Minio metrics can be collected and displayed in a number of different ways.
Minio can be setup to work with Prometheus by adding the following environment variables to your minio deployment
- name: MINIO_PROMETHEUS_AUTH_TYPE value: public - name: MINIO_PROMETHEUS_URL value: http://prometheus.istio-system:9090 - name: MINIO_PROMETHEUS_JOB_ID value: minio-job
Setting MINIO_PROMETHEUS_AUTH_TYPE to 'public' means you can scpae these metrics without the need for a token in your scrape config.
You then need to setup a new job in Prometheus to scrape the Minio metric endpoint
- job_name: minio-job metrics_path: /minio/v2/metrics/cluster scheme: http static_configs: - targets: ['minio.default:9000']
The job_name should match the MINIO_PROMETHEUS_JOB_ID from the previous step.
The metrics will now be available in Prometheus.
The metrics are also available in the minio console:
These metrics can also be made available in InfluxDB by setting up a metrics scraper and a bucket to store the metrics.
The metrics can then be viewed in data explorer
Monitoring and Alerting using Prometheus
How to monitor MinIO server with Prometheus