2019 04 17


  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner) 
  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 
  3. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meetings
  4. Review of Today's Agenda
  5. Status of Open Action Items (Old Business)
  6. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager/Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
    2. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
    3. Test & Integration Planning

    4. Report Out of Sub-Committees
  7. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items 

  8. Planning for Next Meeting
  9. Open Discussion
  10. Any Other Business (AOB)
  11. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)

Minutes:  (taken by Lusheng)

  • Call opened at 8:05 EST 2019/04/17
  • Roll call: ToC members Jack, Jinri, David,
  • 50% ToC quorum reached
  • Old business
  • None
  • New business
  • Review of standard meeting agenda: https://wiki.oran-osc.org/display/TOC
  • Noting the importance of sharing of info on wiki page
  • Weekly ToC meeting schedule confirmed (based on David's opinion pull).
  • Will update wiki page for detailed meeting info: when and Zoom info
  • Encouraging participation
  • Avoid confusion about the two domain names:  oran-osc.org and o-ran-sc.org
  • Move all resources to o-ran-sc.org.  The sooner the better. Jack and Lusheng will work with Phil later today.
  • Follow up: Jinri to note onto O-RAN Alliance wiki
  • Get ToC members onto the mailing list, get mailing list info to prospective members
  • Review to-do list items (Jack's email on 04/15)
    1. O-RAN Specification Code Project charter – Yes we need to align a few remaining comments. I hope we can finalize this this week. (Jinri)
    2. O-RAN Specification code License – We need to set a goal, timeline, and communicate it. I am concerned we have communicated to a few companies but not had broader reviews.
    3. Fill TOC membership slots 6-12 (O-RAN Alliance TSC)
  • On the TOC side, here are the next items to get accomplished
    1. Set time for the weekly TOC meeting (David working it)

    2. LF has assigned Phil Robb probb@linuxfoundation.org as our program manager initially. He will eventually assign this to someone else once established. I will send an email shortly.
    3. Clarify the email list and domain names (Phil Robb)
    4. Organize the TOC and establish a community best practices documentation including use of both licensing
    5. Recruit a release manager and Establish a timeline I will share a target
    6. Establish sub-committees then recruit PTL and participants
    7. Establish sub-Projects then recruit PTL, Committers, and contributors
    8. Continue to work with LF on infrastructure needs (Lusheng Ji current contact)
    9. O-RAN WG coordination and communications must be an on-going activity
  • Charter and License for Spec Code Project: To close with legal and Stefan.
  • ToC membership slot filling.
  • During O-RAN Alliance TSC meeting last Wed regarding approvals for Lenovo and Nokia, we were asked to provide clarification on criteria and guideline on ToC member recommendation on O-RAN Alliance wiki.  Jinri proposed text.
      • Whether to discuss Intel and Radisys and put in the same proposal with Lenovo and Nokia to TOC.
        • Next Tuesday is another meeting opportunity to talk about this before the Wed TOC meeting.
  • Closed at 9:58 EST