K Release

K Release


Welcome to the K release page for the O-RAN Software community.

The K release is currently in incubation; initiating the definition of the requirements


Non-Real-time RIC (NONRTRIC)

Non-Real-time RIC (NONRTRIC)

K-Release - Highlights:

  • Service Manager (SME) updated

  • rApp Manager updated

  • Suite of Sample rApps & rApp assembly toolkit

  • A1-Policy functions updated to ONAP Oslo versions

  • Numerous bug-fixes, performance, security & vulnerability updates across many functions

  • Updated user guides & documentation

  • Improved deployment & integration for NONRTRIC functions & with other projects

  • Improved testsuite for NONRTRIC function & integration tests

K Release - Tasks:

PTL: @John Keeney (Ericsson EST)

Wiki: https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/wiki/display/RICNR/

Latest Architecture: 



Tasks / Backlog / JIRA: https://jira.o-ran-sc.org/projects/NONRTRIC/issues

Gerrit / Source Code:

Sonar / Test Coverage Reports




Weekly Meetings:

Release K - Demos

Release K - Container images

Release K - Deployment Instructions


Near-Real-time RIC X-APPs (RICAPP)

Near-Real-time RIC X-APPs (RICAPP)

Primary Goals:  Expand the community on open source xApps for O-RAN SC. 

 Update and maintain the existing xApps to latest releases (currently K Release).

Enhance the set of open source xApps in support of the RSAC use cases and add new xApps.

K release plan: 

  • New ad-cell xApp to detect cell level anomaly. - Moving to next release

  • New ccc xApp to support E2SM CCC. - Moving to next release

PTL: @Sunil Singh 

wiki: RIC Applications (RICAPP) - RIC Applications - Confluence (o-ran-sc.org)

Latest Architecture: Architecture - RIC Applications - Confluence (o-ran-sc.org)

Components: HW xApps (hw, hw-python, hw-go, hw-rust), ad, qp, bouncer, ts, lp, rc, kpimon-go.

Tasks / Backlog / JIRA: Near Realtime RAN Intelligent Controller Applications - ORAN Jira (o-ran-sc.org)

Gerrit / Source Code:

Jira: Count of Epics, User Stories, Tasks, and Issues:  Total (10)

K release highlights/accomplishments:

K release source code, container images and deployment instructions

The list of container images 

Code Coverage Reports : 


Near-Real-time RAN Intelligent Controller Platform (E2 Interface) (RICPLT)

Near-Real-time RAN Intelligent Controller Platform (E2 Interface) (RICPLT)

Original primary goals based on contributions from Nokia, Samsung, Capgemini, Alexandre Huff (UTFPR), GS Lab and Abhijit G:

Link to planned Jira work items: https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/browse/RIC-993

Achieved K release highlights = high-level release notes (2024-12-19) below (note that the release image list is here: link)

PTL: @abdulwahid.w


K release source code, container images and deployment instructions

The list of container images for the release : https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/wiki/x/EIAEDQ

Code coverage:  https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RICP/pages/14124077

Mapping of new features to O-RAN Spec


Operation and Maintenance (OAM)

Operation and Maintenance (OAM)

Primary Goals:

  • update of O-RAN WG10 VES message bodies

  • update of O-RAN WG4 optional VES bodies

  • update of OAM-Controller to OpenDaylight version Potassium-SR3 (https://docs.opendaylight.org/en/latest/downloads.html)

  • support of other O-RAN-SC projects (e.g. SMO, Non-RT-RIC, O-DU, INT, SIM) based on RSAC and other input.

  • support of OAI and nephio integration with O-RAN-SC related to OAM in collaboration with O-RAN OSFG.

K release Feature Scope

Please see also project wiki for further details: K-Release

PTL: @Martin Skorupski

K release highlights/accomplishments:

Please see release details:

  • Update on the topology generator of O-RAN components

    • using the topology to generate day0 data for the deployments

    • generating a topology data model which is inline with discussions at O-RAN WG10 TE&IV

  • Support of hybrid and hierarchical OAM architecture

  • OAM specific K8S helm

K release source code, container images and deployment instructions (and status)

Jira: Count of Epics ( 15 issues ), User Stories, Tasks, and Issues:  166 issues

Source Code:



O-RAN Central Unit (OCU)

O-RAN Central Unit (OCU)

Primary Goals:

  • In the absence of O-CU, Radisys commercial CU image is to be used for E2E testing

K release Feature Scope

K Release Feature Scope: 

  • NA






Primary Goals:

1. End-to-end integration 

2. OSC-OAI Collaboration

3. nFapi interface development

4. Containerization of ODU, CU stub & RIC stub

K release Feature Scope

PTL:  @Ankit Barve 

Status on Dec 19, 2024 

K release highlights/accomplishments (Dec 14, 2023):

  • End-to-end integration

    • Integration resumed in this release with XFAPI and ODU Low up and running, testing with TM500 and ODU high started for the reception of broadcast messages

  • OSC-OAI Collaboration

    • FAPI interface messages are aligned with OAI and fixes for initial messages are done. OAI L1 receiving messages from ODU High. Working on Broadcast message reception at UE SIM.

  • nFAPI interface development

  • Containerization of ODU, CU stub and RIC stub

    • Feature completed with local testing with all three modules

K release source code, container images, and deployment instructions (and status)

source code: https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/gitweb?p=o-du%2Fl2.git;a=shortlog;h=refs%2Fheads%2Fk-release
Release notes: Release-Notes — o-du-l2 master documentation
Document: Welcome to O-RAN SC O-DU-L2 Documentation — o-du-l2 master documentation
Code coverage: NA (Unit test framework not available)




Primary Goals:

  1. Include features from base FlexRAN release v23.07

  2. End-to-end integration 

  3. Support fronthaul interface with RU Sim or real O-RU

K release Feature Scope

  • Based on FlexRAN 23.07 release adding SPR support, scalability support, and dynamic cell management.  

  • End-to-end integration testing validated

  • Compliance with multiple commercial radio vendors.

  • Work with xFAPI L1-L2 interface

PTL:  @Peng Lu , Alternate: @Ashwini Bhagat

K release highlights/accomplishments ():
Includes a binary release for FlexRAN and source release for WLS library and xRAN library.

K release source code, container images, and deployment instructions (and status)

source code: gerrit.o-ran-sc Code Review - o-du/phy.git/summary  
Release notes: O-DU Low Project Release Notes — o-du-phy master documentation
Document: O-RAN SC Projects — oran master documentation
Code coverage: 


Simulators (SIM)

Simulators (SIM)

Primary Goals:

  • Provide interface simulation according to O-RAN specifications (O1, E2)

K Feature Scope:

  • Keep alignment with latest O-RAN specifications (O1, E2)

  • Focus on hybrid and hierarchical OAM architecture 

Sprint Demos:

PTL: @Alex Stancu

Jira: Count of Epics, User Stories, Tasks, and Issues: 

K release highlights:

  • Started implementation of a new Python version for the simulated O-RU and simulated O-DU. Will slip into maintenance release.

  • Aligned YANG models for O1 and OpenFronthaul M-Plane with June 2024 train

  • Started implementation of hybrid and hierarchical O-RU simulators. Simulated O-DUs can accept connections from O-RUs. Will slip into maintenance release.

K release source code, container images and deployment instructions

Source code:

Container images are described here.

Instructions: no specific instructions.

Code coverage: postponed for next release (Python code now).


Service Management and Orchestration Layer (SMO)

Service Management and Orchestration Layer (SMO)

Primary Goals:

The primary goal of SMO in the H-release is to act as glue between the different components of O-RAN.

K release Feature Scope

Improve O2 DMS ETSi profile.

improve the NFO K8s profile integration with OSC-INF.

PTL: @Seshu Kumar Mudiganti 

K release highlights/accomplishments ():

Showcased the demos for the Montreal F2F

  1. Topology Exposure & Inventory (TEIV)

    1. Topology Exposure & Inventory (TE&IV): Intro & Demo

  2. SMO O2 (FOCOM and NFO (K8s)) demo of the IMS and DMS (as a possibility) - Shashi and Vamshi

    1. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kWhqy219L2kebXfBf2Q9lUyY2pkXDiyp 

  3. Nephio integration with the OSC-SMO (as a stretch and possible idea for the demo) - Vamshi

    1. NFO demo through SMO

    2. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1kWhqy219L2kebXfBf2Q9lUyY2pkXDiyp 

  4. Demo on Tacker for DMS ETSi profile. - Thoshi and Tacker Team

    1. FM and PM data 

    2. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1H8eISd6CFeI72fl1AsntD3DuTPaufDQW

K release source code, container images and deployment instructions (and status)

K release source code for SMO can be found in the following repositories

The container images for SMO can be found on the Nexus server, where applicable.
The container images for OpenStack Tacker can be found in OpenStack Kolla repository.

The OpenStack Tacker container can be started with the steps in the following documentation.

The installation instructions for SMO can be found in the documentation page here.


The status of the SMO project is tracked using Jira items. For the latest status refer to the items below.


Infrastructure (INF)

Infrastructure (INF)

Primary Goals: 

  • Implement the O-Cloud reference design, provide the real time performance to allow the O-CU, O-DU and other components running on top of it.

  • Provide interaction capabilities with other components.

  • Provide O2 interface and support integration with SMO.

K release Feature Scope:  

  • Update INF StarlingX O-Cloud for ARM64 to aligned with StarlingX 9.0

  • Update O2 implementation to aligned with new Spec

  • Add Bare metal support for OKD O-Cloud

  • Add O2 operator integration for OKD O-Cloud.

PTL: @Jackie Huang

K release highlights/accomplishments (Dec 5, 2024  ):

  • Updated INF StarlingX O-Cloud for ARM64 to aligned with StarlingX 9.0

  • Updated O2 implementation to aligned with new Spec

  • Added Bare metal support for OKD O-Cloud

  • Added O2 operator integration for OKD O-Cloud

Jira: Status of Epics, User Stories, Tasks, and Issues:

Update at  

  • EPICs:

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

  • Stories:

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

  •  Tasks:

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

  •  Bugs:

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

Test status:

Code coverage:

Release Note: TODO

K release source code, images and deployment instructions


Integration and Test (INT)

Integration and Test (INT)

Primary Goals: 

  • Testing deployment of each OSC projects in OSC Labs

K Feature Scope / Achievements:

PTL: @bimo fransiscus asisi

Wiki: Integration and Testing

K release highlights/accomplishments:

K release source code, container images and deployment instructions:


AIML Framework (AIMLFW)

AIML Framework (AIMLFW)

Primary Goals: 

K release highlights/accomplishments:

  •  Align with Specification as per R1AP v6.0

    • Model registration APIs has been introduced to align as per specification guidance.

    • Model discovery APIs has been align as per specification guidance.

    • Model training APIs has been align as per the specification guidance.

  • Exposure of AIMLFW over R1 interface (SME registration): aiml-fw-aimlfw-dep/demos/SME integration at master · o-ran-sc/aiml-fw-aimlfw-dep

  • https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/browse/AIMLFW-133SQLAlchemy has been used to handle model driven approach for models in Training manager and MME module.

  • API has been added to update the existing modelreleatedInfo.

  • API has been added to delete the modelRelatedInfo from MME.

  • Data, controller and service abstraction layer has been introduced in TM as part of refactoring effort.

  • Notification on change in training job has been introduced.

  • A new pipeline has been introduced to retrain the model.

  • SDKs has been hosted over the pip

    • model storage

    • feature store

  • Use case traffic forecasting introduced : https://lf-o-ran-sc.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AIMLFEW/pages/121274429

EPICs considered for K-release:









PTL: @subhash

WikiAI/ML Framework

Tasks / Backlog / JIRA:  https://jira.o-ran-sc.org/projects/AIMLFW/issues

Gerrit / Code:

Sonar / Test Coverage Reports:



Installation/Demo guides:

AIMLFW: https://docs.o-ran-sc.org/projects/o-ran-sc-aiml-fw-aimlfw-dep/en/latest/installation-guide.html

Release Container images:

  • Training manager component: nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10002/o-ran-sc/aiml-fw-awmf-tm-docker:3.0.0

  • Data extraction component: nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10002/o-ran-sc/aiml-fw-athp-data-extraction-docker:3.0.0

  • Kubeflow adapter component: nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10002/o-ran-sc/aiml-fw-athp-tps-kubeflow-adapter-docker:3.0.0

  • AIMLFW dashboard component: nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10002/o-ran-sc/portal-aiml-dashboard-docker:3.0.0

  • AIMLFW notebook component: nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10002/o-ran-sc/portal-aiml-notebook-docker:3.0.0

  • AIMLFW Model Management service component: nexus3.o-ran-sc.org:10002/o-ran-sc/aiml-fw-awmf-modelmgmtservice-docker:3.0.0

O-RAN specification References:

  • O-RAN AI/ML workflow description and requirements

  • O-RAN R1 interface: General Aspects and Principles v9.0

  • O-RAN Non-RT RIC Architecture

  • O-RAN R1 interface: Use Cases and Requirements

  • R1 interface: Application Protocols for R1 Services v6.0

Documentation (DOC)

Documentation (DOC)

Primary Goals: publish K release document

K release Feature Scope: publish K release document summurize all projects.

PTL: @Weichen Ni 

K release highlights/accomplishments ():

publish K release document:https://docs.o-ran-sc.org/en/latest/

Release Note:

update K release document

K release source code, images and deployment instructions



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