2024 Q2 (Apr, May, Jun)

2024 Q2 (Apr, May, Jun)

2024 06 27


Meeting Recording: Link



  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): David Kinsey [AT&T] (AT&T)

  • Previous scribe: 2024 => May: Nokia; April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: AT&T

  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair




China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový





John-Paul Lane


John Keeney



Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii



Arunkumar Halebid





Julien Boudani





Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve



Andrea Buldorini




Wind River

Jackie Huang 


Jon Zhang


Viavi Solutions

Ultan Kelly


Baruch Friedman



Avinash Bhat


Peter Moonki Hong


*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Scribe doesn't apprear to have update privilege. Will review notes from last two sessions at the next meeting

  2. Review of Today's Agenda

    1. Call for June Scribe - David Kinsey (AT&T)

    2. Review meeting minutes, all since 5/30.

      1. 05/30 Motion to Approve jboudani Second avinash.bhat ; No objections motion carried, minutes approved,

      2. 06/06 Motion to Approve jboudani Second  John Keeney (Ericsson EST) ; No objections motion carried, minutes approved,

      3. 06/20 Motion to Approve jboudani Second  John Keeney (Ericsson EST) ; No objections motion carried, minutes approved,

    3. Next Meeting 11 Jul 2024 ; 04 Jul 2024 Meeting cancelled due to US Holiday.

    4. June Release Activities

      1. Project readiness 

    5. AoB Future New Agenda Items

  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items


    2. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

      1. AP Review

        1. 06-06: Sridhar Rao Scans are running reports should be out to PTL tomorrow.

        2. 06-20: Sridhar Rao  Tagging in progress for the "J" release next week.

        3. 06-20: Sridhar Rao  Scans are complete

        4. 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T]  Release notes are not complete PTLs need to complete those by next week

        5. 06-27: Sunil Singh to finish highlights for RICAPPS

        6. 06-27: Ankit Barve will get with Ganesh Shenbagaraman or Sridhar Rao to assist in providing closing release activities hampered by the problems with his LF account.

        7. 06-27: peng Lu will update the release notes for xFAPI technical review, but note the push to "K" due to the delayed legal review.

        8. 06-27: Sridhar Rao will get with Seshu Kumar Mudiganti to finish SMO highlights

        9. 06-27: Jackie Huang will update the release highlights from the status

        10. 06-27: James Li will get with Weichen Ni to update the Docs and be ready for the release.

        11. 06-27: Checked with PTLs on release readiness. Most are closing out final release activities by COB 6/28.

        12. 06-27: David Kinsey [AT&T] made a motion to approve the release for 6/30, Seconded by jboudani motion was approved.

      2. Other

        1. Matt Watkins reported the status of migration from Jenkins Jobs to Github Actions (gha). Open items can be found here. JJ and gha will continue in parallel for a while.

        2. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) requested guidance of where to find a central reference about the gha and link to the repos. Clarified that gha are described at repo level. Documentation available here. Creating a wiki page and FAQ for reference can be considered. 

    3. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 

      1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 

        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:

        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio

        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.

        4. Upcoming F2F meeting

          1. 05-30: John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Will not be at F2F but will be able to attend meeting with WG10 regarding TE&IV service

          2. 06-06: David Kinsey [AT&T] No Demos are scheduled. If we don't have any scheduled then we will cancel the F2F sessions

          3. 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T]  No Demos were presented. I had to present a release status that was all bad news. Not very comformatable. For October all PTLs should plan in their iteration 2 to have some progression demos. Don't have to be fancy but demonstrate progress.

          4. 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T] CVEs were discussed in F2F, grew to 12 that week. Have recruited some resources that know how to close them from Open RAN Summit @ Tapiei

        5. White Paper

          1. 05-09:  To be discussed next time as Irfan was not available. Irfan gave the status on 05-30. Closed.

          2. 05-30: OpenAir Interface Paper has been a long time coming since it purpose was not very clear

          3. 05-30: OpenAir Interface Original draft was too detailed in how open source projects were rolling out

          4. 05-30: OpenAir Interface Trying to connect the DARPA Ops 5G vision with the 5G super-blueprint vision

          5. 05-30: David Kinsey [AT&T] Will this be published as an O-RAN whitepaper? OpenAir Interface Yes, that is the intention

          6. 05-30: Jakub Novy [DTAG] Still reviewing the Whitepaper and have some concerns will discuss offline.

          7. 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T] Need status on Whitpaper

          8. 06-20: John Keeney (Ericsson EST) While we are inquiring about the whitepaper can we also get an update on SCCL

          9. 06-20: Jakub Novy [DTAG] Status is now target for November train.

        6. Other

          1. 05-02: Action closed by James Li   https://www.powderwireless.net/news

          2. 05-30: OpenAir Interface OSFG will have a discussion during the F2F regarding CVE/CVD against O-RAN specification or OSC source code.

          3. 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T] Some upcoming Org Changes

            1. INT PTL James Li will vacate the PTL position and take up the OSFG Co-Chair for Jinri who announced his resignation

            2. AT&T and China Mobile to Nominate Bimo from NTUST to take up the INT PTL Position

            3. David Kinsey to leave the RSAC co-chair we need a volunteer to take up this position

          4. 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T] & Julian Garrett Both agreed that the Open RAN Summit @ Taipei was great

            1. Lots of Demos

            2. Lots of speakers from O-RAN, OSC, Companies  Universities.

    4. Standing/old business

  1. Meeting Summary and Closure

  • 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T] Need an update on Nephio and how it actually fits into OSC

    • 06-20 jboudani Need to get a refresh from Sylva

    • 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T]  At Taipei there is a presentation using Open Mano components for the SMO. We need to see if we can support both an Open Mano and an ONAP based SMO implementations. Seshu will investigate.

    • 06-20: Sridhar Rao  introduced Sally Cooper who will be helping to support our marketing and communications efforts around the Wiki pages and the white papers.

    • 06-27: David Kinsey [AT&T] Nominated Bimo to take over PTL for INT project. Nominations are open, voting set for next meeting 11 Jul 2024 

    • 06-27: David Kinsey [AT&T] noted nominations still open for RSAC Co-Chair. Encourages those interested to submit their nomination.

    • 06-27: avinash.bhat made the suggestion that we open a slack channel. Sridhar Rao confirmed there is budget to cover. Discussion to follow on e-mail with vote on the next meeting 11 Jul 2024 

    • 06-27: jboudani Sylva presentation, he will be out the next meeting so it will be scheduled the week following that 18 Jul 2024 

    • 06-27: David Kinsey [AT&T] Still would like a Nephio update but the right people to ask/schedule are not on the call. Will have to work that later.

    • 06-27: Sridhar Rao Shared O-RAN SC logo options and identified which one is recommended. He will share the options with the TOC and we will vote on our next meeting 11 Jul 2024 

    • Next Meeting 11 Jul 2024 

2024 06 20


Meeting Recording: link



  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Ankit Barve (Radisys)

  • Previous scribe: 2024 => May: Nokia; April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys

  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair




China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový





John-Paul Lane


John Keeney



Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii



Arunkumar Halebid





Julien Boudani





Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve



Andrea Buldorini




Wind River

Jackie Huang 


Jon Zhang


Viavi Solutions

Ultan Kelly


Baruch Friedman



Avinash Bhat


Peter Moonki Hong


*Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  

  1. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting

    1. Decision: Scribe doesn't apprear to have update privilege. Will review notes from last two sessions at the next meeting

  2. Review of Today's Agenda

    1. Call for June Scribe - Ankit (Radisys)

    2. Next Meeting 27 Jun 2024 ; 04 Jul 2024 Meeting cancelled due to US Holiday.

    3. June Release Activities

      1. Scans, etc - scan reports to be available Next Week, PTL's to be ready for the release. 

      2. expected release approval TOC on 27 Jun 2024 

    4. Status on OSFG White Paper Deferred to Next Week. Irfan briefed at a high level the contents of white paper titled - Delivering Open Source Vision of 5G Super Blueprint, DARPA OP_5G, O-RAN Reference Implementation. White paper to be reviewed by OSFG group next week.

    5. Organization Changes

    6. O-RAN F2F - summary

    7. O-RAN Summit @ Taipei - Summary

    8. AoB Future New Agenda Items

  3. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items


    2. Release Votes (checklist) and Approval

      1. AP Review

        1. 06-06: Sridhar Rao Scans are running reports should be out to PTL tomorrow.

        2. 06-20: Sridhar Rao  Tagging in progress for the "J" release next week.

        3. 06-20: Sridhar Rao  Scans are complete

        4. 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T]  Release notes are not complete PTLs need to complete those by next week

      2. Other

        1. Matt Watkins reported the status of migration from Jenkins Jobs to Github Actions (gha). Open items can be found here. JJ and gha will continue in parallel for a while.

        2. John Keeney (Ericsson EST) requested guidance of where to find a central reference about the gha and link to the repos. Clarified that gha are described at repo level. Documentation available here. Creating a wiki page and FAQ for reference can be considered. 

    3. O-RAN-related business (marketing, WG interaction, TSC/EC update etc.) 

      1. OSFG discussions  huangjinri@chinamobile.com 

        1. O-RAN SCCL enforcement:

        2. Collaboration with OAI (lab interconnection) and Nephio

        3. OSFG - OSC/OAI integration in furtherance of Super Wireless RAN blueprint Tracy Van Brakle.

        4. Upcoming F2F meeting

          1. 05-30: John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Will not be at F2F but will be able to attend meeting with WG10 regarding TE&IV service

          2. 06-06: David Kinsey [AT&T] No Demos are scheduled. If we don't have any scheduled then we will cancel the F2F sessions

          3. 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T]  No Demos were presented. I had to present a release status that was all bad news. Not very comformatable. For October all PTLs should plan in their iteration 2 to have some progression demos. Don't have to be fancy but demonstrate progress.

          4. 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T] CVEs were discussed in F2F, grew to 12 that week. Have recruited some resources that know how to close them from Open RAN Summit @ Tapiei

        5. White Paper

          1. 05-09:  To be discussed next time as Irfan was not available. Irfan gave the status on 05-30. Closed.

          2. 05-30: OpenAir Interface Paper has been a long time coming since it purpose was not very clear

          3. 05-30: OpenAir Interface Original draft was too detailed in how open source projects were rolling out

          4. 05-30: OpenAir Interface Trying to connect the DARPA Ops 5G vision with the 5G super-blueprint vision

          5. 05-30: David Kinsey [AT&T] Will this be published as an O-RAN whitepaper? OpenAir Interface Yes, that is the intention

          6. 05-30: Jakub Novy [DTAG] Still reviewing the Whitepaper and have some concerns will discuss offline.

          7. 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T] Need status on Whitpaper

          8. 06-20: John Keeney (Ericsson EST) While we are inquiring about the whitepaper can we also get an update on SCCL

          9. 06-20: Jakub Novy [DTAG] Status is now target for November train.

        6. Other

          1. 05-02: Action closed by James Li   https://www.powderwireless.net/news

          2. 05-30: OpenAir Interface OSFG will have a discussion during the F2F regarding CVE/CVD against O-RAN specification or OSC source code.

          3. 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T] Some upcoming Org Changes

            1. INT PTL James Li will vacate the PTL position and take up the OSFG Co-Chair for Jinri who announced his resignation

            2. AT&T and China Mobile to Nominate Bimo from NTUST to take up the INT PTL Position

            3. David Kinsey to leave the RSAC co-chair we need a volunteer to take up this position

          4. 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T] & jboudani  Both agreed that the Open RAN Summit @ Taipei was great

            1. Lots of Demos

            2. Lots of speakers from O-RAN, OSC, Companies  Universities.

    4. Standing/old business

  1. Meeting Summary and Closure

  • 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T] Need an update on Nephio and how it actually fits into OSC

    • 06-20 jboudani Need to get a refresh from Sylva

    • 06-20: David Kinsey [AT&T]  At Taipei there is a presentation using Open Mano components for the SMO. We need to see if we can support both an Open Mano and an ONAP based SMO implementations. Seshu will investigate.

    • 06-20: Sridhar Rao  introduced Sally Cooper who will be helping to support our marketing and communications efforts around the Wiki pages and the white papers.

    • Next Meeting 27 Jun 2024 

2024 06 06


Meeting Recording: link



  • Call for scribe (minutes owner): Ankit Barve  (Radysis)

  • Previous scribe: 2024 => May: Nokia; April : TIM; March : Docomo; February : DT; January : Orange; 2023 => December: CMCC + others (TBD); November: Ericsson; October: Viavi September: Samsung; August: Wind River; July: AT&T; June: Radisys, May: TIM, April: CMCC, March: Nokia, Feb: NTT, January-2023: Ericsson, December-2022: Viavi, November: DT, October: Orange, September: Wind River, August: China Mobile, July: Samsung, June: Radisys

  • Roll Call & Quorum Check 



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



Contact Name


Alternate Contact



David Kinsey Co-Chair




China Mobile

Jinri Huang Co-Chair


James Li


Deutsche Telekom 

Jakub Nový





John-Paul Lane


John Keeney



Masahiro Fuji


Minami Ishii



Arunkumar Halebid





Julien Boudani





Ganesh Shenbagaraman


 Ankit Barve



Andrea Buldorini




Wind River

Jackie Huang 


Jon Zhang


Viavi Solutions

Ultan Kelly


Baruch Friedman



Avinash Bhat


Peter Moonki Hong