Updated the team on the status of the O1/VES implementation.
Testing of different event type continues. Testing for both version 7.2 and 7.2.1 event types.
Presented the proposal of SMO supporting a Kafka bus.
John Keeney (Ericsson EST) suggested that a DMaaP agent might need to sit on the Kafka bus to convert the events into DMaaP format??
Martin Skorupski mentioned "CORS error when using elasticsearch.js" when using two external browsers trying to perform queries over Elasticsearch.
15 min
O1 interface
The O1 interface on the SMO is up, and was tested against the SIM put together by Alex Stancu. It currently shows/supports the O-DU, O-RU-FH and the Hello World YANG model exposed by the simulator.
Next step is verify the O1 session with the O-DU in the OSC lab.
Vidhu updated the team on the status of the O-DU supporting the O1 interface.