2021-04-15 Meeting notes

2021-04-15 Meeting notes




  • Martin Skorupski, can you spend sometime talking about your proposal for API modification process after M3 and the changes you are recommending. Want to make sure that impacted parties have a chance to answer any questions they might have before implementation.

Discussion items

  Martin Skorupski 
5 minAgenda bashing
10 min JIRA ODUHIGH_322 

10 minO1/VES support from O-RU, O-DU, O-CU and Near RT-RICAll


  • Martin Skorupski clarified the changes agreed to as part of JIRA ODUHIGH_322, the cell-state is supposed to reflect the state of the link between O-DU Low and O-RU, and not the state of the cell. Vidhu and Hariom Gupta confirmed that that is what they are implementing as part of O-DU. Note, there is a separate leaf called status, which was reflecting the status of the link between O-DU Low and O-RU, but that was used by the RPC, and should not be used for reflecting the state of the link.
  • On the question of support for O1/VES interface from different network elements, here is where we stand:
    • O-RU will be sending a NETCONF notification towards the SMO, which the SMO will translate into a O1/VES event and send to the O1/VES collector.
    • O-DU sends its PNF Registration as O1/VES event to the SMO before SMO can administratively bring up the link between O-DU and O-RU.
    • In the TOC meeting there was discussion of what O-CU will or will not support from an O1/VES perspective. See action item below.
    • The same is true for Near RT-RIC. Note that Thoralf Czichy had provided this link before as far as support for Alarms are concerned.

Action items


Recording of the call is available here.

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