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2020 05 13
Zoom recording: 2020-05-13_toc.mp4
Call for Scribe (minutes owner) Farheen Cefalu
Roll Call & Quorum Check
Contact Name
Alternate Contact
Jack Murray Co-Chair
Lusheng Ji
Jinri Huang Co-Chair
Weichen Ni
x David Streibl
Ondřej Hudousek
Masafumi Masuda
Anil Umesh
William Diego
Vincent Danno
Viswa Kumar
Kristen Young
Juha Oravainen
Thoralf Czichy Ganesh Shenbagaraman
Sachin Srivastava John-Paul Lane
*Quorum: 50% or more of total TSC voting members unless excluded due to attendance. We have a quorum and can vote on activities.
Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
- The minutes of the prior meetings were reviewed, and there were no comments, questions or corrections.
- Vote to approve minutes for
- On motion made by Juha Oravainen
- Seconded by Former user (Deleted)
- VOTE: Vote taken, item passed
- The minutes of the prior meetings were reviewed, and there were no comments, questions or corrections.
Review of Today's Agenda
- Add O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW) May 31st Bronze delivery request to the top of the agenda because we ran out of time last week.
- The question is ODULOW will deliver before May 31st. Who from the O-DU is going to talk about that? Is that Zhimin?
- Rittwik: I thought it was covered last week.
- Jack: They asked if they will be included in this release. I spoke with Zhimin last night. The issue is Intel has to go through the Intel review process to get this released.
- Their target is to deliver at the end of May which does not give them time for Integration. They wanted to put it in their software code in the repo untested and un-and consider it as a part of the Bronze release. The code would be untested and un-integrated and finish up during the maintenance window. This is a discussion during for the TOC how we want to proceed. I had a discussion with Intel last night on for improving their process for the Cherry release and adopt more open source methods in terms of for their software contributions and processes. They are going back to work those items internally and expressed express that they will be able to improve them. In terms of a vote. Assuming The question is assuming that they contribute all the code by May 31 and our final date is June 14 do we consider that code is a part of the Bronze release if it doesn't complete testing? This is a question and the approval that they seek . It is a question for the whole TOC how they want to proceed. The code is there and is complete and it stretches things out from how we normally do things.
- Rittwik I think the code is there. Lusheng please comment. Are we testing the O-DU Low? They have provided the binary for the ODU-HIGH.low? There is a bilateral agreement that happened. Even though it is not open internal pairwise testing is happening. We set up the servers and progress is going on in pariwise testingin the lab to do the testing. Progress has been made in May.
- Lusheng: The Intel team stated source code in the repo is in for Amber. They didn't provide the Bronze code. They will install the binaries in the lab there and do their pairwise testing and integration with ODU-HIGH including integration with ODUO-DU-HIGH. That will happen in parallel with the source code. We are asking for the Bronze release to they will put out new version of the source code for their internal process and conclude by the end of May and provide all the unit testing and testing with simulation testing. They do have unit some testing but not integration testing integrated with other OSC componentsO-SC components. That was the ask. In In terms of integration building and when happening integration testing with ODU-HIGH currently are having some hardware issues and in labs I do not have an ETA eta due to lockdown and no access to lab access. I can not give a timeline for integrated testing of ODU-HIGH. It will happen in Bronze release but in maintenanace. If TOC consider this request from Intel it will be where to include the software in Bronze. The code will pass the unit test for contribution. I do not know when the integration with O-DU HIGH will happen. ODU-HIGH integration will happen in Bronze maintenance release.
- Zhimin Yuan (Deactivated) What Lusheng and Rittwik said is clear. For ODU-LOW project can be published by the Intel process by the end of May. We will pass all the unit test and Layer 2 test 2 will finish unit tests internally. If we have chance We will use the open lab if able as well. We are asking for you to include ODU-LOW for the B release.
- Jack: For other TOC members are there questions?
- Juha: What about the licensing voting that is still ongoing and will be completed next week. Will that effect this vote?
- Jack: It's being used as a test fixture. The community members have to decide if they are interested in the ODU path based on It's not included as part of the software contribution for O-DU LOW but it does mean that what we had to go through to make sure we are cleared to use the intel software in our test lab and recommendation of using the lab. The community members have to decide if they are interested in the ODU path based on the Intel approach. The approval is based on license review and everyone is aware that we are using the software. But it is not a part of the software contribution. It's more or less to allow us to use it for testing. Do you still want to wait until after we get the license approval or should we vote now?
- Juha: If licensing is not approved then we revisit. I wanted to understand it a little better.
- Zhimin: Regarding the OSC repo we will contribute the shared between O-DU High and O-DU LOW. We will do integration testing if we are able.
- Add O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW) May 31st Bronze delivery request to the top of the agenda because we ran out of time last week.
Release Votes and Approval
- Vote on including O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW) in the Bronze Release.There is a motion We have a mothing to include the Intel O-DU LOW contribution if it is 's made by to the repos. If not provided by then it will not go into the release.
- Ganesh Shenbagaraman seconded the motion
- VOTE: Vote taken, item passed
- Vote That is the motion that Intel has made. Vote on including O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW) in the Bronze Release.
- seconded by Ganesh Shenbagaraman
- VOTE: Vote taken, item passed
- If it is not by or else it will not be included as a part of our test approachthe Bronze release.
- 2 issues with the copyright approval.
- Jack: It stalled half way thru. Not enough board members voted to pass it before a question came up about it. We got some clarification. I have to investigate further. They may be resetting the votes. Both are still active.
- Vote O-RAN using Intel ends this Friday. Last I looked there were plus 10 votes. I don't expect a problem with that one either. I will only find out the outcome.
Marketing of the current release (WG, LF, PR)
Virtual Exhibition.
- Jinri: will be the deadline for gate 1 review of WG1 contributions for the demo. Contact Jinri for the June virtual exhibition. Paul Smith will organize teleconference as a gate 1 review for all submitted submissions.
- OSC Logo status.
Status of Open Action Items (Old Business)
- Issue for Bronze gets back to the marketing. We need to start talking about preparing for the press release for the Bronze release. If there are companies that want to make statements as a part of Bronze, it takes time. We do it through O-RAN Alliance. Jinri is our contact for that. We will work on figuring out how to get a press release for O-RAN we should have that on the EC discussion as well.
- Action/ coordinate our
- John-Paul Lane: Who should we contact if we are interested in making a contribution to the press release?
- Jack: Yes, Send an email to Jinri and copy Jack. You don't need the complete highlights. We want to know for tracking purposes.
- We covered copyright updates in the New agenda items.
Marketing of the current release (WG, LF, PR)
Virtual Exhibition.
- Jinri: I checked the email and found that will be the deadline for WG1 in O-RAN Alliance contributions for the demo. Contact Jinri for the virtual exhibition. Paul Smith will organize teleconference and review submissions.
- That will be for the end of June virtual exhibition.
- OSC Logo status.
Status of Open Action Items (Old Business)
Action/ Farheen Cefalu add copyright updates to the agenda. (See item 6 added above)Action/ Farheen Cefaluadd link to the Virtual Exhibition site. (Completed on on Events)Action/ Farheen add reviewing Bronze release highlights to the agenda (See item 9.ii added below)- Issue for Bronze gets back to the marketing. If there are companies that want to make statements as a part of Bronze release, it takes time to get them cleared internally and over to us. We do tha through O-RAN Alliance. Jinri is our contact for that. I assume that they will get information to you and we will work on figuring out on the press release and we should have that on the EC meeting as well.
- Jinri: They have a communication. Let's double check with Zhiminik.
- John-Paul Lane: Who should we contact?
- Jack: Send an email to Jinri and copy Jack. Jack will get a list together and we'll go from there. You don't need the complete list. We want to know everybody's input for tracking purposes.
Action/ Farheen Add the O-RAN-SC logo request to the marketing agenda. (See 7b above)- Action/ William DIEGO update on the coordination with the O-RAN test group
- Jack: You heard the feedback from TSC meeting where they want to get a more coordinated view with the test group and the OTIG and other activities. You can work with Rittwik whose been working with the simulator and anyone else interested in participating in that discussion reach out to Rittwik and William. I know Viavi will participate. Since they are the target I'd like Rittwik and William to organize the long term discussion. We'll follow up on the short term discussion at the Monday EC meeting. Is everyone OK with that?
- William: Yes
- Rittwik: Yes
- Action/ William DIEGO and Former user (Deleted) lead the effort to organize a long term discussion with Viavi about the coordinated view of the test group and their activities.
Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
Release Manager Trishan de Lanerolle /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
Former user (Deleted) Requirements Software Architecture Committee.
- Cherry release requirements have startedgathering has started. I have spoken to Matti, Thoralf, and the O-DU folks. I am setting up a few meetings individually to gather requirements. By mid-June we should be in a better position for votes. TOC should consider what kind of teams are gong to form for the use cases. We have a few extra epics. Bronze release the final integration will be done for call flows and traffic steering. We themes the Cherry release will be responsible for. We will continue traffic steering, and healthcheck use cases. Things that have not been percolated through all components. We have a few extra epics. If the TOC has suggestions then let me know.
- Bronze release the final integration will be done for call flows for healthcheck and traffic steering. We have truncated some of those flows. Lusheng understands the subflows that need to be tested. The RSAC wiki has been updated to reflect this.
- Jack: I'd like to continue to see the ETE use cases evolve to drive the community to more ETE operations. There is an OAM self check capabilityare OAM capabilities such as healthcheck that continue to advance. I would hope O-DU and O-CU can start those initial use cases. I hope we can get a new use case to demonstrate more of either near Real Time RIC and xAPPs and non Real Time RIC and rApps activities so we can demonstrate the work that is going on in the non Real - time RIC. I would like to make sure we are pushing the projects together forward as a larger system in the general guidelines. They should be done around useful functions like traffic steering and OAM functions. If different people working on different components have different use cases then provide their the input. It is key that each release advances the overall stack and elements. We only do two a year so it is important to push ourselves to advance in a direction.
Former user (Deleted) Integration and Test
- Gerrit review process improvement
- I will table this for now. We will start it in Cherry.
- Integration and testing status report
- We have a good understanding of the flows to be tested for the Bronze release.
- Healthcheck use case has 3 flows there are 3 use cases to be tested.
- Traffic Steering use case has one
- O-DU will be planned out as well.
- In terms of deployment we have in the T-lab has near Real time RIC. We have the OTF there. We are getting close to making the test call flow callsflows.
- Integration lab is supporting O-DU test hardware installed and cards are installed but we are having hardware compatibility issues. problems that we are looking into. As soon as those they are fixed we will install Intel's ODUO-LOW code and binaries.DU Low binary code so O-DU High and Low can continue with integration testing.
- We have a good understanding of the flows to be tested for the Bronze release.
- Gerrit review process improvement
Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers - next week we will start to cover this list. Are there any major items that anyone would like to raise to the TOC this week?
John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-RealTime RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)
Matti Hiltunen RIC Applications (RICAPP)
- Matti: We got a two week extension for RIC App and the simulator. Seems It looks like part of the RIC app Traffic App traffic steering use case will slip slide into the maintenance release. We still don't have the KPI MON from Samsung . It is under legal review and it which has not been tested with the simulator we are planning the maintenance release. We also don't have legal approval. We do have a couple xApps traffic steering use cases that will be tested as a part of Bronze release.
- Jack: How many xApps do we have xApps between Bronze and Amber do we have available in open source for people to evaluate?
- Matti: In Bronze there are 4 xApps that are reasonably solid. In Amber we had Mission one xApp Admission Control that we haven't have not upgraded to the latest E2 specs . It didn't fit into that is left over and does not apply to any of the use cases . There is a demo Hello World xApp on using a lot of featuesfeatures in RIC such as E2, A1, messaging SDL. There is a measure sAppmeasurement campaign xApp in the Amber release that has been extended to generate more reports based on X2 messages. We have two xApps related to traffic steering use case ML and QP driver. Machine Learning xApp that are already in the repo. Main traffic steering xApp in C++ that drives the QP driver which is pulling the data from the SDL for the ML part. The ML app is still not in the repo but we are getting it promised any day now. It might still be testable before the end of the month. The KPI MON will have bugs and issues when we get to the testing and staging. is bigger because it will use the simulator that Ron just completed. I expect there will be some bugs. Our extended code freeze deadline passed. I want to move this to the maintenance release.
- Matti: We got a two week extension for RIC App and the simulator. Seems It looks like part of the RIC app Traffic App traffic steering use case will slip slide into the maintenance release. We still don't have the KPI MON from Samsung . It is under legal review and it which has not been tested with the simulator we are planning the maintenance release. We also don't have legal approval. We do have a couple xApps traffic steering use cases that will be tested as a part of Bronze release.
Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC)
- Reviewed status on Jira items moved to Cherry, Bronze Release (Jun 2020). The links are in the RIC Platform status report.
- Jack: Jinri is any of the O-CU code going to start making it back to the repos soon for the 5G?
- Jinri: I remember contribution started . Action/ check with colleagues about the status of O-CU and discuss as a topic in next weeks call. Talk to Former user (Deleted) .
- See status notes under "Status 2020-04-Thoralf: I went through all the epics and double checked with all the teams. Of the 65 epics planned for Bronze 36 are implemented as of yesterday. 13 have started that are in Cherry. 9 have not been started to Cherry. 8 more have been moved to backlog. There is a link for the first phase of Cherry. We are still planning the second phase of Cherry. In this first phase we have a list of what will be worked on. I don't see important dependencies on other project. If you are curious you can find them for the status report.
- Jack: Two of the projects are further along then others. OAM is also moving along pretty rapidly. We will discuss other projects next week. The biggest question right now...
- Jack: Jinri is any of the O-CU code going to start making it back to the repos soon for the 5G?
- Jinri: I remember contribution started for O-CU part I will double check with my colleagues . Action/ talk about the O-CU 5G contributions this week.
- See status notes under "Status 2020-04-29 and 2020-04-30 and 2020-05-06 and 2020-05-12" in Bronze Release (Jun 2020)
Former user (Deleted) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU)
Sachin Srivastava O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)
Zhimin Yuan (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW)
Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)
Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)
Xiaohua Zhang Infrastructure (INF)
Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)
(TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items.
Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)- OAI/OSA purposed Meeting
- OSA community had a call. Introductions and I talked about our proecssprocess. They talked about where they are in their process.
- Overall they were happy with us cleaning up the issue we had with our code in our repos.
- They would like to talk about a strategic alliance announcement and agreement between them and the O-RAN Alliance. I made it clear that it's an O-RAN Alliance activity. For that particular component should come from O-RAN Alliance. They asked about copyright use and access to the O-RAN specifications. Software One way to do that is if they contribute the interfaces under a project in OSC. Software contributions can be pulled into the integration process. They were more interested in people working outside of OSC and maybe interested in participating.
- I described the Intel model on the O-DU. There is a license issue.
- In the end they were unable to articulate a very strong ask from us. It is mostly from a copyright perspective. Anyone who attended feel free to add or correct. Jinri agrees.
- It would be great to have more code on a lower layer but that is hard to do. They are going to go off and think about it and get back to us. The next steps are between them and Zbynek.
- I am hoping it will turn into something more for the universities that I talked to on the Power project. Hopefully we will get more university participation. Let Jack know if there are any other universities that will contribute. We should look to expand.
- OSA community had a call. Introductions and I talked about our proecssprocess. They talked about where they are in their process.
- It was brought up as part of the TSC meeting and disucssed. I don't control when they get to the topic. Jinri was there for that discussion but I was not. They didn't approve it they kicked it back for further discussion.
- Jinri: I didn't receive information from Viavi. This is tentative. I have forwarded this message during the TSC call. They raised a request for two collaborations. One is short term and the other is long term collaboration. WGs, TSC, and OTIC. TSC Co chair asked us how we want to use this from OSC perspective. What software will OTIC and other WGs have? We need to combine these requirements and discuss further before presenting to Viavi.
Planning for Next Meeting
Any Other Business (AOB)
- . They do have some higher level code in Apache but their lower level code that is in debate follows their license which is different from our license. There are US universities being funded by the Power project and others that are interested in using the OAI and O-RAN code in make something work. My concern is if work takes place outside of the community that benefits, much like Intel's FAPI code that can be re-used by the community becomes more complicated. They told me they have copyright permission from 3GPP material that allows them to generate code. I will pass that information along to the people who are working for us. I did not get very positive feedback from 3GPP that is what they were thinking. I will pass along to O-RAN Alliance 3GPP.
- In the end they were unable to articulate a very strong ask from us. It is mostly from a copyright and agreement perspective. They didn't have a plan for software contributions. Anyone who attended feel free to add or correct.
- Jinri agrees.
- It would be great to have more code on a lower layer but that is hard to do. They are going to go off and think about it and get back to us. The next steps are between them and Zbynek.
- I am hoping it will turn into something more for the universities that I talked to on the Power project. Hopefully we will get more university participation. They don't care about patent rights and 3GPP issues they can contribute to the open project. Hopefully we'll get more university participation. Let Jack know if there are any other universities that will contribute. We should look to expand.
- Jean-Paul: The discussion about replicating O-RAN Alliance specifications. It was brought up as part of the TSC meeting and discussed. Was that discussed?
- Jack: The copyright aspect of it where we talked about what we can do was the operating feature. 2 votes. Acceptance of Intel binary software for Flexran to test our approach. Other was the copyright vote. Board meeting coming up. There were 2 issues with copyright approval.
- It stalled half way thru. Not enough board members voted to pass it before a question came up about it. We got some clarification and I don't know if they had to go back and reset the vote because they changed the wording slightly. I have to find out. Both are active. The vote for O-RAN using Intel ends this Friday. When I looked at it last there were +10 votes and none against last weekend. I don't expect a problem. It has gone into the process where I only know when it comes out.
- Jack: The copyright aspect of it where we talked about what we can do was the operating feature. 2 votes. Acceptance of Intel binary software for Flexran to test our approach. Other was the copyright vote. Board meeting coming up. There were 2 issues with copyright approval.
- Rittwik: Can we get an update of the Viavi contract that was discussed in the EC?
- Jack: It was brought up as a part of the TSC and discussed. I don't control when they get to the topic. Jinri was there for that discussion but I was not. They didn't approve it they kicked it back for further discussion.
- Jinri:
- Regarding Intel license, the deadline will be this Friday. Currently we all have the yes vote. Next Monday will be the EC call for further approval.
- Regarding Copyright permission. I don't have any idea regarding vote process. Next Monday we can raise on the EC call.
- Regarding Viavi contract. At the time I didn't receive confirmation from Viavi. This is tentative. Next Monday is the EC call we will raise this. I have forwarded this message during the TSC call.
- Jack: Did they have any particular questions...
- Jinri: No.They raised a another request for two collaborations. One is short term collaboration targeted for Bronze release and the other is long term collaboration can be used with WGs, TSC, and OTIC. For the long term solution the TSC Co chair asked us how we want to use this from OSC perspective. for example: What software will be needed for Cherry and software for OTIC and other WGs have? We need to combine these requirements and discuss further before presenting to Viavi.
- Jack: Did they have any particular questions...
Planning for Next Meeting
Any Other Business (AOB)
Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
- Votes:
- The minutes of the prior meetings were reviewed, and there were no comments, questions or corrections.
- Vote to approve minutes for
- On motion made by Juha Oravainen
- Seconded by Former user (Deleted)
- VOTE: Vote taken, item passed
- Vote on including O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW) in the Bronze Release.
- On motion made by Ganesh Shenbagaraman for the O-DU LOW contribution made by to the repos.
- Former user (Deleted) seconded the motion
- VOTE: Vote taken, item passed
- The minutes of the prior meetings were reviewed, and there were no comments, questions or corrections.
- Actions
- Action/ William DIEGO update on the coordination with the O-RAN test group
- Action/ William DIEGO and Former user (Deleted) lead the effort to organize a long term discussion with Viavi about the coordinated view of the test group and their activities.
- Action/ status of the O-CU 5G contributions to repos.
- Action/ TOC continue last weeks review of projects.
2020 05 06
Zoom recording: 2020-05-06_toc.mp4
Call for Scribe (minutes owner) Farheen Cefalu
Roll Call & Quorum Check
Contact Name
Alternate Contact
Jack Murray Co-Chair
Lusheng Ji
Jinri Huang Co-Chair
Weichen Ni
x David Streibl
Ondřej Hudousek
Masafumi Masuda
Anil Umesh
William Diego
Vincent Danno
Viswa Kumar
Kristen Young
Juha Oravainen
Thoralf Czichy Ganesh Shenbagaraman
Sachin Srivastava John-Paul Lane
*Quorum: 50% or more of total TSC voting members unless excluded due to attendance. We have a quorum and can vote on activities.
Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
- The minutes of the prior meetings were reviewed, and there were no comments, questions or corrections.
- Vote to approve minutes for
- On motion made by John-Paul Lane
- Seconded by Former user (Deleted)
- VOTE: Vote taken, item passed
- The minutes of the prior meetings were reviewed, and there were no comments, questions or corrections.
Review of Today's Agenda
- Add O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW) May 31st Bronze delivery request to the top of the agenda because we ran out of time last week.
- Jack has copyright updates. It should be a part of the agenda. Action/ Farheen Cefalu add copyright updates to the agenda.
- Jack as we approach Cherry I would like to ask other team members to bring up changes to the agenda to improve the Cherry release. I invite your ideas and recommendations of how we should adapt. For others please work with the RSAC committee to start planning Cherry. The more pre-work we can do it is better. It is important that we as a team participate on the planning of Cherry.
Release Votes and Approval
Marketing of the current release (WG, LF, PR)
- Virtual Exhibition.
- Jinri - I was absent last week.
- The virtual exhibition has been opened. Action/ Farheen Cefalu add link to the website.
- The demos once approved will be on the O-RAN website.
- Jack it is not quite time yet to release information on our Bronze release. Typically if we ask for companies to add statements it takes a little time. We want to gather the statements in advance of the press release. We should add this to the list.
- Nokia and AT&T will put something together for the plugfest. During the plugfest which is 9-21-2020 we will put the RIC.
- Another idea we have to add here is the OSC logo. What is a good logo that covers what we want to do. If someone is interested in taking the lead. We should add it under the marketing piece. It is better to have a logo rather than text because other LF projects have logos. Looking for TOC member who wants to take the lead on the logo.
Status of Open Action Items (Old Business)
- Action/ William DIEGO update on the coordination with the O-RAN test group
- For the moment I just sent you the timeline for the ETE test focus group. We need to update the Cherry release timeline. I will continue to follow the test integration focus group.
- Action/ Former user (Deleted) add the longer term test strategy to the agenda.
- Action/ Farheen Cefalu add the update on the copyright issue for us. This has been an ongoing decision for some time.
- Jack got confirmation from the legal team on item 1. Each contributor retains the full copyrights...
- O-RAN does not technically doesn't have possession of the copyright material. There is a gap in time. See the item 2.
- Copyright
- The board has to grant permission to make the decisions. The intent is broad to cover all the items that we have requested in the specifications.
- John-Paul: I interpret this to mean is OSC the A1 spec was worked on collaboratively we can go the executive committee to seek permission to use for specifications received by the Alliance.
Jack: Once a spec is approved they will grant the use. There is a little gap in once the o-ran alliance approves the spec. - There is a third item that is being worked on for 3GPP. I will invite someone to talk about that once it is ready to be shared.
- Action/ William DIEGO update on the coordination with the O-RAN test group
Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
Release Manager Trishan de Lanerolle /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
Former user (Deleted) Requirements Software Architecture Committee
- We started gathering the Cherry release items.
- Rittwik: for O-DU to be functional we need to agree on a specific format or minimal viable configuration (bandwidth, numerology). Implementation depends on our consensus. All upstream use cases will depend on that. As a team we need to make progress. If you infrastructure doesn't match the use case requirements.
- Zhimin - We want to know what are our priority contributions.
- Rittwik - In general how advanced does O-SC have to be? We need advice from the TOC of what is the minimal viable feature set the O-DU supports. OAI will also need this requirement also
- Ganesh - I believe we will benefit in another focused meeting. It can be feature rich that can be built out. We need to have a roadmap done so we will see how it matures over the next three releases. From Radisys we can support this approach.
- Jack - The minimal viable product set that we are coming up from an OSC standpoint is demonstrate the interfaces of O1, E1, E2 interfaces and show a minimally viable functional stack. We need to define a scenario of three different radios that walk through a series of scenarios that run as a functioning stack. How to install, operate, setup, tear down, hand off a session. You need to demonstrate a working stack. That is our first go. Then you start working horizontally adding and improving functionality based on features and capabilities. Without a stack in place with a very advanced CU or DU to talk to makes it a very fractured feature. This is my thought process. The integration test team has to demonstrate this minimal stack interfaces working together.
Former user (Deleted) Integration and Test
- Gerrit review process improvement
- Two TOC meetings ago we continued the improving the test team process. We recommend starting from Cherry we will putting out the messaging instead of enforcing during the gerrit review process. The recommendation was let us first come up with Best Practices then review how it was executed and then enforce the gerrit workflow changes.
- there is no self merging. You have to get a +2 score from a reviewer who is not yourself. The other is not allowing a huge single submission.
- Under Integration and Test Release Testing Plans we will have 3 use cases. Healthcheck, O-DU Integration, and the Traffic Steering Use case.
- Team members review and make sure the flows are represented correctly Release Testing Plans
- Traffic Steering use case layer is planned to be delivered later this week. I hope Matti's team can update the call flows so we can test.
- O-DU integration presented a deck two weeks ago. They will deliver in the Bronze point release.
- Jack: I look to the team to figure out a process to create a score card to track the progress of each process relative to the target requirements of each release. That summary score card is what we will share with others. No one will have a perfect score but we have to understand how each project will deliver.
- Two TOC meetings ago we continued the improving the test team process. We recommend starting from Cherry we will putting out the messaging instead of enforcing during the gerrit review process. The recommendation was let us first come up with Best Practices then review how it was executed and then enforce the gerrit workflow changes.
- Integration and testing status report
- Gerrit review process improvement
Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers - next week we will start to cover this list. Are there any major items that anyone would like to raise to the TOC this week?
John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-RealTime RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)
Matti Hiltunen RIC Applications (RICAPP)
Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC)
Former user (Deleted) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU)
Sachin Srivastava O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)
Zhimin Yuan (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW)
- Bronze Release (Jun 2020)
- Fronthaul interface in the source code format.
- Layer 1 in binary format.
- Testing structure for O-DU low internal testing.
- Jack will the O1 spec effect O-DU low or O-DU high? How the O1 will handle the split?
- Zhimin No we are not discussing on O1.
- Jack: Ganesh get to an agreement about the split.
- Ganesh: The O-DU plain once it is out it will have a consistent interface. O-DU is one logical physical entity High and Low.
- Fapi Interface development slide 2.
- We have fronthaul interface
- test mack stub will be stored in github repo.
- Inside is the O-DU low project with the FAPI translator.
- Jack Intel has submitted a license that the O-RAN legal team has accepted. We are working toward tomorrow morning US Eastern time. We have to get this on the TSC agenda. We have to get the OSFG vote. The goal is to approve using the Intel binary as a test fixture in this structure. O-RAN legal team has approved using it as a test fixture. The software will not appear on the LF repo but be on demand on the test assembly. We need to get approval from the OFSG members to vote and bring it to the TSC meeting. Hopefully by tomorrow we will have approval.
- Zhimin: O-RAN Community B time line: Our target is May 31. The code will be available in both the osc repo. Can we be included in the Bronze release?
- Jack: That leaves no time for test. We can make it available by the July time frame as a part of the Bronze maintenance release. Generally we don't release code unless we can pass some of the tests and use cases.
- Zhimin: The binary license was agreed. We are now focussed on the process. We can start testing our software application in the lab. If we can pull in one week? Is that possible?
- Jack: Lusheng can testing be completed by the end of May?
- Lusheng: If everything works well and it's not too complicated. Another gap we have the integration with O-DU High. Ganesh?
- Zhimin: For the Bronze release finished with O-DU High is not for Bronze but for Maintenance release. Can O-DU Low be a part of the Bronze release?
- Lusheng: There is no integration test. We call it unit test. Jack I think Zhimin is asking for participation in normal release B and not as a part of the flow. The flow will be delivered by the maintenance release.
- Jack the broader TOC needs to understand. We don't have to make a final decision this week. Let's take it up next week at the TOC level to see if we are OK with including O-DU Low as a part of the Bronze release with only unit testing. Let us take a vote on it next week on how we want to proceed. Is it a part of maintenance or Bronze.
- Bronze Release (Jun 2020)
Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)
Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)
Xiaohua Zhang Infrastructure (INF)
Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)
(TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items.
- OAI purposed Meeting
- OSC Logo
Planning for Next Meeting
- Next Tuesday there is an OAI meeting. If you wish to participate please join the zoom meeting for next Tuesday. We will hear from the OAI group of what they are thinking about activities, coordination, and interest.
Any Other Business (AOB)
Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
- Votes:
- he minutes of the prior meetings were reviewed, and there were no comments, questions or corrections.
- Vote to approve minutes for
- On motion made by John-Paul Lane
- Seconded by Former user (Deleted)
- VOTE: Vote taken, item passed
- he minutes of the prior meetings were reviewed, and there were no comments, questions or corrections.
- Actions:
- Votes:
2020 04 29
Call for Scribe (minutes owner) Farheen Cefalu
Roll Call & Quorum Check
Contact Name
Alternate Contact
Jack Murray Co-Chair
Lusheng Ji
Jinri Huang Co-Chair
Weichen Ni
x David Streibl
Ondřej Hudousek
Masafumi Masuda
Anil Umesh
William Diego
Vincent Danno
Viswa Kumar
Kristen Young
Juha Oravainen
Thoralf Czichy x Ganesh Shenbagaraman
Sachin Srivastava John-Paul Lane
*Quorum: 50% or more of total TSC voting members unless excluded due to attendance. We have a quorum and can vote on activities.
Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
- The minutes of the prior meetings were reviewed, and there were no comments, questions or corrections.
- Vote to approve minutes for
- On motion made by Former user (Deleted)
- Seconded by Weichen Ni
- VOTE: Vote taken, item passed
- Clarify comments about questions about 9.iii.a needed clarity so Farheen updated minutes.
- The minutes of the prior meetings were reviewed, and there were no comments, questions or corrections.
Review of Today's Agenda
Release Votes and Approval
- Jack: we will need to vote on how to support the Viavi simulator as a part of our test environment. At some point we will have to bring to vote a decision to request for funding to support a part of the bronze activity. We are looking at it as a rental fee on the open source side. People from Viavi are on the technical side.
- If people are interested in this topic reach out to Former user (Deleted) or Former user (Deleted). One of our challenges working in the RAN at some point we have to have devices and radios to simulator. We have a small effort on simulating protocols but RAN simulator is more active. The short term activity is how do we deal with this in Bronze without a full operating stack.
- We need more paticipation in the test department. There is a lot of activity going on there.
- ORAN Alliance and O-RAN SC are two different leadership.
- Open source focus group in O-RAN Alliance.
- TOC is focus group in O-RAN SC.
- OSFG is asked to take a vote. There are recommendations of the OSFG group in the O-RAN Alliance and there are votes for the TOC for the O-RAN SC.
- John-Paul Is there any information about the specification project?
- Jack: The O-RAN SC has a charter under the LF. We follow LF guidelines. O-RAN Alliance funds the LF for the O-RAN SC to operate under 2 licenses.
- Apache open source initiative.
- O-RAN Alliance license. I am not a lawyer it is managed by the software alliance entity. We use the Apache license, Documentation is slightly different. The O-RAN license is managed by the O-RAN Alliance. I do not call this an open source license. In this forum I refer to it as a FRAND license. We're an open source community we have the Apache license and the FRAND license from the O-RAN Alliance.
- Jack: Look at the charter. The charter for the OSC is an LLC founded in the USA under a series of LLC under the Linux Foundation. We also have the O-CU and O-DU High.
- Jack: It is intended to mimic 3GPP and the O-RAN FRAND policy. I am not a lawyer.
- Jack: The O-RAN SC has a charter under the LF. We follow LF guidelines. O-RAN Alliance funds the LF for the O-RAN SC to operate under 2 licenses.
Marketing of the current release (WG, LF, PR)
- Virtual Exhibition.
Status of Open Action Items (Old Business)
Action/ work with Farheen to add the MWC demos and presentations to the O-RAN SC wiki once posted to the O-RAN Alliance.- Action/ William DIEGO update on the coordination with the O-RAN test group
- William we are working with Viavi to establish a date. Planning to integrate into the Cherry release timeline.
- Jack: I try to give people more time. I encourage people to work ahead of the next release. People should be thinking about participating the requirements for Cherry. This way when we start talking full time about Cherry we are ready.
- We will need both long and short term
Action/ William DIEGO send Jack Murray the dates from the TIFG slide deck so he can add it to the Cherry Release timeline.Action/ TOC Martin: We want to have data modeling on the wiki in a broader way.- Martin will add a new page and link to the Program Developer Guide.
Action/ Zhimin Yuan (Deactivated) Sachin Srivastava come up with a timeline of your activities with Former user (Deleted) because you are not going to make the timeline for the Bronze release. Try to come up with a plan that will be able to be delivered in the Bronze Maint release for the FAPI and the O-DU Low and High.- Zhimin: we did a lot of time on this.
- Sachin: sharing slide deck. Adding points. We are discussing integrating plan. We talk to Viavi about O-RU and O-CU.
- Trying to break into pieces. Each piece has less dependecies. We can do the P5 message integration using our own O-RU and O-CU stack. But the dependency is properly installed and configured. For O-DU high and O-DU low we got some agreement.
- Test Cases Profile For Example is very important for RAN Integration. We need guidance of which section we should start.
- We have had discussions with Lusheng and Rittwik to move forward with the Cherry and Dawn release. We have had a few gaps with O-DU High and O-DU Low. We are targeting the P5 messages exchanged between High and Low. We will be using the third dependency we will be using the L1 and L2 loss because there is no FAPI detector. From a target perspective we will be targeting the P5 messages using the stub from O-CU. Going forward we will need to define the use case call flows test plan where we can use O-RU and O-CU.
- Jack: Aknowledges and appreciates everyones effort. Getting the P5 messages are a positive step forward. P5 is something that will work in the Bronze release or the Cherry Release?
- Sachin:
- When we will hve the O-DU server to start testing. I will need help with Lusheng.
- Configure the O-DU low and O-DU high.
- Once we have agreement on these two points we will be able to provide a time estimate. We will be using the Intel software in the lab to save time.
- Jack: We have had the Intel software reviewed by the O-RAN legal team. You can use it. It will be discussed at the TSC meeting and no one raises concerns we can move forward with using it. Since it has passed legal review it should be OK. We are setting up the lab with the servers. I am making sure that the servers will be available. I am in charge of that. Delays are due to everyone working from home.
- Action/ Farheen Cefalu add the longer term test strategy to the agenda. Get it from Lusheng.
- Jack: The binary software should never be loaded into the LF repos. It is built and deployed into the machines. We have legal clearance to use it but I still have to get the TSC to approve. We can start a second O-DU software to use a different approach. Our goal is not to limit ourselves to one option.
- Rittwik: Intel can only give permission by the end of May. Does this mean we can start working in the lab and have phase 1 tested.
- Jack: We have been given legal clearance that we can use it. As a risk item you can use it but it can't become a part of the official release policy.
- Sachin: O-DU High we had a discussion. It can be used to do the initial integration.
- Lusheng: It can be a part of Bronze. It can be integrated with the near Real Time RIC.
- Jack: How are we tracking the completeness in a release. Are we planning to deliver 20% - 50%. At some time we want to state that success when we do the interoperability testing.
- O-RAN Alliance Copyright update
- We are working the issue in detail. Lawyers and board work approvals are ongoing. It is a logistical issue. There are no concerns about doing it but how to do it properly. Part of the challenge is asking for approvals by paragraphs for specifications so we are trying to find out the implementation details.
Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
Release Manager Trishan de Lanerolle /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
- Does the time extension apply to all repos.
- No only the ones that request exentension.
- Lusheng: We have 4 tracks. for healthcheck we have to find out what can be delivered and what needs to be tested. We need to have discussion with Martin, John, and Thoralf.
Former user (Deleted) Requirements Software Architecture Committee
Former user (Deleted) Integration and Test
- Gerrit review process improvement
- Integration and testing status report
Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers - next week we will start to cover this list. Are there any major items that anyone would like to raise to the TOC this week?
John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-RealTime RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)
Matti Hiltunen RIC Applications (RICAPP)
Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC)
Former user (Deleted) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU)
Sachin Srivastava O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)
Zhimin Yuan (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW)
- Code is planned to be available on May 31. Can we have O-DU Low for the Bronze release package?
- Jack: That puts us at the end of any cycle. Can we work to put it into the Bronze maintenance release to give us enough time to test.
- Zhimin: The testing will be handled before May 31.
- Jack: We will need to discuss further and we are near the end of the meeting. We don't release code unless it has gone through the open source testing.
- Action / Farheen Cefalu add this topic to the top of the agenda next week.
Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)
Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)
Xiaohua Zhang Infrastructure (INF)
Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)
(TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items.
- OAI purposed Meeting
- Jack OSC wants a discussion with OSC.
- OAI meeting is taking place?
- Initial meeting between OSC and OAI TOC. To see if they want to participate as an upstream project and a separate project.
- John-Paul: When will the invitation be sent?
- Action/ Jack: I will post that. They have suggested some dates.
- OSC Logo
- OAI purposed Meeting
Planning for Next Meeting
Any Other Business (AOB)
Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
2020 04 22
Recording: 2020-04-22_toc_audio_only.m4a
Call for Scribe (minutes owner) Farheen Cefalu
Roll Call & Quorum Check
Contact Name
Alternate Contact
Jack Murray Co-Chair
Lusheng Ji
Jinri Huang Co-Chair
Weichen Ni
David Streibl
Ondřej Hudousek
Masafumi Masuda
Anil Umesh
William Diego
Vincent Danno
Viswa Kumar
Kristen Young
Juha Oravainen
Ganesh Shenbagaraman
Sachin Srivastava John-Paul Lane
*Quorum: 50% or more of total TSC voting members unless excluded due to attendance. We have a quorum and can vote on activities.
Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
- The minutes of the prior meetings were reviewed, and there were no comments, questions or corrections.
- Vote to approve minutes for
- On motion made by
- Seconded by John-Paul Lane
- VOTE: Vote taken, item passed
- The minutes of the prior meetings were reviewed, and there were no comments, questions or corrections.
Review of Today's Agenda
- Rittwik requesting time extension for RIC App and E2 SIM enhancements. This will be covered during Rittwik's status.
- Jack: O-AI offered to discuss align or collaborate.
- Lusheng: Added two items under integration and test section.
- John Keeney: Wants to ask a question about Licensing
Release Votes and Approval
Vote Release Name for D release is Dawn.
Marketing of the current release (WG, LF, PR)
ONES = LF Networking Conference tentatively August/ September (Los Angeles). Open Networking & Edge Summit Event
- Virtual exhibition meeting will be open soon. Jinri will be meeting with O-RAN Alliance.
- Last week people discussed the virtual meeting for June to replace the face to face due to COVID-19.
- the virtual meeting will be a little different.
- Action/ work with Farheen to mark this as an open item.
- Jack: There is one marketing item. Most other open source projects have a logo. In the early days we talked about creating a logo for O-RAN SC. It got pushed to the background. The LF will help with registering a logo. If a TOC member is interested in taking it on let the TOC know. It's nice to have and takes time to work through different peoples ideas.
- Jack: I will be replacing the LF Edgeboard AT&T employee. I will keeping these activities separate. I wanted to let this team know.
Status of Open Action Items (Old Business)
- Action / work with Farheen to add the MWC demos and presentations to the O-RAN SC wiki once posted to the O-RAN Alliance.
Action/ Farheen Cefalu work with Tracy Van Brakle to update the events page with plugfests.Action/ William DIEGO update on coordination with the O-RAN test group
- William presenting slides.
- Idea is to have different ETE test spec coordination between O-RAN (Test Integration Focus Group) and OSC.
- Jack suggested to add use cases and tools. We want to make sure we are aligning on the ETE use cases. The use cases will drive software and drive it back to the TIFG.
- Is OSS Open Source Software?
- Yes, up to now we are integrating different software
- William: This scheme tries to illustrate the test and integration framework.
- John: Do you mean no Real time RIC?
- William: In this first version we will not integrate the RIC.
- John: Proprietary OAM interfaces there's no real time RIC there's no A1.
- Eng Wei the ETE framework includes all the O-RAN Alliance specifications and all the requirements. We will be mapping from a subsystem perspective. Allow blueprint deployment. What to do via subsystem level. all the specs will be in place day 1. Telecom Italia wants to validate the RIC using use cases. Dynamic traffic steering is something they need to use as well.
- Jack: I agree with everyone here. This baseline scenario does not leverage what we have today.
- Rittwik: Yes, because ORU is being tested in Bronze.
- Jack: But we don't have O-RU?
- Yes,
- Jack: The way this picture is described is legacy. As part of the plan for Cherry we have to start understanding how we are going to play into these. I like your picture on timeline. We should fold these key dates into our timeline on our release management.
- Action/ William DIEGO send Jack Murray the dates from the TIFG slide deck.
Action/ William DIEGO provide more details of how the use cases and Jira items reflect the activities. simple flow diagram of our activities and their activities and how they are going to work together.Action/ PTLs provide Former user (Deleted) with your sprint 3 demo dates.Action/ Martin Skorupski add the link for the yang model to the wiki. Martin: We want to have data modeling on the wiki in a broader way.
Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
Release Manager Trishan de Lanerolle /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
- Rittwik: Asking for two weeks to add on to the end of the timeline.
Former user (Deleted) Requirements Software Architecture Committee
- Rittwik requesting time extension for RIC App and E2 SIM enhancements. This will be covered during Rittwik's status.
- There are 3 key pieces
- Viavi sim files need to come thru.
- Once those files are produced the E2 sim is getting enhanced. Alex will run with it.
- Once E2 format is formed the xApps can start consuming.
- We want to make some progress to help gear what we want to do in the next release. A lot of parties have to get together. It is better to get this done now.
- Alex: What Rittwik said is what I am aware of. I am talking to Ron and things are going well.
- Jack: The code we're talking about is primarily in the simulator project.
- Matti: KPI, Traffic steering xApps and ML. Ron's time is being split between sim and xapp and we lost a developer. All the interfaces are nailed down so the development can occur in parallel.
- Jack: If we stay on the current schedule what kind of functionality will be available. We have two options we can slide the test date out or stay on schedule and bring some functionality to the maintenance release.
- Matti: If you scroll up to the previous screen. Right now we are at the end of dev sprint 4. The good thing is the changes between simulator, xapps, and platform will be simpler because we don't need to integrate O-CU, O-DU.
- Rittwik: it's OK to demonstrate in parts. It's important and will resonate.
- Jack: We do ETE sprint testing and then another two weeks of ETE testing.
- Lusheng: We are OK. We will have three separate tracks. Since this extension impacts Traffic Steering use case. It is fine to schedule the testing for this track a little later. We can take a phased approach. Finish testing of phase one. We can complete within the release schedule.
- Zhimin: O-DU low and O-DU high need an extension to finish development to May 17. We are following the Intel process. I need two weeks more.
- Jack: It looks like 3 weeks more.
- Zhimin: Yes, May 17. After Intel process we are looking at May 31. Code freeze is May 17.
- Jack: That's three weeks behind the deadline. This has to do with developing inside Intel and then dumping them out. It is best practice to contribute code as you develop for collaboration in open source.
- Lusheng: It' not like other components like docker containers. This is tighter integration.
- Action/ Zhimin Yuan (Deactivated) provide a time of when you will be able to deliver?
- Sachin: From O-DU High we are going to have the code ready but the integration will take four to five weeks.
- Action/ Zhimin Yuan (Deactivated) Sachin Srivastava come up with a timeline of your activities with Former user (Deleted) because you are not going to make the timeline for the Bronze release. Try to come up with a plan that will be able to be delivered in the Bronze Maint release for the FAPI and the O-DU Low and High. Please try to get it in the B release window. It's important to have in the Bronze release. We need to stick with the timeline and deliver the functionality and work into the open source repos and pay attention to the timelines.
Former user (Deleted) Integration and Test
- Gerrit review process improvement
- Lusheng: presenting a deck. During the release I took at the current practice and making some suggestions. gerret requires +2 reviews after jenkins job has passed. Then the submission becomes mergable. The problem is if the submitter is a committer as well he can submit the code and give a +2 and merge the code. We are losing the advantage of using gerret. There is an improved merging policy call NACR Non-authore code review.
- Ask TOC to move forward with the +2 requirement.
- Jack: Are you asking to use it Bronze or Cherry?
- Lusheng: Either way I recommend we start on Cherry due to time delays.
- Jack Let's talk about it more next week. We are not going to change it.
- Lusheng: Another practice is to limiting the submission size. Gerret will block submissions exceeding certain size limits. Something for us to consider what we want to adopt. We want to do all the code changes in gerret open source because there is a 5000 lines of code limit.
- Branching and testing strategy
- Once testing starts do not adding code to the master branch. By code freeze we are expecting bug fixes and documentation fixes to the master branch.
- For all the repos the code freeze date is this weekend. Repos involved are the traffic steering use case and the O-DU low and O-DU high. Branching strategy diagram it is starting the code freeze time and some members of the team create a development branch and put your development code on the development branches. Once completed make a branch for Bronze. This time we are going to use all lower case "b".
- After you branch the master branch is open for development again. If new bugs are being discovered then fix and cherry pick for the head. It should be the best for the B release.
- For healthcheck here are the projects involved from RSAC implementation.
- Track 1: We'll finish the RSAC flows. Track: 2 Approach is the same for call flows. Track 3 O-DU Integration.
- Testing Plan
- Testing Set Up we will be using the open public AT&T T-Lab. For track 2 and 2 we are going to use 2 VMs. One will run near realtime RIC and the other will run SMO, O-RAN Lite
- Gerrit review process improvement
Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers - next week we will start to cover this list. Are there any major items that anyone would like to raise to the TOC this week?
John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-RealTime RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)
Matti Hiltunen RIC Applications (RICAPP)
Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC)
Former user (Deleted) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU)
Sachin Srivastava O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)
Zhimin Yuan (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW)
Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)
Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)
Xiaohua Zhang Infrastructure (INF)
Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)
(TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items.
- OAI purposed Meeting
- Licensing: John O-RAN Alliance specs. What is the relationship with O-SC and O-RAN Alliance regarding licensing?
- Jinri: Stefan prepared documentation. EC discussed this and propose it hopes that the board can give the authority to approve a similar request in the future to save time.
- Regarding re-using of the spec there is not specific request for this.
- John Keeney (Ericsson EST) send Jack Murray your question regarding licensing.
- O-RAN Alliance can not grant copyright until specification has been approved.
- Jack has been informed that If a company has copyright privileges it does retain a copyright privileges and can get clarification from the O-RAN Alliance legal team.
- Content in messages requires a separate copyrite. They don't want us to release the whole specifications in open source. It's the content of those messages needs to be copyrights on.
- John: it's for the schema definition.
- Jack: Send me a note and I want to put it on the list.
- O-RAN Alliance can not grant copyright until specification has been approved.
Planning for Next Meeting
Any Other Business (AOB)
Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
2020 04 15
Recording: 2020-04-15_TOC.mp4
- Call for Scribe (minutes owner) Farheen Cefalu
Roll Call & Quorum Check
Contact Name
Alternate Contact
Jack Murray Co-Chair
Lusheng Ji Jinri Huang Co-Chair
x Weichen Ni David Streibl
x Ondřej Hudousek Masafumi Masuda
x Anil Umesh Orange William Diego
x Vincent Danno Viswa Kumar
Kristen Young Juha Oravainen
x Ganesh Shenbagaraman
x John-Paul Lane
x *Quorum: 50% or more of total TSC voting members unless excluded due to attendance. We have a quorum and can vote on activities.
Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
- Review of Today's Agenda
- The minutes of the prior meetings were reviewed, and there were no comments, questions or corrections.
- Vote to approve minutes for
- On motion made by Former user (Deleted)
- Seconded by Juha Oravainen
- VOTE: Vote taken, item passed
- The minutes of the prior meetings were reviewed, and there were no comments, questions or corrections.
- Release Votes and Approval
- Vote Release Name: Vote is active to choose name of "D" release.
- Running the vote until Saturday. It looks like Dawn will be the color.
- OCU new repo 5G
- Jack: As we talked about the last two meetings. We had some issues with the O-CU project. Ran into problem where contributors brought in code that they were not allowed to bring to the project. Since we have cleaned up. LF decided to drop all code in the O-CU project and focus more on Best Practices and other activities. It aligns with what's been changed in the O-CU project. Some new contributors are coming in and we're moving on to the 5G code.
- Yingying: For O-CU I have a new repo request 5GNR.
- Jinri: Several weeks ago we mobilized a few more contributors on this project. We will submit a request for a new repo. We developed a timeline for contributing O-CU code for 5G. The first patch of code will be uploaded by early next month or the earliest at the end of this month.
- Lusheng: The previous code from the Amber release has been purged from the repo. March 17 there was a new repo request. Do you want to withdraw the previous request?
- Jinri: The request was raised in March is a part of the restart process. Thank you for this reminder.
- Lusheng: This request is still outstanding. We will send this out to the main mailing list.
- Jinri: I approved two.
- Jack: I want to review for this approval. Some of the TOC were not included. This is trying to restart the process with new code and contributors. We will restart the process focused on 5G. This code was not in the previous contributions. We are working closely with contributors to tighten up the best practices and process. We need to create a repo to restart this process. Are there any questions?
- Ganesh: We are re-writing all the code?
- Jack: The code will be 5G O-CU. Yingying is still the PTL but we are working with a new team of contributors and new code.
- Jack: Request a vote to approve a new O-CU 5G repo
- Vote to approve a new O-CU 5G repo
- On motion made by
- Seconded by Former user (Deleted)
- VOTE: Vote taken, item passed
- Vote Release Name: Vote is active to choose name of "D" release.
- Marketing of the current release (WG, LF, PR)
- ONES = LF Networking Conference tentatively August/ September (Los Angeles). Open Networking & Edge Summit Event
- Action/ communicate the online events on the wiki.
- ONES = LF Networking Conference tentatively August/ September (Los Angeles). Open Networking & Edge Summit Event
- Status of Open Action Items (Old Business)
Action/ update on O-CU plans- It is important to have the team do contributions to draw more people to participate in your project.
Action/ update on Intel license agreement on binary usage- Jack: People may remember as part of O-DU in Bronze doesn't have layer 1 open source contributed at this time. Intel has offered a binary image of their flex ran software to be used for the O-DU low. We have been tied to that binary license for testing O-RAN purposes. We have been trying to have a review with the Intel. We are hoping for Bronze release to have a test instance of O-DU with Intel binary as a part of that. There is still progress. We are looking for contributions and activities for feedback and guidance. It still has to go for the O-RAN legal team review. Remember that's not Open Source Code. The O-DU project is organizing that.
- Zhimin (Intel): we will provide a doc file in the O-SC community.
- Jack: People may remember as part of O-DU in Bronze doesn't have layer 1 open source contributed at this time. Intel has offered a binary image of their flex ran software to be used for the O-DU low. We have been tied to that binary license for testing O-RAN purposes. We have been trying to have a review with the Intel. We are hoping for Bronze release to have a test instance of O-DU with Intel binary as a part of that. There is still progress. We are looking for contributions and activities for feedback and guidance. It still has to go for the O-RAN legal team review. Remember that's not Open Source Code. The O-DU project is organizing that.
Action/ new TOC members provide an alternate contact for TOC calls when they are unable to attend.- Send Jack your
Action/ Eng Koo - will add a deck to RSAC wiki.- Engwei and Rittwik added the deck to the RSAC wiki.
- Action / work with Farheen to add the MWC demos and presentations to the O-RAN SC wiki once posted to the O-RAN Alliance.
- O-RAN Alliance created a demo space. Action/ work with Farheen to put the virtual demos on our wiki.
- Action/ Farheen Cefalu work with Tracy Van Brakle to update the events page with plugfests.
- The days have been finalized. It will be the last week of Sept first week of October activities in all three zones. It will be joint this time it will be joined with Integration and test team in Europe. A series of events in Asia, Europe, North America. Not duplicative but complimentary.
- Jack: Thank you Tracy. It is important to learn from our activities.
Action/ Former user (Deleted) update Vote Release Name page with the D release name option- you can now vote on name for release D here:
Action/ provide the TOC with the new O-RAN Alliance timeline.- This was done when we discussed the Cherry release.
- Action/ Trishan de Lanerolle let us know the outcome of the ticket that John Keeney (Ericsson EST) opened regarding the Calendar synchronization.
- Trishan: Yes, we came back with the recommendation to use the Confluence calendar with the UTC time.
- John: It will require people who have Confluence calendars to move over to the calendar and to change the calendars to UTC. For a couple weeks the organizers around the world will have to decide what to do for the
- Matin: Is it possible to remove the calendars?
- Trishan: We will work on doing that.
- Action / Farheen Cefalu update the Calendar Best Practices. Remind Jack.
Action/ PTLs update your project summaries with your sprint 2 status updates. Be prepared to review your sprint 2 deliverables with the TOC.- We are in sprint 3. It is best to incrementally update each projects progress as we move forward.
Action/ Jack will review Thoralf's How to request committer changesAction/ Former user (Deleted) add the wiki link for SONAR to the Integration and Test wiki where people can easily find.- Lusheng: We will make it easier to find the information for SONAR on the Project Developer Wiki.
- Jack: Use the project developer wiki for Best Practices.
- Action/ William DIEGO update on coordination with the O-RAN test group
- William: We have contributions from CMCC AT&T, Orange. Blueprints will be updated. Work is ongoing.
- Jack: If there is a need to have a meeting let us know.
- Rittwik: We need to understand the specifications or testing activities. We are contributing but I don't see a plan of how TIST and ORAN-Alliance will be coordinate.
- Jack: We need a simple flow diagram of our activities and their activities and how they are going to work together.
- Action/ William DIEGO provide more details of how the use cases and Jira items reflect the activities. simple flow diagram of our activities and their activities and how they are going to work together.
- Action/ PTLs provide Former user (Deleted) with your sprint 3 demos.
- O-DU HIGH next Wednesday.
- Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
- Release Manager Trishan de Lanerolle /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
- Project Bronze Release
- Jack: Looking at our release plan. Today is the 4-15. That is dev 4 sprint ist sprint 3. We are well into the development cycle process. We have a week and a half to move into ETE testing and interoperability. Looking at Jira items. People testing software it is important to work issues between O-CU high and O-CU low. All the modules need to work with the self test for the capability of the ETE use cases and the progress on the use cases. Important to have documentation. Looking at C release with Cherry I have restructured the table to reflect the Maintenance release to give folks a chance to get their backlogs items completed. This is in Cherry even though it's Bronze release.
- Former user (Deleted) Requirements Software Architecture Committee
- We are tracking the Traffic Steering use case closely. Working with Viavi for metrics. Ron is enhancing the E2 simulator. That will get worked into this last sprint. Matti has the TSxApp to make progress. Regards to healthcheck Martin and John. Speaking to Eliza the healthcheck is getting more ellaborate if youre making changes check back with John Ng and David Kinsey. If you're making large changes.
- John: John Ng is aware and is happy.
- Eliza: John will finalize the documentation, right?
- John: Yes, OTF documentation is coming together nicely.
- Eliza: We worked with Martin for healthcheck2. Once we have the interface spec for healthcheck 3. In the mean time the team was working with other information.
- John: Let us work together.
- Matti: Please keep me in the loop for the A1 healthcheck. I need to know.
- Jack: The question is with all of that work is it staying aligned with the specs coming out of the O-RAN working groups?
- Rittwik: Not sure.
- Jack: I am making sure we are staying aligned.
- Martin: Yes, we try to keep aligned problem WG is 3GPP. It looks similar but it's not with 3GPP. I am directly in contact with 3GPP modeler. There is good progress on the yang model. This is a major step.
- Jack: Did you add that link?
- Action/ Martin Skorupski add the link for the yang model to the wiki.
- Martin: I wrote a script that will pull the yum models.
- Eliza: We need to document what we are doing. We want to do it incrementally so we are in synch. Also operators and vendors are supposed to create the tests. It is important to provide the test team with instructions.
- Jack: it is important to carry evolution forward incrementally.
- Tracy: We are within working group 1 in the O-RAN Alliance. We are forming a formal pathway to get the data models from O-RAN to 3GPP so there is version control easy to download data models. That will be worked out in WG1 and properly documented.
- Jack: Do you see there will be yang models beyond 3G-PP.
- Martin: We already have them. Fronthaul Yang files are in gerrit for modeling. Also from IXRAN to O-RAN. They are available for the software community.
- Jack: is there an easier way to organize.
- Tracy: A reason for O-RAN Alliance we brought in the 5G baseline model from 3GPP and in parallel numerous 3GPP Yang models in need of repair. They are upstream 3gPP and augmenting 3GPP. I think we're going to have the repo reside where it is right now and allow access to the O-RAN software community. We don't want to proliferate.
- Lusheng: What license are these under?
- Tracy: We are working one on one with the operator liason with 3GPP.
- Lusheng: Whether oran alliance 3gpp the question is are we hosting those models?
- Tracy: We won't host it on O-SC.
- Lusheng: Yes, we don't have to host it if it is in github. We can just pull github.
- Martin: They don't have a license statement on github so we asked them to add their licenses for the yang models.
- Jack: the new ones that are generated in O-RAN where are they going?
- Martin: It's the decision of O-RAN Alliance.
- Former user (Deleted) Integration and Test
- Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers - next week we will start to cover this list. Are there any major items that anyone would like to raise to the TOC this week?
- John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-RealTime RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)
- Matti Hiltunen RIC Applications (RICAPP)
- Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC)
- Former user (Deleted) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU)
- Sachin Srivastava O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)
- Zhimin Yuan (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW)
- Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)
- Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)
- Xiaohua Zhang Infrastructure (INF)
- Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)
- (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
- Release Manager Trishan de Lanerolle /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
- New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items.
- Planning for Next Meeting
- Any Other Business (AOB)
- Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
2020 04 08
Recording: 2020-04-08_toc.mp4
- Call for Scribe (minutes owner) Farheen Cefalu
Roll Call & Quorum Check
Contact Name
Alternate Contact
Jack Murray Co-Chair
Lusheng Ji Jinri Huang Co-Chair
x Weichen Ni David Streibl
x Ondřej Hudousek Masafumi Masuda
x Anil Umesh Orange William Diego
x Vincent Danno Viswa Kumar
Kristen Young Juha Oravainen
x Ganesh Shenbagaraman
x John-Paul Lane
*Quorum: 50% or more of total TSC voting members unless excluded due to attendance. We have a quorum and can vote on activities.
Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
- The minutes of the prior meetings were reviewed, and there were no comments, questions or corrections.
- Vote to approve minutes for
- On motion made by Former user (Deleted)
- Seconded by Juha Oravainen
- VOTE: Vote taken, item passed
- The minutes of the prior meetings were reviewed, and there were no comments, questions or corrections.
- Review of Today's Agenda
Issue of licensing and code contributions in O-CU gerrit repos
LF investigated also
taking an unusual activity for our community, code needs to be removed
will restart the O-CU project with new, empty repos
rebuilding is the easiest way to clean up and address all concerns
re-examining some best practices
concerns?Rittwik asked, integrated eNodeB OCU or distributed eNodeB OCU?
Jack answered, Affects all OCU repos.
Jack asked, how much OCU is used in this release?
Rittwik answered, not very much.
William asked, new contributors in OCU?
Jack answered, contributors to area of concern have changed; 4G area
has been reexamined; 5G area has different contributors; focusing on
5G portion which didn't have code/licensing issues
William asked, only 4G code is impacted? 5G also?
Jack answered, going thru process for both as everything is
re-submitted, adhering to guidelines; LF giving guidance how best to
John Paul asked, how to capture lessons learned from OCU project,
publicize to other projects?
Jack answered, this gives us an opportunity to review best practices
and make sure people are aware & complying, following well-established
open source guidelines for all projects, so other projects can avoid
complications. Rely on contributors to follow guidelines, sometimes
have to clean things up, taking a strong step to address the
John Paul asked, these principles and guidelines, where are they
Jack answered, the O-RAN-SC wiki has the page, not easy to find,
- Release Votes and Approval
- Vote is active to choose name of "D" release.
Leading candidate today is "Dawn"
What color is Dawn? Nobody was quite certain.
- Vote is active to choose name of "D" release.
- Marketing of the current release (WG, LF, PR)
- ONES = LF Networking Conference tentatively August/ September (Los Angeles). Open Networking & Edge Summit Event
- Status of Open Action Items (Old Business)
- Action/ new TOC members provide an alternate contact for TOC calls when they are unable to attend.
- Action / Eng Koo - will add a deck to RSAC wiki.
- Action / work with Farheen to add the MWC demos and presentations to the O-RAN SC wiki once posted to the O-RAN Alliance.
- Action / Tracy Van Brakle clarify Open Testing and Integration (OTIC) North America
- Action/ Farheen Cefalu work with Tracy Van Brakle to update the events page with plugfests.
- Action/ Former user (Deleted) upload the UE emulator short/long term slide deck to the RSAC page.
- Action/ TOC provide feedback to Jack regarding the Cherry and D Release calendars on the Releases page
- Action/ will point Thoralf Czichy to the appropriate WG specification times. There are 3 trains for the specifications.
Action/ Former user (Deleted) update Vote Release Name page with the D release name can now vote on name for release D here:
- Action/ provide the TOC with the new O-RAN Alliance timeline.
- Action/ Trishan de Lanerolle let us know the outcome of the ticket that John Keeney (Ericsson EST) opened regarding the Calendar synchronization.
- Action/ PTLs update your project summaries with your sprint 2 status updates. Be prepared to review your sprint 2 deliverables with the TOC.
- Action/ Jack will review Thoralf's How to request committer changes
- Action/ Former user (Deleted) add the wiki link for SONAR to the Integration and Test wiki where people can easily find.
- Action/ Former user (Deleted) set up a meeting with Viavi, O-RAN Alliance test committee (whoever is leading the test committee (David Orloff)), and the TOC.
- Action/ William DIEGO we need a test coordinator with the O-RAN test group so we can come up with a common plan between the test groups
- Action/ Former user (Deleted) add the link in the Integration and Test wiki to the SONAR instructions that you discussed on TOC meeting.
- Action/ PTLs provide Former user (Deleted) with your sprint 2 demos.
- Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
- Release Manager Trishan de Lanerolle /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
- Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers - next week we will start to cover this list. Are there any major items that anyone would like to raise to the TOC this week?
- Matti Hiltunen RIC Applications (RICAPP)
Ongoing activity RIC applications -
Matti H. gave update that a person is assigned for simulator
- Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC)
- note I updated the committer change process as per discussion last week: How to request committer changes.
Thoralf C. gave update
. many epics in Bronze release
. 8 done, 6 in progress, 38 not started
. 2 new epics related to ASN.1 problemThoralf C. asked, is there progress on ASN.1 legal issues with 3GPP and
ORAN Alliance?
Jack M. answered, writeup is being reviewed, process is onerous, have to
go to board for permission
Jinri H. answered, EC has reviewed, (?) has approved, then will forward
request to board
Jack M. answered, once approved it can be used by all ORAN projects, not
just one
Jinri H. clarified, this is for ASN.1; Hank wants to broaden request.
Current request is from Thoralf targeting specific ASN.1 content in
one ORAN specification. Want to broaden this to apply to all the
ASN.1 content from ORAN alliance. Hank wants to improve/refine the
proposal so it's a bit on hold. Expect to hear tomorrow. Once the
specific request is approved, it will apply to all projects.Held demo of development sprint 3, recording is available for people to
- Former user (Deleted) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU)
- Ongoing activity - OCU
skipped, have discussed the exception being handled there
- Ongoing activity - OCU
- Sachin Srivastava O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)
- Ongoing activity - ODUHIGH
Sachin of Radisys gave update
Demonstrated F1-U and F1-C
working on traffic steering implementation, that will be in next
demonstration, with limitations based on specification
working with Intel team on IPC mechanisms and L1
might have to push some content to Cherry release due to recent late
expect to be formally available in ORAN wiki
Jack asked, please update wiki page to capture progress
Sachin added, seeing lots of effort required here
Jack asked, are working group specifications coming out, how is the
interface to the WGs functioning?
Sachin answered, they are aligning to specifications; also dependent on
E2 SM specifications, may have to adapt
- Ongoing activity - ODUHIGH
- Zhimin Yuan (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW)
- Ongoing activity - ODULOW
Zhimin Yuan of Intel gave update
working on shared memory feature between ODULOW and ODUHIGH
Jack asked, have you updated wiki pages with status?
Zhimin answered, have updated for front haul library; other pieces in
Rittwik asked, for the WLS binary files, this is not exactly open
source, cannot see the IPC mechanisms used, is this done or in
Zhimin answered, in progress, shared with Radisys
Rittwik asked, how will it work eventually?
Zhimin answered, get approval from Intel, pass legal check
Rittwik asked, will be approved for Bronze release?
Zhimin answered, it is possible but not definite
Rittwik noted, this is a bilateral arrangement today; unclear how it
will work in the future
Zhimin answered, working for approval by end of May
- Ongoing activity - ODULOW
- Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)
- Ongoing activity - OAM
Martin S. of Highstreet gave update
Working to finalize the deployment
Contribution depends on YANG models
Got in contact with 3GPP YANG developers directly for assistance
Hoping to use YANG models as basis in Cherry release
Identified use case to be proposed for Cherry, a software update from
XRAN device, becomes ORAN front-haul device, maybe O1 device
Jack suggested, get this in early to requirements group
Martin noted, Jira pages are very slow to load
Jack asked, how are demonstrations of health check going?
Martin answered, demonstration tomorrow of using a health check, but
not sure if it can be recorded; demo can be repeated anytime
- Ongoing activity - OAM
- Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)
- Ongoing activity - simulators
Alex S. of Highstreet gave update
finally have a resource to work on simulator
hope to finish what they need for traffic steering use case
working on build job for Jenkins at LF
health check use case is implemented in the project
John is working on moving A1 stub simulator into repos
Jack asked, stub simulator in this release?
Alex answered, yes only have to move Jenkins jobs
- Ongoing activity - simulators
- Xiaohua Zhang Infrastructure (INF)
- Ongoing activity - infrastructure
Xiaohua Z. of Wind River gave update
By end of March had ARM-based K8S cluster available
Want to use third-party layer1/layer2 to demonstrate
Invites people to look at code in integration repo
working with ODULOW project so their deliverable meets requirements
hope to finish this week, plan to work with integration team in
integration lab
rest of Jira is related to platform services enabling, ongoing
schedule is challenging, have good chance to finish in Bronze
holding biweekly meetings, minutes are in the wiki
Jack asked, will ARM-based system be available to wider community, to
see the demo?
Xiaohua answered, code has been upstreamed into repo, instructions are
uploaded how to build and run demo, but Layer 1/layer 2 applications
are from third-party company, only agreed to use as demo not open
source, shows capability of ARM-based platform
Jack noted, important to have diversity in the project; please follow
best practices around open-source contributions vs test fixtures, make
clear what's open source and what is only a demo test fixture
- Ongoing activity - infrastructure
- Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)
- Ongoing activity - documentation
Weichen N. of China Mobile gave update
not many new features
created a label on documentation page to switch between branches
already have amber from last year
when we release bronze release, can have selection button for bronze
next is API documentation
if any project is willing to add API doc, please let Weichen know and
he will collect the doc from different projects to form OSC API
Jack asked, need to pull together doc on end-to-end use cases part of
Bronze release; work with RSAC committee to understand where will we
send someone as part of Bronze release to see use cases, also a
description of how to recreate/download/build use cases as end user;
people need to learn from use cases, as projects deliver their pieces
and users come in to see what we have done
- Ongoing activity - documentation
- John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-RealTime RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)
- Reached 9am, unable to hear John's update on NON realtime RIC,
John will go first at next meeting
- Reached 9am, unable to hear John's update on NON realtime RIC,
- (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
- Matti Hiltunen RIC Applications (RICAPP)
- Former user (Deleted) Requirements Software Architecture Committee
- Former user (Deleted) Integration and Test
- New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items.
- New item: OAI Jack Murray
- Planning for Next Meeting
- Any Other Business (AOB)
- No other new business.
- Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)
2020 04 01
Recording: 2020-04-01_toc.mp4
- Call for Scribe (minutes owner) Farheen Cefalu
Roll Call & Quorum Check
Contact Name
Alternate Contact
Jack Murray Co-Chair
Lusheng Ji Jinri Huang Co-Chair
x Weichen Ni David Streibl
Ondřej Hudousek Masafumi Masuda
x Anil Umesh Orange William Diego
x Vincent Danno Viswa Kumar
Skand Priya Juha Oravainen
x Ganesh Shenbagaraman
x John-Paul Lane
x *Quorum: 50% or more of total TOC voting members unless excluded due to attendance. We have a quorum and can vote on activities.
- TOC Membership has increased. It has been one year of the O-RAN-SC.
- Action/ new TOC members provide an alternate contact for TOC calls when they are unable to attend.
Review and Agree to Minutes of Previous Meeting
- The minutes of the prior meetings were reviewed, and there were no comments, questions or corrections.
- Vote to approve minutes for
- On motion made by
- Seconded by William DIEGO
- VOTE: Vote taken, item passed
- The minutes of the prior meetings were reviewed, and there were no comments, questions or corrections.
- Review of Today's Agenda
- Email from OAI
- Jack needs to share that Jinri and Jack received an email from Open Air Interface with concerns with this project. Jack forwarded the email to the legal team to review. Jack will be able to address when he has clarification from legal.
- Lusheng: I would like to request a time slot during the 04/01 ToC weekly meeting to present the current plan for integration and testing Bronze release.
It will take about 5 minutes.
- Email from OAI
- Release Votes and Approval
- Marketing of the current release (WG, LF, PR)
- ONES = LF Networking Conference tentatively August/ September (Los Angeles). Open Networking & Edge Summit Event
- Virtual O-RAN demo was about to be activated. The site has been constructed and is being reviewed by EC. Will notify Farheen when the site is public. There are around 20 demos.
- Status of Open Action Items (Old Business)Jack - How does the OSC evolve from where we're at. Every piece is under construction. O-DU Emulation will help with that.
- Action / Eng Koo - will add a deck to RSAC wiki.
- Action / work with Farheen to add the MWC demos and presentations to the O-RAN SC wiki once posted to the O-RAN Alliance.
- Action / Tracy Van Brakle clarify Open Testing and Integration (OTIC) North America
- Action/ Farheen Cefalu work with Tracy Van Brakle to update the events page with plugfests.
- Action/ Former user (Deleted) upload the UE emulator short/long term slide deck to the RSAC page.
- Action/ TOC provide feedback to Jack regarding the Cherry and D Release calendars on the Releases page
- Action/ will point Thoralf Czichy to the appropriate WG specification times. There are 3 trains for the specifications.
Action/ Former user (Deleted) update Vote Release Name page with the D release name can now vote on name for release D here:
- Action/ provide the TOC with the new O-RAN Alliance timeline.
- Action/ Trishan de Lanerolle let us know the outcome of the ticket that John Keeney (Ericsson EST) opened regarding the Calendar synchronization.
- Should we set a single to a common time zone?
- projects use UTC.
- Find the best solution to the problem.
- projects use UTC.
- Should we set a single to a common time zone?
- Action/ PTLs update your project summaries with your sprint 2 status updates. Be prepared to review your sprint 2 deliverables with the TOC.
- Action/ Jack will review Thoralf's How to request committer changes
- Action/ Former user (Deleted) add the wiki link for SONAR to the Integration and Test wiki where people can easily find.
- Action/ Former user (Deleted) set up a meeting with Viavi, O-RAN Alliance test committee (whoever is leading the test committee (David Orloff)), and the TOC.
- Action/ William DIEGO we need a test coordinator with the O-RAN test group so we can come up with a common plan between the test groups
- Action/ Former user (Deleted) add the link in the Integration and Test wiki to the SONAR instructions that you discussed on TOC meeting.
- Action/ PTLs provide Former user (Deleted) with your sprint 2 demos.
- Standing Agenda Items (Brief Status of Ongoing Activities)
- Release Manager Trishan de Lanerolle /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
- Project Bronze Release
- Rittwik - In the virtual F2F most of the projects met with their working group reviews.
- Jinri - Sees a gap in Cherry. Overlap of WG.
- Jack - We have our ETE use cases that drive what we focus on in a release. Right now we have two. Traffic and self-test. Think of it as something that is driving RAM functionality and OAM functionality. Consider those and other tracks that are meaningful at pushing our community agenda. The RSAC committee can provide the specifications that are changing in the window. People that are interested please engage and help drive what are the important functionality. C and D are important releases in delivering and driving value. It is important that everyone get involved and the use cases in the C and D releases drive value to the O-RAN community participants and service providers otherwise we have to question whether we are going down the right path. Please get involved and help us get there. Let us see what we can do with the RSAC committee and see if our specs are frozen to make recommendations.
- Project Bronze Release
- Report out from PTL: Stand-Up & Report Out on Blockers - next week we will start to cover this list. Are there any major items that anyone would like to raise to the TOC this week?
- Matti Hiltunen RIC Applications (RICAPP)
- We are working on 6 xapps. 4 are traffic steering, 1 demo, 1 measurement campaign xapp.
- Is there a simulator requirement?
- Even if we decide to go with Viavi I don't think they committed to the E2 interface.
- The strategy was to get offline data. If that is available we can replay the E2 simulator.
- Are there committed resources?
- Alex - This is an open issue no one has volunteered.
- How can we help? Who can step up and work with Alex to get this critical part done? Is Viavi incremental to this need? Is it available in this time frame?
- Not E2, we want the metric that the EU and DU can provide.
- RAN simulation data is critical. We can work the E2 delivery in parallel.
- Is the simulator critically needed or not?
- If we are using the RIC platform and we use the KPI. We say we are using e2 then we need the simulator. If we by pass e2 and kpi mon then we can populate the SDL layer.
- Jack - yes it's needed. Is there anyone on the call who can step up and help in this space?
- Are there committed resources?
- The strategy was to get offline data. If that is available we can replay the E2 simulator.
- Even if we decide to go with Viavi I don't think they committed to the E2 interface.
- Is there a simulator requirement?
- We are working on 6 xapps. 4 are traffic steering, 1 demo, 1 measurement campaign xapp.
- Thoralf Czichy RIC Platform (RIC)
- note I updated the committer change process as per discussion last week: How to request committer changes.
- Former user (Deleted) O-RAN Centralized Unit (OCU)
- Sachin Srivastava O-RAN Distributed Unit High (ODUHIGH)
- Zhimin Yuan (Deactivated) O-RAN Distributed Unit Low (ODULOW)
- Martin Skorupski Operations and Maintenance (OAM)
- Alex Stancu Simulations (SIM)
- Xiaohua Zhang Infrastructure (INF)
- Weichen Ni Documentation (DOC)
- John Keeney (Ericsson EST) Non-RealTime RIC (RAN Intelligent Controller) (NONRTRIC)
- (TBD) O-RAN Radio Unit (ORU)
- Matti Hiltunen RIC Applications (RICAPP)
- Former user (Deleted) Requirements Software Architecture Committee
- David Kinsey, Rittwiki, RSAC team discussed one Dynamic (performance mgt.) data collection set agenda pushed to ONAP. It is the responsibility in SMO. There is no SMO project. We are submitting.
- Action Former user (Deleted) add Martin Skorupski to conversations around dynamic data collection.
- Is there a cutoff point this week for your requirements because the ONAP G release gate is closing.
- Rittwik - Yes, we are working on the requirements.
- Action/ Former user (Deleted) send @John Paul Lane from Ericsson the RSAC requirements.
- WLF files? Zhimin Yuan (Deactivated) we are in the process.
- Will that happen once we do the integration
- We are preparing for the Bronze relase.
- David Kinsey, Rittwiki, RSAC team discussed one Dynamic (performance mgt.) data collection set agenda pushed to ONAP. It is the responsibility in SMO. There is no SMO project. We are submitting.
- Former user (Deleted) Integration and Test
- Plan for Integration and Test
- We have one development sprint left. First we will do integration in two separate groups.
- ODU Low and ODU high and
- OTF, OAM, NONRT RIC, Near RT RIC APP, SIM (Cloud), INF, O-DU LOW, O-DU High, SIM (Bare metal deployment)
- Integrated testing is lead by each PTL. Every project is delivering multi-containers. They are expected to do their own integration testing.
- Pairwise testing requires a need to interact. Next level is our use case testing. We will have a working session call and try to run the integrated testing together.
- How we will execute (be mindful of automated cleaning process)
- We have a Nexus Staging Docker Registry (images on this registry only live for 30 days) after that an automated cleaner will remove. There are ways to regenerate but keep the 30 day limit in mind.
- merge jobs are automatically run weekly, which keeps images fresh in the staging registry :)
- There is a container tag.
- Nexus Release Docker Registry. Images on release repo live "forever". Images on release registry CANNOT be overwritten.
- Lusheng proposing to formally adopt semantic versioning for tagging released O-RAN docker containers. After passing the component communicate through wiki, lists, and jira.
- Plan for Integration and Test
- Release Manager Trishan de Lanerolle /Release Planning: Weekly TOC Scheduling
- New Agenda Items (New Business): New Items Submitted (+speaker) & Open Call to TOC For Additional Items.
- Planning for Next Meeting
- Any Other Business (AOB)
- Meeting Summary (resolutions, new action items, etc.)