xFAPI: Deployment Guideline

xFAPI: Deployment Guideline

1. Introduction

Detail the approach of steps for xFAPI, OSC-DU & FlexRAN deployment

1.1) Description:
xFAPI is an intermediate component that bridges the L1 and L2 layers within the O-RAN architecture. It functions as a translator for both FAPI and nFAPI interfaces, ensuring seamless communication between these interfaces.

It comprises of two major components:
API Translator translates the vendor-specific APIs used by L1 and L2 vendors whereas IPC Integrator provides interoperability between L1 and L2 components by overcoming IPC compatibility challenges.

In addition to its core functions, xFAPI provides advanced features such as detailed PDU statistics generation at both interfaces, robust debugging tools like a memory logger, state manager, multi-level logging, and a comprehensive dashboard for monitoring and analysis.

xSM: The "x" in xSM signifies "any," while "SM" stands for "Shared Memory." xSM is an advanced shared memory library designed to standardize IPC through shared memory. It simplifies communication between L1 and L2 components, which often rely on different shared memory libraries.


1.2) System topology


Topology : [OSC DU-High – xFAPI – FlexRAN]


xFAPI Reference Architecture

2. Minimum Requirements

Detail the hardware and software requirements necessary for the installation

  • Cores: 3rd gen N series Intel Cpu

  • Accelerator : ACC100

  • RAM : 128 GB memory

  • Storage: 500 GB

  • Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04 with Real-time kernel


  • Cores: 4th Gen N series Intel Cpu with Vran boost

  • RAM: 256Gi Memory

3. Installation

Step-by-step instructions for deployment

3.1) Environment Setup

  • Step up the env. variables for FlexRAN :

cd phy/ source setupenv.sh
  • Load Env. variables for xFAPI :

cd <xfapi directory> source loadenvvar.sh
  • Configure IPs for OSC-DU High and cu_stub :

ifconfig lo:ODU "" ifconfig lo:CU_STUB ""


3.2) Prerequisites

Before proceeding, ensure the following dependencies are installed on your system:

  • GCC

Make sure you have GCC version 9.5 installed :

sudo apt-get install -y build-essential gcc --version

Install the LKSCTP library:

sudo apt-get install -y libsctp-dev
  • PCAP:

sudo apt-get install -y libpcap-dev
  • ICX :

icx (ICX) 2023.0.0 (2023.0.0.20221201)

  • Intel oneAPI :

Intel oneAPI version: l_BaseKit_p_2023.0.0.25537_offline.sh, (2023.0.0)

  • DPDK :

DPDK Configuration: Intel DPDK version 22.11.1

  • Cmake :

Recommended version of Cmake: cmake version 3.9.2


 3.3) FlexRAN

  • Clone the project repo:

    git clone https://github.com/intel/FlexRAN
  • Add the env setting script to .bashrc :

    vim ~/.bashrc add source /opt/intel/oneapi/setvars.sh to the script

3.4) xSM Library

  • Locate the Zip Folder:

    mv /path/to/xSM_lib.zip /desired/deployment/path/
  • Unzip the project :

    cd /desired/deployment/path/ unzip xSM_lib.zip


3.5) OSC Du-High

First, create a directory where you will clone the O-DU High code. This folder will be referred to as <O-DU High Directory>.

mkdir <O-DU High Directory> cd <O-DU High Directory>
  • Clone the project repo:

git clone https://github.com/o-ran-sc/o-du-l2.git cd o-du-l2 git checkout i-release
  • Modify the Makefile :

Go to the /build/odu directory and make the following changes in the Makefile:

  • Copy the wls_lib folder from the O-DU PHY repository:

git clone https://github.com/o-ran-sc/o-du-phy.git
  • After cloning, copy the wls_lib folder into the O-DU L2 source directory (/o-du-l2/src/):

cp -r o-du-phy/wls_lib/ <O-DU High Directory>/o-du-l2/src/



  • Build O-DU High in the o-du-l2/build/odu Directory:

  • Build cu_stub :

  • Copy the libxsm.so from /src/xSM_lib :

cp ../../src/xSM_lib/libxsm.so ../../bin/odu
  • Navigate to the Binary Directory:

cd ../../bin


3.6) xFAPI

  • Locate the Zip Folder:

mv /path/to/xfapi.zip /desired/deployment/path/
  • Unzip the project :

cd /desired/deployment/path/ unzip xfapi.zip

3.7) By this point, we should have the required binaries at these places

  • Flexran binary [l1app] at:

  • xFAPI binary [xfapi_app] at :

<xFAPI_directory>/bin/libxsm.so <OSC_DU_high_directory>/bin/odu/libxsm.so
  • ODU binary [odu] at :

  • cu_stub binary [cu_stub] at :



3.8) Executing Stack

The sequence of execution of binaries is:

  1. FlexRAN

  2. xFAPI

  3. cu_stub

  4. OSC DU-High

  • Executing FlexRAN :

cd FlexRAN/l1/bin/nr5g/gnb/l1 ./l1.sh -xran [for radio] ./l1.sh -e [for timer mode]
  • Executing xFAPI :

cd <xFAPI_directory>/bin ./run_xfapi.sh
  • Executing cu_stub :

cd <OSC_DU_high_directory>/bin/odu/odu ./cu_stub
  • Executing DU-High :

cd <OSC_DU_high_directory>/bin/odu/odu ./odu

4. Post-Installation Verification

Outline how to verify that the installation was successful.

Expected Result:

5. Demonstration

Here is a demo of the deployment of xFAPI, following this guide :

Demo Video

6. Troubleshooting

Provide common issues and their solutions.

Issue 1: Error in loading shared libraries while executing the FlexRAN

./l1.shxran Radio mode with XRAN Sub6 100Mhz ./l1.sh: line 33: ./dpdk.sh: No such file or directory kernel.sched_rt_runtime_us = -1 kernel.shmmax = 2147483648 kernel.shmall = 2147483648 using configuration file phycfg_xran.xml using configuration file xrancfg_sub6.xml


cd phy/ source setupenv.sh


  • Issue 2: Parsing error in FlexRAN

FlexRAN SDK bblib_lte_rate_dematching_5gnr version #DIRTY# Cannot open file FlexRAN SDK bblib_lte_turbo version #DIRTY# FlexRAN SDK bblib_lte_rate_matching version #DIRTY# FlexRAN SDK bblib_srs_fft_cestimate_5gnr version #DIRTY# FlexRAN SDK bblib_mldts_process_5gnr version #DIRTY# Exitting the application because of xml parsing issues Cleanup after [PID] 1233284


Update the <version> in phycfg_xran.cfg file, located at : FlexRAN/l1/bin/nr5g/gnb/l1/phycfg_xran.xml # Original File <PhyConfig> <version>oran_k_release_v1.0</version> <Api> <!-- Maximum number of successive missing API allowed before triggering PHY stop (-1 <successiveNoApi>15</successiveNoApi> <!-- WLS Wakeup Secondary process mode. 1: Wakeup using Semaphore. 0: Do usleep and <wls_sema_wake_up>1</wls_sema_wake_up> # Changes in file <PhyConfig> <version>23.07</version> <Api> <!-- Maximum number of successive missing API allowed before triggering PHY stop (-1 <successiveNoApi>30</successiveNoAρί> <!-- WLS Wakeup Secondary process mode. 1: Wakeup using Semaphore. 0: Do usleep and <wls_sema_wake_up>1</wls_sema_wake_up>


  • Issue 3: Error in loading xsm lib in xFAPI

./run_xfapi.sh STARTING XFAPI: ./xfapi_app: error while loading shared libraries: libxsm.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


cd <xfapi directory> source loadenvvar.sh


  • Issue 4: Failed to bind the socket while executing the cu_stub

EGTP: Failed to bind socket EGTP: Transport server open request failed DEBUG --> SCTP: Initializing date: 10/08/2024 time: 07:55:32 mtss(posix): sw error: ent: 255 inst: 255 proc id: 000 file: /home/four/du_with_cuStub/src/cm/cm_inet.c line: 1743 errcode: 00007 errcls: ERRCLS_DEBUG errval: 00000 errdesc: cmInetSctpBindx() Failed: error (99), port (38472), sockFd->fd(5)


Configure the virtual IP addresses ifconfig lo:ODU "" ifconfig lo:CU_STUB ""


NOTE: Log files can be generated in xFAPI for detailed analysis. Both horizontal and vertical logging levels can be configured in the xfapi_cfg.cfg file.

Log file configuraitons [log_file] Generate_Logs_File=true #verical level logs generation in log file Vertical_Level_File=LOG_DEBUG #xfapi log generation in log file Xfapi_Log_File=true #XSM log generation in log file xSM_Log_File=true #P5 log generation in log file P5_Log_File=true #P7 log generation in log file P7_Log_File=true #Date and time log generation in log file Print_Datetime_File= true

7. Additional Resources

List of additional documentation, links, or resources that may be helpful.

  • Documentation: (Link to official documentation or user manuals.)

  • Support: (Contact information for support or a link to a support forum.)

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