O-RAN-SC Workshop At ONE Summit 2024

O-RAN-SC Workshop At ONE Summit 2024


Open source enablers for the O-RAN Reference Design


O-RAN-SC is organizing a workshop, as a co-located event, at the ONE Summit 2024. You will find all the details about this workshop here.  This workshop focuses on how O-RAN-SC, in collaboration with other open-source initiatives such as OAI, Nephio, ONAP, etc, is building open source reference designs, which are great enablers for any new and cutting edge technology like O-RAN. Reference designs not only provide the possibility for early-stage continuous deployment and testing, but also serve as references during product development, thus accelerating commercialization.


DateTime-Slot (in PM)TitleTypeSpeaker(s) - Refer to Speakers Page for details

April 29, 2024

1:00 - 1:10Introduction to O-RAN-SC and OSFGOpeningDavid Kinsey and Irfan Ghauri
1:10 - 1:40Introduction to O-RAN and Opensource in O-RANKeynote
1:40 - 2:00Non-RealTime RIC (NONRTRIC): Service Management & Exposure (SME), and rApp ManagementTech-TalkJohn Keeney and Aravindhan Ayyanathan
2:00 - 2:20Deploying and Automating a Private 5G System with Open Source Components and the OSC RICTech-TalkMichele Polese
2:20 - 2:40A demonstration of OSC RICAPPs and Use casesTech-TalkJames Li
Break : 2:40 - 3:00
3:00 - 3:40A Deep-Dive into the Network of Testbeds and Labs where O-RAN is Deployed and TestedPanel DiscussionModerator: Lincoln Lavoie Panelists: Shankarnarayanan N. K, Kobus Van der Merwe, Hongwei, Fransiscus Asisi Bimo, Ian Wong, Florian Kaltenberger
3:40 - 4:00RAN Stack CU-DU features and capabilities or O-RAN Stack CU-DU Reference Design and ImplementationTech TalkGanesh Shenbagaraman
4:00 - 4:20How to Enable SMO through Nephio a PerspectiveTech TalkSeshu Kumar Mudiganti and Ravi Ravindran
4:20 - 4:40O-RAN OAMTech TalkAlex Stancu
4:40 - 5:00AIMLFWTech TalkSubhash Kumar Singh


Time:  13:00 to 17:00



David KinseyAT&T
Irfan GhauriOpenAirInterface Software Alliance
Chih Lin ICMCC
John KeeneyEricsson EST
Aravindhan AyyanathanEricsson EST
James LiChina Mobile
N. K. ShankaranarayananRutgers University
Kobus Van der MerweUniversity of Utah
Hongwei ZhangIowa State University
Fransiscus Asisi BimoNational Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Michele PoelseNorthEastern University
Florian KaltenbergerEURECOM
Lincoln LavoieUNH-IOL
Ian WongVIAVI Solutions
Seshu Kumar MudigantiWindriver
Ravi RavindranF5
Alex StancuHighstreet Technologies
Subhash Kumar SinghSamsung

Profiles of the Speakers: LINK

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