INF project status in release Cherry
INF project status in release Cherry
At this page, we will track the project progress.
NOTE: Code freeze time is week of 26-Oct ~ 31-Oct
NOTE: Cherry release time is week of 7-Dec ~ 12-Dec
Jira information:
. Chart by: Issue Type
Jira table:
For Cherry release, major deliverables:
ID | Title | Notes |
New | Enable the 2 servers deployment scenario (AIO duplex) | 2 servers. 2 AIO servers with HA (high availability), the controller functionality and storage functionality will be deployed at the 2 servers with standby-active mode managed by "service management". If one server or one service in one server has error, it will be switched from active to standby one to maintain the service availability. |
New | Enable the 2 servers deployment scenario (AIO duplex) with extra worker node | Based on AIO duplex mode, allow to add more worker node. |
New (stretch goal) | Enable the standard muptiple servers deployment senario | 2 dedicated controller servers within the storage inside, and multiple worker nodes. |
New (stretch goal) | Enable the standard muptiple servers with dedicated storage node deployment senario | 2 dedicated controllers servers, 2/3 (more) dedicated storage servers, and multiple worker nodes. |
New (stretch goal) | Extend the ARM Kubernetes cluster to the ARM StarlingX enabled O-Cloud reference | In the Bronze release, it supports the following deliverables related ARCH * IA Kubernetes cluster * IA StarlingX enabled O-Cloud reference * ARM Kubernetes cluster In the Cherry release, it will support the: * ARM StarlingX enabled O-Cloud reference |
New | Interoperability with O-DU | Work with ODULOW and ODUHIGH, make sure the O-Cloud from INF could meet the platform requirement for ODU, and do the integation test. |
New | Interoperability with O-CU | Work with OCU, make sure the O-Cloud from INF could meet the platform requirement for ODU, and do the integation test. |
New | Create the test/use case for O-Cloud to align with WG6 specifications | TBD |
New (stretch goal) | Interoperability with other module such NT-RIC and RIC | TBD |
- Status update @ 08-June-2020
- Status update @ 14th-Oct-2019 for F2F TOC at Costa Rica
- Status update @ 10th-Sept-2019 :