The xApp descriptor is provided by the xApp writer. xApp Descriptor includes all the basic and essential information for the RIC platform to manage the life cycle of the xApp. Information and configuration included in the xApp descriptor will be used to generate the xApp helm charts and define the data flows to the north and south bound traffics. xApp developer can also include self-defined internal parameters that will be consumed by the xApp in the xApp descriptor.
The xApp descriptor comes with its JSON schema file that validates it. Please see the schema section about the details.
The xApp descriptor follows a JSON structure. The following are the key sections that defines an xApp.
xapp_name: this is the unique identifier to address an xApp. A valid xApp descriptor must includes the xapp\_name attribute. The following is an example.
"xapp_name": "example_xapp"
version: this is the semantic version number of the xApp descriptor. It defines the version numbers of the xApp artifacts (e.g., xApp helm charts) that will be generated from the xApp descriptor. Together with the xapp\_name, they defines the unique identifier of an xApp artifact that can be on-boarded, distributed and deployed. The following is an example.
"version": "1.0.0"
containers: This section defines a list of containers that the xApp will run. For each container, a structure that defines the container name, image registry, image name, image tag, the command that it runs, and container http and rmr service ports are required. The following is an example that defines two containers.
"containers": [ { "name": "example_container_1", "image": { "registry": "example_image_registry_1", "name": "example_image_name_1", "tag": "example_image_tag_1" }, "command": "example_command_1", "ports":{ "http": 8080, "rmr_data": 4560, "rmr_route": 4561 } }, { "name": "example_container_2", "image": { "registry": "example_image_registry_2", "name": "example_image_name_2", "tag": "example_image_tag_2" }, "command": "example_command_2", "ports":{ "http": 8080, "rmr_data": 4560, "rmr_route": 4561 } } ]
controls: The control section holds the configuration data that are visible to the external network management systems (NMS) and can be configured via Portal or SMO through CM O1 interface. The initial configuration of xApp is defined in the xApp descriptor and created during xApp deployment. Therefore, the configuration can only be uploaded and modified via Portal or SMO. The following is an example.
"controls": { "active": True, "requestorId": 66, "ranFunctionId": 1, "ricActionId": 0, "interfaceId": { "globalENBId": { "plmnId": "310150", "eNBId": 202251 } } }
metrics: The metrics section of the xApp descriptor holds information about metrics provided by the xApp. These information include the \textit{name}, \textit{type} and \textit{description} of each counter. The metrics section is required by VESPA manager (RIC platform component) and the actual metrics data are exposed to external servers via Prometheus/VESPA interface. The following is an example.
"metrics": [ { "objectName": "UEEventStreamingCounters", "objectInstance": "SgNBAdditionRequest", "name": "SgNBAdditionRequest", "type": "counter", "description": "The total number of SG addition request events processed" }, { "objectName": "UEEventStreamingCounters", "objectInstance": "SgNBAdditionRequestAcknowledge", "name": "SgNBAdditionRequestAcknowledge", "type": "counter", "description": "The total number of SG addition request acknowledge events processed" } ]
liveness probes: The liveness probe section defines how liveness probe is defined in the xApp helm charts. You can provide any helm liveness probe definition in JSON format. We provide examples for http rmr liveness probes (RMR probe coming).
"livenessProbe": { "httpGet": { "path": "ric/v1/health/alive", "port": "8080" }, "initialDelaySeconds": "5", "periodSeconds": "15" },
internal xApp parameters sections: the xApp descriptor can include arbitrary number of xApp defined parameters sections that contains the configurations that will only be consumed by the xApp containers. The xApp descriptor will be injected into the contianer as a JSON file, and an environment variable XAPP_DESCRIPTOR_PATH will point to the directory where the JSON file is mounted. The following is an example.
"logger": { "level": 3 }
xApp Descriptor Example:
You can download the xApp descriptor for MC xApp here.
You can find the corresponding schema from here: