Welcome to the H release page for the O-RAN Software community.
The H release is currently in incubation; initiating the definition of the requirements
Non-Real-time RIC (NONRTRIC) |
Primary Goals:
H Release - Highlights: Count of Epics (20 issues), User Stories, Tasks, and Issues: (455 issues)
Wiki: https://wiki.o-ran-sc.org/display/RICNR Tasks / Backlog / JIRA: https://jira.o-ran-sc.org/projects/NONRTRIC/issues Gerrit / Code:
Sonar / Test Coverage Reports
Testing: Weekly Meetings: Demos:
H release source code, container images and deployment instructions
Near-Real-time RIC X-APPs (RICAPP) |
Primary Goals: Expand the community working on open source xApps for O-RAN SC. Update and maintain the existing xApps to latest releases. Enhance the set of open source xApps in support of the RSAC use cases (traffic steering, network slicing) and add new xApps. New RUST framework xApp hw-rust will be added in this release. |
H release plan:
PTL: Sunil Singh |
Jira: Count of Epics, User Stories, Tasks, and Issues: 165 issues Completed Epics: |
H release highlights/accomplishments:
Gerrit Reviews |
H release source code, container images and deployment instructions The list of container images for the H release: Code Coverage Reports : Latest reports can be found at the following Link: Projects - O-RAN Software Community (sonarcloud.io). |
Near-Real-time RAN Intelligent Controller Platform (E2 Interface) (RICPLT) |
Original primary goals:
Achieved H release highlights = high-level release notes (TODO-date) below (note that the release image list is here: TODO-link)
For the H release of the near-RT RIC we do only limited integration testing: only the use cases: deploy RIC, deploy xApp, make E2 connection, get list of A1 policies has been tested. Filled in end-of-release checklist: TODO-link |
PTL: Thoralf Czichy |
Status 2023-02-02: initial content defined. HCL commitments coming by 2023-02-14 |
H release source code, container images and deployment instructions TODO |
Operation and Maintenance (OAM) |
Primary Goals:
H release Feature Scope:
Please see also project wiki for further details: H-Release |
Sprint Demos:
PTL: Martin Skorupski |
H release highlights/accomplishments (<date>): H release source code, container images and deployment instructions (and status) Jira: Count of Epics ( 15 issues ), User Stories, Tasks, and Issues: 166 issues Source Code: Integration: |
O-RAN Central Unit (OCU) |
Primary Goals:
H release Feature Scope: H Release Feature Scope:
PTL: |
TODO-deployment instructions (and status) |
O-DU High |
Primary Goals: 1. Alignment to the ORAN WG8 AAD specification O-RAN.WG8.AAD-v07.00 2. New design with multi-scheduler algorithm support 3. Inter CU Handover 4. E2 interface enhancement 5. End-to-end integration |
H release Feature Scope:
PTL: Ankit Barve |
Status on |
H release highlights/accomplishments ( ):
H release source code, container images, and deployment instructions (and status) source code: https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/gitweb?p=o-du%2Fl2.git;a=shortlog;h=refs%2Fheads%2Fh-release |
O-DU Low |
Primary Goals: TODO |
H release Feature Scope: TODO |
PTL: Lvfarias (Deactivated) , Alternate: @Chenxi Yue |
H release highlights/accomplishments ( ): TODO H release source code, container images, and deployment instructions (and status) source code: https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/gitweb?p=o-du%2Fphy.git;a=summary |
Simulators (SIM) |
Primary Goals:
H Feature Scope / Achievements:
Sprint Demos: |
PTL: Alex Stancu |
Jira: Count of Epics, User Stories, Tasks, and Issues: 5 issues |
H release highlights/accomplishments ( ):
H release source code, container images and deployment instructions Source code:
Container images are described TODO-link. Instructions: no specific instructions. Code coverage: in progress (sonar for C/C++ code in LF repos) |
Service Management and Orchestration Layer (SMO) |
Primary Goals: TODO |
H release Feature Scope: TODO |
PTL: Mahesh Jethanandani |
H release highlights/accomplishments (December 12, 2022):
H release source code, container images and deployment instructions (and status) H release source code for SMO can be found in the following repositories
The container images for SMO can be found on the Nexus server, where applicable.
The OpenStack Tacker container can be started with the steps in the following documentation.
The installation instructions for SMO can be found in the documentation page here. Status The status of the SMO project is tracked using Jira items. For the latest status refer to the items below.
Infrastructure (INF) |
Primary Goals:
H release Feature Scope:
PTL: Jackie Huang |
H release highlights/accomplishments ( ):
Jira: Status of Epics, User Stories, Tasks, and Issues: Update at
Test status: Code coverage:
Release Note:
H release source code, images and deployment instructions
Integration and Test (INT) |
Primary Goals: Make each OSC projects to adopt XTesting framework and contribute test cases that can be run at release time for validation. Stretch goal would be to write additional integration test cases based on across project interactions. |
H Feature Scope / Achievements:
PTL: James Li |
H release highlights/accomplishments (December 14, 2022): H release source code, container images and deployment instructions gerrit (look for the latest changes for H release from the following repositories): https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/it/dep |
AIML Framework (AIMLFW) |
Primary Goals:
H Feature Scope / Achievements:
Sprint Demo |
PTL: hoejoo.lee |
H release highlights/accomplishments (<Date> ):
H release source code, container images and deployment instructions Gerrit / Code: aiml-fw/awmf/tm: Training Manager : Training job and model management aiml-fw/athp/tps/kubeflow-adapter: Adapter for Kubeflow aiml-fw/athp/sdk/model-storage: Sdk for accessing Model storage aiml-fw/athp/sdk/feature-store: Sdk for accessing Feature store aiml-fw/athp/data-extraction: Retrieving features for training from Data lake aiml-fw/aimlfw-dep: Deployment scripts aiml workflow portal/aiml-dashboard: GUI for AIML Workflow ric-app/qp-aimlfw: Sample ML Assist xApp for QoE prediction Container images are described here:
Installation Instructions:
Code coverage: https://sonarcloud.io/project/overview?id=o-ran-sc_aiml-fw-athp-tps-kubeflow-adapter https://sonarcloud.io/project/overview?id=o-ran-sc_aiml-fw-athp-sdk-feature-store https://sonarcloud.io/project/overview?id=o-ran-sc_aiml-fw-athp-sdk-model-storage https://sonarcloud.io/project/overview?id=o-ran-sc_aiml-fw-athp-data-extraction https://sonarcloud.io/project/overview?id=o-ran-sc_aiml-fw-awmf-tm |