PNF Plug'n'Play
PNF Plug'n'Play
- Martin Skorupski
Owned by Martin Skorupski
The first implementation of this use case was implemented and demonstrated for O-RAN-SC A release.
For the C release a regression test is required.
Message flow
- The O-RAN component sends a VES 7.1 pnfRegistration event after its startup and/or its VES end-point-configuration.
- The VES Collector verifies the content and forwards the event to the message bus (ONAP DMaap)
- After initialization and startup of the O1-controller, the O1 controller starts polling on the message bus for topic "unauthenticated.VES_PNFREG_OUTPUT"
- After such topic is received by the O1 Contoller ....
- ... the O1 Controller checks its content, if all information to setup an NetConf connections are part of the VES message content, a mountpoint is created to automatically establish a NetConf connection. The minimal content is
- IP address in IPv4 or IPv6 format
- the NetConf port: standard port number is 830
- the security protocol; TLS of SSH and its user credentials
- Once the SSH or TLS connection is established, the standard NetConf <hello/> message is request.
- If the security requirements for a NetConf connection are fulfilled, the NetConf Server of the O-RAN Component exposes its NetConf APIs and NetConf features.
Verification Command
The following command should display the new mounted device and its connection-status:
HTTP-GET BasicAuth admin:Kp8bJ4SXszM0WXlhak3eHlcse2gAw84vaoGGmJvUy2U Accept: application/yang-data+json /rests/data/network-topology:network-topology/topology=topology-netconf?content=nonconfig&fields=node(node-id;netconf-node-topology:connection-status)