Get Nodeb Design

1. Controller Layer

  • Add Route:

    GET("/v1/nodeb/:ranName", controller.GetNodeb)
  • Change name of requestController to nodebController:

controller := controllers.NewNodebController(logger, rmrService)

  • New Controller method:

    func (rc RequestController) GetNodeb (writer http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request, params httprouter.Params)

  • GetNb Business Logic
ranName := params.ByName("ranName")
respondingNode, err := GetRnibReader().GetNodeb(ranName)

if err {


OR writer.WriteHeader(http. StatusInternalServerError) , depends whether we haven’t found this key or we’re having issues with DB/Server

m := jsonpb.Marshaler{}
result, err := m.MarshalToString(respondingNode)Convert the unmarshalled proto to JSON. Handle error
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

Respond with 200OK and responding node JSON representation.
(Concern: JSON size limitation of Go in case of maximal number of entities).

2. Entities

message RespondingNode{

    ConnectionStatus connectionStatus = 1;

    string ip = 2;

    uint32 port = 3;

    Node.Type nodeType = 4;

    oneof Nodes{

        ENB enb = 5;

        GNB gnb = 6;



enum ConnectionStatus{

    UNKNOWN_ConnectionStatus = 0;

    Connected = 1;

    NotConnected =2;


message Node{

    enum Type {

        UNKNOWN = 0;

        ENB = 1;

        GNB = 2;



3. RnibReader

  • New package: rnibReade

RnibReader interface {

            GetNb(key string) (*RespondingNode, error)


// Get may also create an instance
func GetRnibReader() RnibReader {

         return pool.Get().(RnibReader)

  • Init RNIB instances pool (concern: separate the pool from rnibWriter layer)
  • GetNodeb Business Logic

keyToCheck := "RAN:"+ranName

defer pool.Put(rnibInstance)
m, err := rnibInstance.sdl.Get([]string{ keyToCheck })     

USE SDL to fetch data from REDIS. RETURNS: (map[string]interface{}, error)

data, ok := m[keyToCheck]

Get the value of the requested key. This will be a byte array

pb := &RespondingNode{}Create a new pointer to the responding node
proto.Unmarshal(data, pb)Unmarshal parses the protocol buffer representation in buf and places the decoded result in pb
return pb

4. Sequence Diagram