2019 09 25

Zoom link: zoom_0.mp4


  1. Call for Scribe (minutes owner) Farheen Cefalu
  2. Roll Call & Quorum Check 


    Contact NameAttendanceAlternate ContactAttendance


    Jack Murray Co-Chair


    China Mobile

    Jinri Huang Co-Chair

    Deutsche Telekom 

    David Streibl


    Masafumi Masuda



    William Diego

    xVincent Danno

    Viswa Kumar


    *Quorum: 50% or more of total TSC voting members unless excluded due to attendance.  We have a quorum and can vote on activities.  

  3. Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
  4. Review of Today's Agenda
  5. Status of Open Action Items (Old Business)
    1. Actions: Plugfest 
      1. Tracy Van Brakle to provide writeup next week as base for blog, etc.
        1. Write up is coming your way today.  Formal call for participation from the Test and Integration.  Tracy will include the call for participation.  Moving forward with OSC POC North America and Beijing Plugfests happening in parallel.  There will be a formal readout of this entire effort December 16 and 17.
        2. Jack - We'll add information on the Events page and the base.
      2. Jack Murray add to the wiki events page.  ToC member 
      3. huangjinri@chinamobile.com to talk to CMCC how to promote at Beijing plugfest
    2. ActionFormer user (Deleted) start a poll for B release.
    3. ActionThoralf Czichyto send details of which spec, section, version, to Jack Murray regarding RIC Platform copyrights.
      1. Jack - I saw the 3GPP copyrights.  I have a list and got feedback from Scott Nicolas from LF.  We need to work on permission to replicate.  What's necessary is a license to be copied.  
        1. If we are an upstream project and have to hand off to a down stream project then each down stream project can work with the same (example MIT) license.
        2. 3GPP does not have that option.  We will pursue permission for coverage.  We have to talk to the open source community to get consensus.  3GPP is not familiar with the ETSY process.
    4. ActionFormer user (Deleted) To organize meeting regarding TSC requested AT&T and Nokia to report on misalignments between Near Realtime RIC OSC implementation and WG3
      1. Meeting tomorrow for alignment.  Call out to PTLs.
      2. Updated WG3 regarding E2 directionality.
        1. RIC establishing the E2 nodes connecting to RIC but not bi-directional.  We put a bi-directional code.
        2. We are creating one slide per project.  If PTLs are available tomorrow at 9AM EST they will be able to voice.
        3. Action/ Former user (Deleted) publish the meeting details on the RSAC page regarding WG3 and E2.
        4. Important for the team to use Jira properly.  Jira
    5. ActionFormer user (Deleted)to work with LF to get the current listing. Completed:  20190920-oran-audit
    6. Former user (Deleted) SPDX identifier for Apache 2.
      1. Jack Murray email Trishan de Lanerolle to confirm there is no issue from LF, if no objection I am okay with it.  Bring this back next week.
      2. Action/ Former user (Deleted)contact Trishan de Lanerolle
        1. New files 
        2. ORAN software license will not be able to use SPDX.
          1. Jack consistency is the issue.  Rather than have varying policies we should stay with the current non-SPDX path that we're on.  Are there strong feeling to be moving to xPDX in the apache license based repos.
            1. Lusheng - As a developer I support the non-SPDX 
            2. Jack - we will not adopt the SPDX.
  6. Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
    1. Release Manager/Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
      1. We are at the beginning of the final dev sprint for our Amber release.
        1. IST - Is the integration team involved in the pairwise testing?
          1. So far for non-Real time.  Lusheng spoke to PTLs.  We have a rough picture of what is coming.  We don't have a detailed plan of what is coming but we don't see any problems with the Integration test plan.  
          2. We need help from other projects for the testing project.  We have a sub team that is building a tool called open testing framework.  We plan to use this for some of the E2E testing flows.  We will need help from other projects.  We need help from ORAN to define the test flows and test cases.
          3. ActionFormer user (Deleted) talk to Jack about which use cases are being covered for the test.
            1. We will need to record a demo of the functional project and share it across the community. 
            2. Jack will look to Tracy Van Brakle and Martin Skorupski to align and document the plugfest plan for a demo video.
            3. Lusheng the plan for the demo project is self contained mostly using ONAP.  In the near real time there is a simulator that interacts with the OAM component.  We can contain this flow in the ETE demo.  We can have some north side of A1 release components.
            4. Jack concerned about statements at Plugfest about Amber release deliverables.  We have to figure out what portion of the Plugfest is aligned.  
            5. Jack - I have to put on next weeks agenda to agreeing on the B release start date.  Current ends in November.  Start date is December 2.  I put a gap in for the end of December and Chinese New year due to holidays.  There is a new concept of a maintenance window.  Developers can work consistently through the timeline.  Maintenance windows allows developers to catch up on their Jira issues (defects).
            6. This will be a big discussion item at the F2F. 
    2. Release planning link.
    3. Copyright
      1. Jack will submit the 3GPP.
  7. Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers
    1. Non real time RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) - John Keeney (Ericsson EST)
    2. RIC Applications - Matti Hiltunen
    3. RIC Platform - Thoralf Czichy
    4. O-RAN Centralized Unit Former user (Deleted)
    5. O-RAN Distributed Unit High Sachin Srivastava
    6. O-RAN Distributed Unity Low Zhimin Yuan (Deactivated)
    7. O-RAN Radio Unit (TBD)
    8. Operations and Maintenance - Martin Skorupski
      1. Asking for a new repo. I have sent out the emails for the vote.  This will use a license from the O-RAN Alliance.  We may also use 3GPP but we are only using concepts.  WG1 tried to come up with a common information model.  On motion made by Martin Skorupski  for creating an OAM sub-repo called modeling using the O-RAN license.  Seconded by Viswa.
        1. VOTE: 4-0.  approved.
      2. We do not want to mis-represent the work that we are doing at the Plugfest.
        1. Martin - needs the data models from the O-RAN Alliance.  
    9. Simulations - Alex Stancu
    10. Infrastructure - Xiaohua Zhang
    11. DOC - Weichen Ni
    12. O-CU Former user (Deleted) 
  8. Test & Integration Planning - Lusheng

  9. Requirements Software Architecture Committee - Rittwik
    1. We are encouraging people to think about release B but have not gotten much feedback.
    2. We need to know the backlog items.
      1. Martin is focusing on having the interface running in release A.  For B release Martin is thinking of Machine Learning.
        1. Rittwik we are looking into it for release B.
          1. As a community we need end to end use cases which is what drives the larger demos to the broader community about what we can do and how it works.  These demos occur at events.  Call out to everyone to work with Rittwik on what are the key use cases that we can pick to focus our test and build efforts around by the end of the B release?  If you don't have this kind of ETE use case then you need some parent ETE use cases to drive the work.  That focuses our efforts.  We need to have up to 5 key end to end use cases.  We focus on showcasing these demos at events.  Please work with Rittwik to get those ideas in place.
  10. New Agenda Items (New Business)

    1. O-RAN F2F discussion Former user (Deleted)
      1. B release agenda items.  We want to give a detailed architecture view of the non-Realtime RIC.  We have one meeting that is 3 hours long.
        1. That week we will have our regular meeting.  That will be a supplimental meeting.
        2. Rittwik - we need to nail down 3 end to end use cases.  Not pair-wise use cases.  We need full stack use cases.  It will be good to study the O-RAN Alliance use cases or parts of them and demo them.  We want end user end to end use cases to report who benefits from the work we're doing.  
          1. Use cases
          2. Release Planning
          3. Working Alignment
          4. Detailed Architecture
  11. Any Other Business (AOB)
  12. Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
    1. Votes:
      1. Martin Skorupski Asking for a new repo called oam/modeling repo.   I have sent out the emails for the vote.  This will use a license from the O-RAN Alliance.  We may also use 3GPP but we are only using concepts.  WG1 tried to come up with a common information model. 
      2. Email details:
        1. Dear O-RAN-SC ToC Members, as PTL of O-RAN-SC OAM project I would like to ask for your approval of new a repo called „oam/modeling“ for code review of the O-RAN information model and its data models.

          New repository name:



            A repository, called “oam/modeling” as part of the OAM project, providing a centralized infrastructure for developing and sharing public available O-RAN information models and O-RAN-SC data models.


            Kevin Scaggs;            ks0567@att.com                                                          LFID: ks0567

            Martin Skorupski;       martin.skorupski@highstreet-technologies.com           LFID: demx8as6

          Many thanks in advance,Martin

          highstreet technologies

          O-RAN SC PTL Operations and Maintenance

      3. On motion made by Martin Skorupski  for creating an OAM sub-repo called modeling using the O-RAN license.  Seconded by Viswa.
        1. VOTE: 4-0.  approved. 
    2. ActionJack Murray ask for alternate voting members of TOC.
    3. ActionFormer user (Deleted) start a poll for B release.
    4. ActionFormer user (Deleted) publish the WG3 and E2 meeting details on the RSAC page.
    5. Former user (Deleted) SPDX identifier for Apache 2.
      1. Jack Murray email Trishan de Lanerolle to confirm there is no issue from LF, if no objection I am okay with it.  Bring this back next week.
      2. Action/ Former user (Deleted)contact Trishan de Lanerolle
    6. ActionFormer user (Deleted) talk to Jack about which use cases are being covered for the test.
    7. Action / Tracy Van Brakle TOC will look to Tracy Van Brakle and Martin Skorupski to align and document the plugfest plan for a demo video.