2019-10-09 meeting agenda and minutes

Agenda and minutes:

  • Status update:
    • For Release A (Amber), the code freeze time is 2nd Nov. 
    • Kevin Zhang need work on EPIC for Release B
    •  lujq1 will work with CMCC and WG6 to finalize the AAL API defination asap. And there is risk to put it into Rlease A.
    • pti/rtp, Jackie Huang has started intial repo setup, include the rt kernel, k8s and docker. 
    • Bin Yang will help on CI-CD (ci-manager). Former user (Deleted) will bridge some expert to help.
  • Costa Rica f2f meeting proposal 
  • Continue discuss about the Akraino and StarlingX
  • AR: Xiaohua Zhang Sync up with @Lushen about what/how to be tested for Release A.
  • If Paul Carvercan put some links about the Akraino/REC, it will be helpful. 
    • Akraino REC considers itself to be downstream of the O-RAN RIC, not upstream, so that might not be the most appropriate location.
    • The main REC page is https://wiki.akraino.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=6128402
    • The REC is the first member of the Telco Appliance blueprint family and we envision a variety of different telco appliances (radio and non-radio related) being based off of the shared TA code
    • The primary purpose of the Akraino Continuous Integration system as far as REC is concerned is to build an ISO DVD image that can be deployed in a repeatable manner. Currently the images which are built are purely Telco Appliance code, not REC because as far as we understand, the RIC isn't currently in a state where the Akraino/Linux Foundation CI system can pull it in and package it. Our goal is to package the RIC together with TA into a combined ISO DVD image that can be deployed identically, repeatably without Internet access.
    • The TA code is made up of three main sets of components and is located in many individual repositories. The repositories are described here.
    • Radio Edge Cloud (and TA) is intended as a full stack integrated hardware and software platform. The software ingredients are expected to be reused in many different blueprints and to be portable across many different hardware platforms, but the recommendation for production deployment is to either use one of the tested hardware platforms or to join the REC project in order to contribute support for an additional platform. The primary goal of the project is not merely to deliver software, but to deliver a fully tested, integrated platform. The ability to reuse components (both hardware and software components) in other separate and distinct fully tested, integrated platforms is an important secondary goal.
    • We expect that the primary work involved with each blueprint in the Telco Appliance family will be the integration, testing and tuning of the hardware and software to provide an optimized, integrated stack. We expect that the specific tuning and in some cases hardware variation will depend on the specific upstream application that each blueprint is packaging. In the case of REC, the upstream application is the O-RAN RIC. In the case of other blueprints the tuning would likely be different based on the needs of other upstream applications (which may include non-radio-related applications.)


  • The week of from 13th-Oct to 18th-Oct has the O-RAN alliance and SC face to face meeting, the weekly meeting will be reschedule.

If any topics during the f2f meeting, propose the information inside the INF group is more than welcome.

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