2019 07 24

2019 07 24

zoom meeting recording: 2019-07-24-toc.mp4



  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner) Farheen Cefalu (AT&T)
  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


    Contact NameAttendanceAlternate ContactAttendance


    Jack Murray Co-Chair


    China Mobile

    Jinri Huang Co-Chair


    Deutsche Telekom 

    David Streibl



    Masafumi Masuda



    Vincent Danno


    Viswa Kumar


    *Quorum: 50% or more of total TSC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  We have a quorum and can vote on activities.  

  3. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
    1. The minutes of the prior meeting were reviewed, and there were no corrections. On motion made by Jinri and seconded by David the minutes of the July 17, 2019 meeting were the approved by the TOC members. 
      1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
  4. Review of Today's Agenda
  5. Status of Open Action Items (Old Business)
    1. ActionFormer user (Deleted) - provide an update of Release "A" name. 
    2. ActionFarheen Cefalu - link Poll to vote and explain how the team can take Polls.
    3. Action / Jack Murray CLA status.
      1. ORAN has approved the license charter and CLA for ORAN Specification code project.  Jinri and Jack are working on setting up a website to link to it.  Working with ORAN Alliance to create an introduction, charter, and license will be available as read only.  On this side we can make sure that our repositories are leveraging the licenses properly.
        1. Tristan - We have the platform ready to receive the signed CLAs from ORAN.  
      2. It opens up the ability to do work with the license.  The contributors can start contributing.
        1. Tristan - we won't hold up the development process.  
      3. Assuming Stefan is on vacation.
        1. Jinri - Hank briefed the voting status at the board.  We had 15 board members.  We got 8 from them.  EC approved all the documents.  They are delayed by a few days because they are still collecting votes.  I believe Stefan will send the document they want to you.
    4. Action/ Jack Murray will provide a contact from WG8 to David Kinsey [AT&T] 
    5. Actionvincent.danno@orange.com discuss the email about who wants to participate at ONS Europe and how best to represent the ORAN software community space there.
      1. Vincent - Not participation but more about planning the demos.  There has been some reaction to my email.  There will be one Orange Phillppe will have a demo.
      2. Are we going to have demos?  The deadline for presentations has passed but is there a deadline for the demo.
        1. Vincent - Not sure if LF agreed to pass the deadline for the demos.  
          1. Jinri - W4 demos will be there.  ORAN Alliance demos will be there.  
            1. Vincent - We are not planning a demo it will be a key note.
            2. Action/ huangjinri@chinamobile.com Check with the co-chairs regarding a demo.  I will need more information about the demo.
              1. The deadline is July 31, 2019.  There is still time to submit a demo.
    6. Actionhuangjinri@chinamobile.com come up with a naming convention to differentiate the Near real time RIC with the Non real time RIC that prevents the duplication of the short name (KEY) NRTRIC in LF Jira and Confluence.  Jira/Confluence do not support mixed case keys.  Keys are all upper case.
      1. Thank you Lusheng for supporting the naming convention.  
        1. In the meeting minutes we should use the name defined by the Alliance in their White paper.  
        2. Reference Jiniri's reflector.
          1. Here is my proposal.

            1, for most occasions such as in the meeting minute, in the Release A epic document where there is no constraint on the naming, the name defined in O-RAN Alliance White Paper shall be used, which are:
            non-realtime RIC, abbreviated as, Non-RT RIC, or NRT RIC;
            near-realtime RIC, abbreviated as, near-RT RIC, or nRT RIC; // note, it it is about the platform, then the word “platform” should be explicitly spelled out.

            2, For project name and the corresponding project key, as shown here at https://wiki.o-ran-sc.org/display/ORAN/Projects, proposal is:

            "Non-realtime RIC (or Non-RT RIC, or NRT RIC) as the project name, with project key as “NRTRIC"
            "Near-reamtime RIC platform (or near-RT RIC platform, or nRT RIC platform) as the project name, with project key as “RICPLF"

            3, For repo name which requires lower case, digits, slash and dash, suggest to use “non-rt-ric” and “nrt-ric-plf” for Non-RT RIC and near-RT RIC platform, respectively.

            1. Lusheng - Can we keep the existing defined names for the repos?  We agreed to the naming convention in the past.  This is an amendment to the June 12th naming.
              1. Jinri - I am OK with that.
            2. John - suggested to use No-real time RIC.  We need a to set up the accounts for gerret and jira.  I suggest NONRTRIC for Non real time RIC.  NRTRIC for near-realtime RIC.  NONRTRIC for Non real time RIC.  
            3.  John Keeney (Ericsson EST) I propose for the Project KEY NONRTRIC.  I am most concerned about the short names for Jira and gerret.  For that let us call NRTRIC and NONRTRIC.
              1. Lusheng - Jira is more strict.
              2. The proposal to have the Project KEY for non-realtime RIC be named NONRTRIC.  On motion made by John Keeney (Ericsson EST) , and huangjinri@chinamobile.com seconded the vote
                1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
    7. Discussion on alignment between Non-realtime RIC and OAM projects. 

      Non-realtime RIC focus on feature functionality of A1-interface (consumer and provider), and closed-loop use cases.
      OAM focus on align of O1 interfaces on ME and verification of related interface specifications.
      Both projects will align activities on a case-by-case based for O1 interfaces (NetConf client ODL, and http-Server – ves-receiver from DCAE).
      Current ONAP baseline should be Dublin for Release A

      1. Martin - In one hour we'll have a pre El Alto release.  The POC is between Dublin and El Alto for bug fixes of several ORAN components. 
        1. The benefit is we will have our fixes in for El Alto.  
          1. Jack is OK with it but we will have to figure out the process for the integration and test.  If we take an intermediate release of ONAP it may break another component such as DCAE.  We want to use it but we have to be cautious about a non-branched release and just tracking the trunk across something as complex as ONAP because one piece may work but other components may not work.  This is complicated for the test team.
          2. Andrew - We strongly discourage any projects being pulled in between releases such as a snapshots.  
          3. Martin - This is a suggestion as a temporary solution for demos.
            1. Jack - Our dev freezes October 12.  We need to discuss further with the working groups.  But until it is released we will use our current release.
            2. Tracy - We're trying to stay no more than one release behind.  
              1. It's going to be difficult to coordinate but there are other projects.  We'll have to create a map of upstream.  Let us continue our discussions.
            3. John - We are doing our best to get our development started in the next couple of weeks.
  6. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)

    1. Release Manager/Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. Release planning link
        1. I didn't see any comments to tying in to the ORAN Alliance and the B release time table.  If you have comments post them.
    2. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
      1. Non Real Time RIC
    3. Test & Integration Planning - Lusheng

    4. Report Out of Sub-Committees
      1. Requirements Software Architecture Committee - Rittwik
  7. New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items

    1. Intel and Radisys agreed to have Zhimin Yuan be the PTL and Sachin Srivastava as Co-PTL of the O-DU project. Zhimin and Sachin will coordinate on the O-DU project management going forward.
    2. CMCC would like to nominate Weichen Ni for PTL of INF project
    3. CMCC would like to nominate Yingying Wang for PTL of O-CU project
    4. Remaining open PTL positions   Documentation, Simulator, O-RU
    5. Vincent - Talk about the new reflector.
      1. I have experienced strange behavior for the emails.  I sent an email weeks ago and conversely I received a bunch of emails that were sent much earlier.  Such as a message I received 10 days later.
      2. Former user (Deleted)  the mailing list was set up so the very first member is a moderator and required approval.  I was away last week but have changed your role as non moderated.
    6. Creation of repo questions
      1. Xiaohua Zhang  from Wind River  - asked for a repo be created under the Infrastructure project.  Leveraging the Apache license.  
        1. ActionXiaohua Zhang send an email to Former user (Deleted)  
    7. Quality of release A SonarCloud for unit test coverage.  LF requires TOC approval for which repos we can move forward.  
      1. Lusheng proposed to move forward for a list of repos under the Near realtime RIC platform and application project.
      2. ActionFormer user (Deleted) send out an email reflector to toc regarding voting and approval for the list of repos for the Near realtime RIC project.
  8. Any Other Business (AOB)
  9. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
    1. Votes
      1. The minutes of the prior meeting were reviewed, and there were no corrections. On motion made by Jinri and seconded by David the minutes of the July 17, 2019 meeting were the approved by the TOC members. 
        1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
      2. The proposal to have the Project KEY for non-realtime RIC be named NONRTRIC.  On motion made by John Keeney (Ericsson EST) , and huangjinri@chinamobile.com seconded the vote
        1. VOTE: Vote taken, item passed.
    2. Actions
      1. Action / Jack Murray CLA status.
      2. Actionhuangjinri@chinamobile.com Check with the co-chairs regarding a demo.  I will need more information about the demo.
      3. ActionXiaohua Zhang send an email to Former user (Deleted) regarding your request for a repo.
      4. ActionFormer user (Deleted) send out an email reflector to toc regarding voting and approval for the list of repos for the Near realtime RIC project.
      5. Intel and Radisys agreed to have Zhimin Yuan be the PTL and Sachin Srivastava as Co-PTL of the O-DU project. Zhimin and Sachin will coordinate on the O-DU project management going forward.
      6. CMCC would like to nominate Weichen Ni for PTL of INF project
      7. CMCC would like to nominate Yingying Wang for PTL of O-CU project
      8. Remaining open PTL positions   Documentation, Simulator, O-RU

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