RIC Deployment Template
1. Introduction
Detail the approach of steps for Near Realtime RIC deployment
1.1) Description
Near RealTime RIC platform supports deployment of xApps and implements the interfaces E2,A1 and O1.
1.2) System topology
Supports single node/multi-node k8s cluster systems. The instructions below are for multi-node deployments.
2. Minimum Requirements
Detail the hardware and software requirements necessary for the installation
Cores : 4 vCPU
RAM: 16Gb
Storage: 40Gb
Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04
3. Installation
step-by-step instructions for deployment
3.1) Step 1: Clone the ric-plt/dep git repository that has deployment scripts and support files on the target VM
git clone "https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/ric-plt/ric-dep"
Expected Result: The repo is successfully downloaded.
3.2) Step 2: Install kubernetes, kubernetes-CNI, helm and docker (Optional only if its already installed)
cd ric-dep/bin
Expected Result: kubernetes and helm is installed.
3.3)Step 3: install chartmuseum into helm and add ric-common templates
Expected Result: RIC Common templates are updated to helm repository.
3.4)Step 4: Modify the Deployment recipe
Edit the recipe files ./RECIPE_EXAMPLE/example_recipe_latest_stable.yaml (which is a softlink that points to the latest release version). “example_recipe_latest_unstable.yaml points to the latest example file that is under current development.
ricip: ""
auxip: ""
Expected Result: The files are updated accordingly.
3.5)Step 5: Install RIC
cd ric-dep/bin
./install -f ../RECIPE_EXAMPLE/PLATFORM/example_recipe_latest_stable.yaml
Expected Result: All RIC platform pods are expected to be in Running state.
4. Post-Installation Verification
Outline how to verify that the installation was successful.
4.1) Step 1: Check the status of Deployment
Expected Result:
# helm list
r3-a1mediator 1 Thu Jan 23 14:29:12 2020 DEPLOYED a1mediator-3.0.0 1.0 ricplt
r3-appmgr 1 Thu Jan 23 14:28:14 2020 DEPLOYED appmgr-3.0.0 1.0 ricplt
r3-dbaas1 1 Thu Jan 23 14:28:40 2020 DEPLOYED dbaas1-3.0.0 1.0 ricplt
r3-e2mgr 1 Thu Jan 23 14:28:52 2020 DEPLOYED e2mgr-3.0.0 1.0 ricplt
r3-e2term 1 Thu Jan 23 14:29:04 2020 DEPLOYED e2term-3.0.0 1.0 ricplt
r3-infrastructure 1 Thu Jan 23 14:28:02 2020 DEPLOYED infrastructure-3.0.0 1.0 ricplt
r3-jaegeradapter 1 Thu Jan 23 14:29:47 2020 DEPLOYED jaegeradapter-3.0.0 1.0 ricplt
r3-rsm 1 Thu Jan 23 14:29:39 2020 DEPLOYED rsm-3.0.0 1.0 ricplt
r3-rtmgr 1 Thu Jan 23 14:28:27 2020 DEPLOYED rtmgr-3.0.0 1.0 ricplt
r3-submgr 1 Thu Jan 23 14:29:23 2020 DEPLOYED submgr-3.0.0 1.0 ricplt
r3-vespamgr 1 Thu Jan 23 14:29:31 2020 DEPLOYED vespamgr-3.0.0 1.0 ricplt
# kubectl get pods -n ricplt
deployment-ricplt-a1mediator-69f6d68fb4-7trcl 1/1 Running 0 159m
deployment-ricplt-appmgr-845d85c989-qxd98 2/2 Running 0 160m
deployment-ricplt-dbaas-7c44fb4697-flplq 1/1 Running 0 159m
deployment-ricplt-e2mgr-569fb7588b-wrxrd 1/1 Running 0 159m
deployment-ricplt-e2term-alpha-db949d978-rnd2r 1/1 Running 0 159m
deployment-ricplt-jaegeradapter-585b4f8d69-tmx7c 1/1 Running 0 158m
deployment-ricplt-rsm-755f7c5c85-j7fgf 1/1 Running 0 158m
deployment-ricplt-rtmgr-c7cdb5b58-2tk4z 1/1 Running 0 160m
deployment-ricplt-submgr-5b4864dcd7-zwknw 1/1 Running 0 159m
deployment-ricplt-vespamgr-864f95c9c9-5wth4 1/1 Running 0 158m
r3-infrastructure-kong-68f5fd46dd-lpwvd 2/2 Running 3 160m
# kubectl get pods -n ricinfra
deployment-tiller-ricxapp-d4f98ff65-9q6nb 1/1 Running 0 163m
tiller-secret-generator-plpbf 0/1 Completed 0 163m
5. Troubleshooting
Provide common issues and their solutions.
Issue 1: TBD
6. Additional Resources
List of additional documentation, links, or resources that may be helpful.
Support: @abdulwahid.w