonrtric rep
Still trying to get one of these tests running as a CSIT test. Hope to use Robot later if we can. But we have no experience here. - John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Pawel Slowikowski Lasse Kaihlavirta Björn Magnusson etc. Need to have a follow up offline chat to help get this done & a Jenkins job for it.
- John Keeney (Ericsson EST) No, they are implemented as scripts. can be see in /tests in nonrtric rep
- Pawel Slowikowski Lasse Kaihlavirta How will A1 functions be deployed?
- New OSC SMO project
- New PTL (Mahesh Jethanandani ) elected now. Will follow up with Martin Skorupski and others to discuss scope overlap (also including OAM, INT etc) and initial plans.
- See 2020-09-07 OAM Meeting notes
- Dashboard/Portal update (Lorraine A. Welch): No Update this week (Public Holiday in US)
- OTF update (David Kinsey [AT&T]): No update this week (Public Holiday in US)
- OTIC Plugfest:
- Starting some robot scripts
- Using lightweight O-DU simulated using netconf client
- Continuing to struggle with copyright uncertainty - liaising with TOC
- See 2020-09-07 SIM Meeting notes
- E2 Sim: Ongoing - still awaiting update to copyright headers with new version etc.
- O1 Sim:
- Still updating to new versiosions
- subhash will upload slidesfrom earlier discussion
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