Onboard xApp

Onboard xApp

Obsolete Note

We are in the process of moving this xApp writing guide to https://docs.o-ran-sc.org.

Please refer to App Writing Guide for latest guide.

To onboard an xApp, you can utilize either the CLI tool or the REST APIs of xapp onboarder.


  • A working RIC instance. Please refer to "RIC Installation Guide" for details.
  • xApp descriptor JSON file
  • Schema JSON file

Onboarding using xapp-onboarder RESTAPIs

  1. Find out the ingress IP for your RIC instance. If you deploy RIC using it/dep deployment script, it should be your host(VM)'s IP.
  2. We recommend to use postman for rest API calls.

    • Download postman
    • (optional) you can download and import our postman API collection file here. Set ingress_host to the INGRESS IP. ingress_port_http to 32080, xapp_onboard_path to /onboard, and appmgr_path to /appmgr


  1. Onboard xApp
    • Send a POST request to http://INGRESS_HOST:32080/onboard/api/v1/onboard
    • Header Content-Type is application/json
    • Body includes two entry:
      • config-file.json: The xapp descriptor JSON. Copy your xapp descriptor file content into the config-file.json section of the body.
      • controls-schema.json: The schema JSON for controls section. Copy the schema file into the controls-schema.json section of the body. (OPTIONAL, if you don't have controls section in your descriptor)
  2. (Optional)Download xApp helm chart

Onboarding using xapp-onboarder CLI tools

  1. Find out the ingress IP for your RIC instance. If you deploy RIC using it/dep deployment script, it should be your host(VM)'s IP.
  2. Install xapp-onboarder CLI

    git clone "https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/it/dev"
    cd dev/xapp_onboarder
    pip3 install ./
  3. Set up the environment variables for CLI connection

    export CHART_REPO_URL="http://<INGRESS_IP>:32080/helmrepo"
    # It should return True if your CLI tool is properly connected to the RIC instance
    cli health
  4. Onboard your xApp. Please refer to xApp descriptor for preparing for the xApp descriptor

    # Make sure that you have the xapp descriptor config file and the schema file at your local file system

    If onboarding fails, the cli will return you messages that indicate where the errors are in the descriptor.

  5. (OPTIONAL) Download the xApp helm charts

     cli download_helm_chart XAPP_CHART_NAME VERSION --output_path=OUTPUT_PATH
  6. (OPTIONAL) Download the xApp override values.yaml file

    cli download_values_yaml XAPP_CHART_NAME VERSION --output_path=OUTPUT_PATH

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