2021-02-18 Meeting notes

2021-02-18 Meeting notes


Meeting Invite

From the next meeting, we will use the following Zoom session for conducting the meeting.




  • Dawn release planning

Discussion items

5 minAgenda bashingMahesh
10 min O1 Interface Mahesh 
15 minO1/VES InterfaceMahesh


The recording for today's meeting can be found at

https://VMware.zoom.us/rec/share/yUEHQNMgvGGdjhGzH9YzFV4ONgF1xtTSdcxrLFiCDCE7t7zjAdE-59m26zGQrKc8.PX-fO_8LLfE78Dvj Passcode: a=7AZxV0

Action items

  • Options for implementation of NETCONF Bhanu Chandra K  
  • Exact status of DU/RU YANG model Martin Skorupski . Feel free to invite folks who can discuss requirements of YANG models for both of them. The focus is also not what is needed in D-release, but also beyond.
  • What does the O1/VES Collector expose Shrinivas/Santanu for other "listeners" to tap into? John Keeney (Ericsson EST) , and how can different "listeners"  tap into what is being received by the Collector?

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